Yeah, I took advantage of the DD discount and bought all three of them 2-3 days ago (everything digital gets 30% off aside from new releases). CMBO is fine on its own, but if you're going to get the two sequels, go for the bundle one - you get about 10 bucks off.
Basically, it's a company-level wargame that uses the WEGO ("pseudo") turn-based method. Basically, give orders to all your units (while your opponent/AI does the same), then the 60-sec round unfolds during 60 secs where you can look around, analyze stuff, but where you can't do anything. Your units act according to your orders (they will also REACT to new threats, and basically try to keep alive, but they won't usually go act on their own most of the time). Then round 2, etc. The format is quite excellent for Play-By-Email. You go, send email to dude, s/he goes, watch round unfold, then next round, etc.
There seems to be a LOT of value here. Just checking quickly through Beyond Overlord, it has over *200* battles. Which you can, of course, play through from both sides. There's also about a dozen operations ('mini-campaigns' where you go through multiple battles). Barbarossa to Berlin has around 150 battles and 20 operations. Afrika Korps has around 70 battles and about 7-8 operations, but the battles seem to be on average longer (more rounds).
Mind you, all I've done so far was read through the manual and finish the tutorial for CMBO. Though, I played through all the demo battles before buying the games. But, technically, I haven't gone through any 'real' scenario yet. So, heck, if you need a PBEM partner (wink wink) for a daily round, I'm game . We could either go through a 'learn the map from both sides before playing' mode or a 'never played this map before' clean state (though the latter might be impossible if either of us want to play singleplayer - which I do - given the turtle rate of PBEM). To its advantage, though, given the relaxed pace of PBEM, it'd be very convenient. Also, it'd give incentive to carefully analyze every single detail meticulously every round.
And then there's the scenario/map editor and quick random battle maker.