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Everything posted by Irgy

  1. Seoni is encountering a ghost as part of the closing check for the farmhouse. She has two cards in hand, a guard and a Sihedron Medallion. When I try to use her Arcane Blast power, I try to discard a card, and it just goes back into my hand. It always appears on the right, doesn't matter if I drag the card or zoom and tap the word discard. Evventually I figured out that if I select combat for the check type first it worked fine.
  2. When Amiri uses her bury a card power, has the upgrade to bury from the top of her library instead, and has no cards in hand, she gets the benefit for free. By which I mean no card appears to be buried from the top of her deck - there's no animation, no change to deck size, no new buried cards. Seems to happen every time for me at least.
  3. Ok, I came to the game over a week later, in a new year, with a new ios, and after playing a bunch of games with a different party. Somewhere in all that something changed that force closing the app didn't. It was back to Amiri making the check, no option to transfer it. I didn't dare try and use the staff. I made the check and the scenario ended (successfull) without requiring a second check.
  4. I had the challenge mode where you roll 1d6 every time you defeat a monster and on a 1 you take 1 fire damage. What I discovered was that every time I defeated a monster which itself dealt 1 fire damage after you act, what would happen was it would roll "1d6 + 1", and of course subsequently I didn't take any fire damage. This might help explain why enchanter and goblin pyro aren't working generally.
  5. I guess my point though was that even in the scenario you describe, never reverting quest mode to its previously functional state would still be utterly ridiculous. I would be shocked if it was more than a 30 minute fix once someone actually looks at it. The only time consuming part would be the release/patch process and the regression testing (that you could be excused for doubting the existance of).
  6. Sorry, but I don't agree that their decision to deprioritise quest mode in any way excuses or even relates to this bug. It's one thing to choose not to spend a lot of time doing the QA required to extend quest mode to new levels (which is what they're talking about in the blog). It's another thing entirely to break what's already working and not bother fixing it. Especially when it's almost certainly a simple fix - it seems to be 100% reproduceable and in a well isolated area of functionality. Although admittedly fixing the mess that the bug has made will be a fair bit of work even if the bug itself shouldn't be. The only reason it's not fixed is it's the christmas holdiays and Morgiv was more important to fix before then. I just think it's very pessimistic to think they won't sort this out some time soon.
  7. So I'm playing a six character party through 6.6 on legendary, I guess I'm a masochist. I fight through Runewarden after Runewarden, rolling dice, discarding cards (and revealing a lot of rings!). After easily an hour I finally get to the villain at the bottom, all prepared for the final battle... *Amiri explores, I do the damage thing. * I select Lini for the first check. I go to play Sunburst, I have to make a check first. I pass the check. It asks me whether to add the 3d8, I say yes. So far so good. * I use a power (I think Lini's animal d4+4 power), it changes the check type. I've lost my 3d8 for good now. I can cancel and replay the Sunburst, it adds and subtracts 3, but I can'tget my 3d8 back, I can't use her weapon, I can't use either of Lini's powers. The dice are d12 plus 2 or 3 d4 plus 4, with no cards displayed, I have no idea why. Menu and back doesn't help. Other characters can do things but nothing of Lini's in highlighted. * I go to Ezren and his staff of hungry hungry shadows. I roll. It then returns to Amiri. The button to select another character again isn't there. She only has one card in hand. I cycle to the menu to see if that sorts it out... And now I'm stuck rolling for the hungry hungry shadows. It says "roll to reduce difficulty", I roll, the number shows, the dice goes, I can't progress at all. There's red cancel button which does nothing. Can't do anything but forfeit. I can't politely express how furious I am. I'm going to leave it in its current state, maybe that will help debug it. VER-751-20161221 PFID-6DC88A9ADD180E28 Irgy_#7853
  8. Mine never popped up as advancing but when I looked back at the menu it was finished. Maybe I got the gold too but who can tell. What definitely didn't happen was the weekly quest advancing, it still says 0/5. It might also be nice to know wth the weekly reward is, as far as I can tell the reward for the week is a description of the reward for the week
  9. What about the quest mode card feats bug? I'm not saying you shouldn't patch the other things straight away (particularly Morgiv) if they're fixed, but quest mode is completely unplayable until that gets fixed, I'd have thought it was a fairly high priority. Is there an ETA on the next patch?
  10. Oh was about to post that I can't get my challenge rewards and found this thread. Now I don't even know whether I got the gold or not. I might have. If the change is just you don't have that extra redundant step to get the gold then that's great. But the text on the "Challenges" box itself still says: "Completed challenges will be visible in the "Pickup Rewards" tab!". If nothing else, this is something that should be fixed, as they're not visible in that tab, and are still visible in the "Current" tab, so the text is incorrect. (Though please work on the quest mode card feats bug and the ally who banishes your whole hand first, I'm too scared to play the game at all while those are active!)
  11. I can confirm it happens with lower level characters as well.
  12. My first and only attempt at adventure deck 6 was halted after the following sequence of events. Valeros encountered the Wendigo at the Mountain Peak. I temp-closed a location. Everyone attempted and failed the Wendigo's "increase the difficulty" wisdom check. He used his Vicious Double Axe and a Charmed Red Dragon. Valeros passed the check. The sequence of events after passing the check was (I think): * Valeros takes 1 force damage from the axe, discards a shield. * The Dragon roll is made (and "passes", in that it wasn't a 1) * The location is shown closing and the Villain escapes to one of the two unattended locations. * Valeros is, for no clear reason, prompted again to discard a card for taking 1 damage. His shield is also back in his hand. I discard it again. At this point, everything is fine, except that I can't do anything. The only thing highlighted at the top is the green "explore phase" icon, the end turn and reset hand buttons are disabled, there's no blue triangle. I have no way to progress. After a vault round trip, I find myself asked to discard a card to 1 damage again, but with no shield in hand this time. I discard my blessing. The location closing and villain escaping is shown again. And then I'm back in the same situation, no way to progress. I eventually forfeited. I don't really know what triggered this problem, but I have generally found that having multiple end of encounter effects can cause a mix up so I guess it's related to some combination of the Vicious Double Axe, Charmed Red Dragon and Villain escaping. Hard to tell though really.
  13. They sure did fix this bug and then some; it is indeed impossible to trigger Shimmering Veils of Pride's location ability with any of the listed abilities...
  14. It's happened to me on every single quest mode game. It appears that you get every card feat you're eligible for again every time. My characters all have too many card feats now. This is quite game breaking as it's going to be very hard to back-out properly, even if you implement a way to reduce the card feats back to the normal level how is everyone going to pick which ones to keep?
  15. There was a similar issue in the previous version. Try selecting through all of the characters before selecting any actual roles, it worked before for some people. Or it might be a new thing. Worth a shot though.
  16. I've found it happens specifically when using a weapon. If you don't use weapon, in my experience, it doesn't let you play it, but as soon as you use one it highlights.
  17. Playing quest mode, I encountered the villain Nualia on literally the first explore of the game. Ezren and Sajn were together at the location. The following occurred (in the order presented): a) Ezren takes d4 force damage. b) Ezren is prompted to make a combat check, passes the check. c) Ezren is dealt another 4 damage (presumably force damage, but I missed the dice roll), his hand is now empty. d) Sajan is dealt d4+1 force damage (and no, I have no idea no idea why the +1) e) Sajan is prompted to make a combat check, passes the check. His hand is now also empty. f) Sajan is prompted to make a combat check. g) I rage-quit (forfeit). In total three instances of damage, three combat checks required. I assume, in hindsight, that Sajan's first check was in fact the first of the two checks required, and that the encounter effectively restarted at that point. I can't remember the difficulty to confirm, I wouldn't have noticed at the time because I'm playing on Legendary and there's always so many things affecting the difficulty I rarely bother to keep track of them (which is probably a good thing because I won't get bothered about them being wrong). I believe that there is currently something seriously messed up with all effects which deal damage to all the characters at a location (see e.g. also this thread: http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/90379-barl-breakbones-murdered-my-character/).
  18. I have also seen damage which was meant to be applied to each character at a location applied twice to the same character instead. It wasn't from failing a check and was just 1 damage, they were fine, just saying the bug is probably not limited to Barl specifically. Don't know what triggers it though since it doesn't always happen.
  19. Just further to what I said before, the Farmhouse itself should work differently as well. Currently you discard the ally, then it sneakily moves to the buried pile. If the Farmhouse worked like Sajan you would drag the ally to the buried pile in the first place. Now I will admit there's one downside to this, which is that sometimes you can get confused about where to put the card or why it's going there. This happens to me a lot when blessings match the top card of the blessings deck (which, come to think of it, is another power that works the right way!). But what I want to make clear is that a player who's confused about why they can't put a card where they're expecting to put it will be prompted to look around and think about what's happening, and work it out. This is, in my view, still strictly better than the case where they just put the card where they were expecting and then get surprised when it ends up somewhere else. Of course what would be super-duper awesome is if the card text itself was highlighted in some way to indicate it's being effectively replaced. One other down side of the Sajan way is that there may at times be a card which normally has every power move it to a different place, but when one of those powers is modified there will be (for instance) two powers which recharge it. This is a case which is already handled in the interface but I would expect it's only fixed for the specific cards where it comes up, not for the general case where it only occurs under unusual conditions. Thus the potential for bugs where you can't choose which power to use (or you can but you get blank text on the box to select which - this actually really happened once in the past!). But now that I've pointed this out it can be handled correctly I'm sure!
  20. While your argument has merit, the test for whether or not you are "discarding a card for its power" has been officially described thus: "Are you playing a power on the card? Would the card be discarded?" If yes to both you are discarding the card for its power.
  21. The bad news is it appears very much as if no-one thought this situation through at all. The good news is in the meantime you can usually rescue it with multiple visits to the main menu and back. Tap the cogs, then tap main menu. From the main menu, tap continue (and select the party if necessary, sometimes you need to sometimes you don't). When you come back, you'll find that the constraint of not moving to a closed location has been relaxed. With two characters, both times I've found I had to: * Cycle to menu * Move one character * Cycle to menu * Try to move the other. Things don't seem to work properly * Cycle to menu * Move the original character *back* to where they just came from * The game will now allow you to progress.
  22. All of the "recharge instead of discard" powers are implemented as a check which is automatically passed, and this triggers all manner of location effects and so on. This is just one particular example of a much larger mess. This example at least is a little debateable, the example which is more clearly wrong is at Shimmering Veils of Pride, where it makes you recharge another card even though you never made a check. Except for Sajan's recharge blessings power. That one is implemented correctly. Not just are the blessings never considered discarded, but the interface lets (indeed forces) you to put them under his deck instead of pretending that they're going somewhere else first. Oh and Seoni's spell (and item) recharging power is correct too, not because it's like Sajan but because it isn't. Hers is the only one worded as automatically succeeding at a check to recharge, rather than just recharging it. But the rest (The "Reload" power on Harsk and Sajan, Valeros' weapon recharge, Merisiel's role power blessing recharge, Lini's recharge animals ability) are all doing it the wrong way.
  23. I can confirm that I see this as well, on iOS, for Seoni specifically. There's meant to be some sort of halo but it's colouring the whole image.
  24. Club works fine for me. You can discard it straight away, or reveal it. If you reveal it, you get prompted to discard another card.
  25. I also didn't move everyone there because I had other characters at one of the closed locations due to the legendary difficulty movement constraints. Which in turn aren't working correctly, to the point of it not actually being clear what "correctly" would even be. You could also have everyone at the same location, but that location not be connected to the Sihedron Circle. I'm not sure what's supposed to happen then either (let alone what actually does happen).
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