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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. My sources indicate otherwise. "Sources" also said that Jade Empire was to be an XBOX only title as well.
  2. I'm not sure what to think of a guy that puts himself in videos such as those on you tube.
  3. Clearly I disagree with this sentiment wrt to Saving Private Ryan. It would also overlook movies such as All Quiet on the Western Front (A World War 1 movie following a German Soldier in the trenches). I also disagree that there are more movies about Vietnam than WW2. Maybe more modern ones, but a quick Google search had this chap with a compiled list of 612 World War 2 movies. Many of them older with stars like Clint Eastwood and John Wayne in them. Put Saving Private Ryan up beside some of those 50s and 60s WW2 flicks and see how "typical" it is. You could try watching The Longest Day, but after seeing Saving Private Ryan it just doesn't seem to have the same effect. Furthermore, I don't recall the Germans being depicted as either cowards or merciless killers either. Certainly not akin to some other World War 2 movies like Bridge over the River Kwai (an excellent movie, but with soldiers running along beaches in their shorts with hot women alongside them in tropical countries, it particularly romantacizes being in the Army and war itself). None of the german soldiers in Saving Private Ryan acted in an unbelievable way as far as I'm concerned. Sure "steamboat willie" was scared when he was a captured POW, but who wouldn't be. He was interested in saving his own life, as he probably should have been. And if he was let go and found by a german platoon, it's not too much of a stretch to think that he'd fight with them. Yeah, it was a little cheesy that it ended up being him who inevitably shot Miller, but big whoop. It would have been much cheesier if he had recognized him, and then either shot him (or not) afterwards.
  4. As I look at the lists, it seems as though most games that interest me also have a PC version. Meh.
  5. He knows that he's tossing around ideas. There probably will be a KOTOR 3, and it probably will be on XBOX 360 if it does exist. Just making educated guesses.
  6. Considering they don't exactly have a giant repertoire of RPG games, especially recently, I'm not going to fault them for not making an "original" CRPG. Just seemed like an excuse to tag a jab at EA.
  7. Well, hopefully they'll do a DX2 and have both a male and female lead choice. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> With the full voice overs it may be less likely. I haven't played DX2 though. It would have had full voice overs as well, but would there be as much opportunity to talk in DX2 as in Mass Effect?
  8. alanschu


    Where's Canada? Oh yeah, we're 54th. We went up 29 ranks though!
  9. I'd assume some parts of it will be fixed. The character has a voice over, so you can't have too much variance in terms of physical appearance. Though I see no reason why your attributes couldn't be custom.
  10. Maybe we should wait until it's out before we go annointing it as the best game ever.
  11. Uhm.. What? Maybe you need non-American eyes to see the blatant hero portrayal of the american soldiers and the obvious villain portrayal of.. basically everyone else. It's full of extremely simple-minded clich
  12. Just like some people with DNF. It's been "in development" for pretty much just as long, but if it comes out I'm not going to expect the quality of a game that has been in high end development for 11 years with super elite characteristics across the board.
  13. Fortunately, I wasn't waiting 11 years for the game
  14. Hahaha. That Kevin Costner movie? I though Annapolis was more about a Navy Boxer or something. Meh.
  15. Read what I said. "Had the rest of the people playing not restrained me, Hades would think I should be executed." And I'm not sure how "instinct" came into play, and certainly not "fight or flight." I didn't see him as a threat. How was he threatening me? Fight or flight should not have kicked in (and it didn't). Emotional trauma does not equal instinct. It proves nothing about "instinct" as studies have shown that people suffering from emotional trauma adapt at a neurological level (in other words, the brain is acting differently than normal). If anything, a conclusion could be made that I was not acting normal. Outside events altered my physiology. Furthermore, had it been instinct, a similar comment would still illicit a similar response. It doesn't. It would also mean that the rest of humanity would act in the same way in similar circumstances. They don't.
  16. What? Now the instincts of people have changed? Wouldn't that make the instincts not actually instincts at all? What instincts do they possess? Or are you just creating another unfalsifiable theory?
  17. Saving Private Ryan is a movie that evokes a ton of emotional responses from me when I watch it. Which is likely why it's one of my favourite movies of all time. Given that actually Overlord survivors commented that the Omaha scene at the beginning was frighteningly life like, it made me like the movie any more. They did not hold back or romaticize war at all. And in doing so made a much more memorable movie.
  18. Freud would love you. Those that commit vile acts are the ones that have let go of their inhibitions. Those that do not, don't do it because they are inhibitted. Just like the Oedipus complex. Little boys are sexually attracted to their mothers. Those that claim not to be, do so obviously because they have repressed the feelings.
  19. I'm sure he's just doing his devil advocacy thing again to stir things up. I have to stop falling for it.
  20. If it was truly in our instinct to kill people, why do we demonize murderers so much? Why is Ghandi championed and Hitler vilified?
  21. He was Private Caparzo, the one that said it was the "decent thing to do" when grabbing the little french girl. He gets shot by the German sniper in town, and was a friend of Private Mellish, the Jewish soldier in the squad. He died in the street holding a letter to his father, asking Mellish to send it.
  22. Given the exceptional rarity of psychopaths in society, I think it's safe to say that the ratio of "Mother Teresas" to "Jeffrey Dahmers" is not 1 to 100. The thing is, it's not even instinctual for a psychopath to kill other human beings.
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