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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Onur isn't a sitting duck for selective quoting at all!
  2. alanschu, alanschu, alanschu. You don't get it, do you? If you really read the opening post, then you'd have noticed that this isn't a pissing contest. This isn't about IQ, it's about Onur defending his position - he is not a troll, nor is he trying to be. If you guys weren't so full of yourselves and constantly ACCUSING him of such, he wouldn't *need* to make such a thread. This isn't about IQ. Read the post. If he calls you an inferior piece of monkey doodoo, it's NOT flaming. He ISN'T a troll. You're only an inferior piece of monkey doodoo compared to superior pieces of monkey doodoo. It's not insulting; you're still a better piece of monkey doodoo than the average monkey doodoo population. It has nothing to do with IQ. You just have to drill the point in your thick hot sweaty skull that THIS IS NOT A FLAME. Onur is therefore not a troll. EDIT: tarna, this ISN'T about IQ. You're missing the point of the thread. SIGH.
  3. Haha, make that quadruple post LOL EDIT: LMAO I meant quintuple post!!!
  4. I'm still reporting you, though.
  5. BTW, I'm not insulting you. When I say you have a low IQ, it's compared to mine - and I have a horrifyingly high IQ of 155! So, even if I say you have a lower IQ than that, it could still mean that you have a higher IQ than the average population! Therefore, I am not flaming you! In fact, I might even be complimenting you on having a higher IQ than the average person! Congratulations, alanschu!
  6. I cared. And I still do. Besides, Onur is right. His monologue - of which I've read every single word - is laden with sound arguments and common sense. These forums don't need trolling remarks such as yours, alanschu. If what you type doesn't add anything to the discussion, you shouldn't type. In fact, I think I'll report you to a moderator. You and your low IQ.
  7. By coming down and handing you a book in person, he means directly murdering you, instead of doing it in an impersonal fashion such as hiring a hitdawg like he would for the rest of us.
  8. BREAKING NEWS: PS3 HARDWARE SLOW AND BROKEN Game over, Haitoku. Game over.
  9. Especially since they weren't Muslim!1!111!1!!
  10. Yeah, but they weren't Muslim!!11!11!!1!!!
  11. Intelligent non-Muslims may still save this world yet. What could we do without them? More importantly, what could *you* do without them?
  13. Moose's intelligence exposed you for the fraud you are, you lousy hack.
  14. And then I ate her.
  15. The point of Oblivion is to murder and disrobe people, then play around using awesome physics. No more and no less.
  16. Oblivion vibes again!
  17. My fist if your *face* is the superior system.
  18. That should be a new business scheme. "We'll pay YOU to do download our patch, so please buy our game!"
  19. GUYS! Patch 1.1.511 is out! Run - don't walk - to the TES site right now and download it!!! http://static.bethsoft.com/Oblivion_v1.1FinalEnglish.exe Here are some changes (and just a small sample)! - Implemented SLI-mode optimizations on Nvidia cards, and Crossfire optimizations for ATI cards. - New Very Low Quality graphic setting available under Launcher options with improved support for low end FX cards (5700 and lower). To use this setting, go to the Launcher, select Options and click Reset to Defaults to allow the auto detect to check your system. - In Dark Brotherhood, if you kill fellow members and get kicked out of the guild, you can no longer continue to progress in the questline until you redeem yourself and get back in. - Fixed issue with remapping controls in French, German, Italian and Spanish versions. - Fixed an issue with falling through collision in Fort Wooden Hand. - Fixed issue with disease resistences that made it impossible to contract vampirism under certain circumstances. - Fixed an issue where Aylied doors would not open when activated in Miscarcand. It's really great! Try it out now for the low low price of 5,00$ today!
  20. Speaking of art, here's a ton of NWN2 concept art by Justin Cherry http://nivbed.livejournal.com/62795.html#cutid1 And here's a new Q&A with MCA http://www.totalvideogames.com/articles/Ne..._0_0_0_0_20.htm
  21. Well, at least we found out what happened to Grey Jedi Knight.
  22. Hmm, 70 million of the PS2s were sold after the price drop. Interesting, if not expected. What does this mean for the PS3?
  23. I'm getting Oblivion vibes
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