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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. That's unfortunate that it depends on the game. I can understand that the whole "move everything over to Linux" is expensive, but the idea that I may have to repurchase games I already own through steam will create a barrier for myself.
  2. No it sounds fine. For myself, the mental hang up that I typically get caught up on is that it doesn't feel like I'm roleplaying a woman, but rather roleplaying what a man thinks a woman would behave like. As such I often second guess my own decisions. It's sort of like those old Junior High/High School health classes, where the teacher would have people play the role of other classmates. In the end it always results in people playing caricatures of each person (i.e. some guy would go "Hey everyone I'm Allan and I love computers!" which is a line that I would never say in school, but was more a reflection that people wanted to make it clear that they were behaving like me, not their normal selves!)
  3. My hypothesis is because a female protagonist is novel. Now if we were to suddenly be subjected to the next 10 years of only being able to play female characters, it might be different. Personally, I very rarely play female characters if I have the choice. I just feel I always struggle with the concept mentally and it distracts from my experience. Oddly, if I am forced to play as a female character, it doesn't bother me as much. May have something to do with my perception as to what level of control I have over the character. If I perceive that the character is "mine" the female option is more difficult. Otherwise, it's just another character. I don't think it's ever been a deal breaker, however.
  4. I don't know if it's necessarily "teaming up" but rather just trying to expand their potential target markets. EA and Steam are unfortunately at an irreconcilable differences with regards to their service (unfortunately ), but I do think Steam suffers, albeit minimally, by not having any more EA games on it. Likewise, Origin would be better if you could get the digital copies of Valve's games too.
  5. There was a poster that came onto these boards once upon a time expressing her displeasure at Alpha Protocol only having a male character, as she always struggled with properly investing in a male character in RPGs. I wouldn't be surprised if it's not all that uncommon, but I can't say how influential it is.
  6. Meh, that ship has long sailed. Bring on Eternity and beyond.
  7. That's part of its charm! Hahaha. It may be the short nature of each campaign, but i don't find myself getting too attached (and as a result too frustrated) when the game trolls me. On the other hand, I do laugh maniacally when their O2 room is breached and they can't repair it fast enough before evacuating to get healed and it's just a matter of time until they all asphyxiate! The game turns me into a horrible human being!
  8. Doing a bit of a ballsy move and trying to take Lunga airfield (Guadalcanal). I probably should fortify New Caledonia first, but eh screw it!
  9. It's more a symptom of the infrastructure regarding Hero Engine. In the end it wasn't the greatest engine to go with because of how distributed their shard system is and how challenging it is to merge the multiple different shards into something coherent that actually resembles the live shards I agree that stuff like that shouldn't go into the wild, but one of my best friends was on the project (QA for small games group/QA) and they ran into a multitude of challenges with how the engine deals with large teams.
  10. I wanted to see more treads!
  11. Just applied a patch that should (hopefully) fix the shortcuts not working in the RTE editor! I will be the judge of that little tidbit of information my friend! MUAHAHAHAHA. Not a weblink (Triumph! Huge success!)
  12. Part of why I am playing War in the Pacific is to save money >.> Once my braces are paid off (October) then it's back to easy street life of luxury! Until then, Allan the cheapskate! \m/
  13. If a game is available for both Windows and Linux, and we already own it on Windows, does it apply to both? (Similar to Mac OS and Windows before)
  14. I remember Gabe Newell getting caught with that with the first HL2 demonstration, which he claimed was all real time but with the Source leak was shown to be heavily scripted.
  15. Does he equate any women to be prostitutes? I have certain standards to expect from Rush now.
  16. Though hasn't 3DS taken a bit of a hit just from the phone market?
  17. As such will happen when I finally have my Tetris high score beaten at work (I lost the title for about 8 minutes with a score of 139k, to which I immediately snagged 158k)
  18. Typically it's the kids that aren't casual gamers, in my experience.
  19. And some Android people. This seems to relate to the vision for the Steam Box.
  20. WOW had a similar issue with Raid groups. Most quests couldn't be completed/progressed while in a raid group.
  21. I think RPG demos are a bit more challenging, for much of their gameplay elements can be difficult to appreciate in a condensed period of time, compared to say an RTS or an FPS. The issue with a longer demo is that it ends up taking more time, when in reality I'd love to be using that time to focus on the main game.
  22. I think demos from the past are a bit overstated personally. Plenty of super high quality games that I picked up that didn't have demos or shareware versions.
  23. Gah. And to think they canceled the RPG
  24. I think the DA2 demo went until the Flemeth scene. One of the primary reasons for doing it was to show the combat differences (one could argue we hurt our sales, but honestly I'd rather have a lost sale with someone going "eh, that game isn't for me" rather than to be caught completely unaware. Heck, due to preorders we already had people who were disappointed with the change).
  25. In general I support demos. That said, not all games need them (and they aren't trivial to do either, especially since the timing of doing them is usually inconvenient for the project as a whole), and a bad demo (for an otherwise good game) is something that is very bad and unfortunate. I'm adamantly opposed to pirating too, and actually do not consider a lack of a demo to be a quality justification for piracy. Even if your intent is to download it just to see how the game is, and if it's good you'll buy it, it still has some negative consequences such as being another blip on the "this game was pirated" counter, which as questionable as that may be in its effectiveness, isn't going to do much to hinder some data analyst guy that goes "Hmm, this is a lost sale and maybe a DRM can take advantage." I'm of the mind that very, very few games are so must have. If it's not already a game that has me going "Oooo I want now!" to the point where a demo would be useful, then it's a game I probably have no problem just waiting to pick up when it's cheaper, or even just not playing it at all.
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