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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Old or not, it's still true. And half the WL2 team have finished their part of the job, so without Torment they'd have nothing to do for the next half a year. Err, I don't think that's related to the stretch goal aspects.
  2. A UI will need continual improvement over the course of development in general.
  3. Depends. I mean, if the contributors are all happy (since I think the assumption is that anyone getting the game as a result of contributing will not be buying the game after release), doing a Kickstarter to do a sequel seems fine to me. In the Rock Paper Shotgun interview, Feargus actually mentions that it's interesting to do more risky things, but with game development you have two aspects that contribute to risk: the size of the budget, and the types of ideas. To do riskier ideas, he doesn't think a $2 million Kickstarter type of project would garner as much success, and that doing a riskier idea would require a healthy dose of moderation and have "very reasonable expectations." I agree with this sentiment, and it's part of the reason why indie game studios are so valuable.
  4. My only concern is for those (for all kickstarters) that literally mention that they'll have to sacrifice other parts of their life for that month because money will be so tight, because they wanted to contribute $200+. On the one hand, buyer beware, but if these games aren't as awesome as we'd like them to be....
  5. I agree. I admit I was disappointed earlier in the season because I was expecting some level of improvement and they seemed to be really struggling. They are still a growing team, however, so the fact that they are playing "meaningful games" will hopefully help fuel the hunger.
  6. We'll just have to make sure that Project: Eternity 2 (assuming it goes the crowdfunding route) breaks Torment: Tides of Numenera's record. And the record has been broken. /pops open beer Well, Feargus has been pretty open on not wanting to use Kickstarter again if it can be avoided, so if all goes well we won't be having another Obsidian Kickstarter.
  7. Bandwagon derailed! Hahahaha. <3 Oilers fans
  8. Excited that he's a fan of The Walking Dead and would love to do something more like that!
  9. I actually hadn't seen that thread. The D&D overtones are a barrier to me contributing at this point.
  10. Never underestimate how many demos are smoke and mirrors since the game is not finished yet. It's possible your concern is accurate, but it's also possible that there's reasons for not showing walking on grass (bugs, lack of implementation of some feature, etc.). Could also just be pure ol' coincidence.
  11. Hmmmm, the discussions on the forum for Worlds of Magic are giving me a bigger D&D vibe than MOM vibe. Talk of classes, whether wizards need familiars, wizard units will be like d20 wizard units, and the like, classes/alignment, and so forth. This one is likely shaping up to be a pass at this point, unfortunately. I have no problems with d20 as combat mechanics, but if I'm getting all the D&D baggage with it, I have serious reservations about it undermining the "MOM" feeling
  12. That may be, but those types of things can often get cheaper to make per unit, with larger orders.
  13. As someone that doesn't really deal with the expanded universe outside of games, I am confused as to why this is an issue? It's not like it takes away from the enjoyment you had reading those. I still enjoy Jedi Knight even if ultimately Kyle Katarn isn't "real."
  14. Eh, is that because of the tiers, or is it a fairly standard late rush? I'm just saying I found the tiers and monetization aspects to be confusing compared to other KS, though ultimately not applicable to me since I just went for the "really early preorder" variety.
  15. I found the tiers to be overwhelming. Especially with the "top up" types of things you can also do. Fortunately my contribution is decidedly baseline to begin with so it wasn't really that applicable to me.
  16. Yup. Easier for it to be a constant trickle when you don't start with a huge spike. No sense waiting until then if this is something you want to prop up, IMO.
  17. Although I have the combat music stuck in my head.... XD
  18. I'm hopeful about every game too. Because I want more good games. Why shouldn't one be hopeful? By the time the game gets released, it'll probably not be on my RADAR at all (like most games are I find). But it's easy to be hopeful for games in development because one's imagination can fill in the blanks on what potential may lay there. Once a game is released, potential is no longer relevant.
  19. Magicians were different than Warlocks (I don't think Wizards was actually a unit variation). Warlocks had more powerful ranged attack and Doombolt instead of Fireball (They were effectively a "unique unit" for Dark Elves). That's a meaningful difference and deserves a unique name.
  20. Hmmm. Not sure if I agree with the course of some of the discussions haha. Saw one that was pretty much about giving factions unique flavour names for the same units. At the same time, that does help obfuscate the issue (Oh they have bowmen instead of archers. Oh wait, they're the same?)
  21. My hope for them this season was to challenge for a playoff spot, and they seem to be doing that, so I am pretty content.
  22. I'm still debating contributing. Unfortunately I don't have much knowledge with their games. They have a lot of WW2 games (which has piqued my interest in them), though by the sounds of it the games tend to be not as deep as I would probably like (hello War in the Pacific!). though MOM isn't an excessively deep/complex game either. I might check out their forums a bit.
  23. Hahahaha yes! Me too!
  24. Not bad for a player with 3rd liner skills (some doofus said that on an Oilers board).
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