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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. It's not really a blood and gore type game, but it is certainly a violent one, if that's your thing.
  2. So Zidane headbutted a guy because he was supposed to throw the game? You're looking for the things after the fact. Had you actually been able to predict it prior to the tournament, I'd be much more impressed. Ever since Australia got eliminated, you've been looking for evidence of a conspiracy. Look hard enough, and you'll find something.
  3. Outside of a few levels that have an aircraft carrier or something, I found that the uncapturable bases were few and far between. At least compared to BF1942. I guess there is more than BF:Vietnam, because I think they completely got rid of it.
  4. I'm going to go Occam's Razor and say yes, it is a coincidence.
  5. It's probably slower too, though I haven't had a situation of a guy "checking my room" ever, so maybe it isn't? The only extra body is dead, and it's because he committed suicide. I'm not sure if something went wrong with your sedation or not.
  6. That's what you'd have to do with the DD version. Obviously the convenience of the disc is still higher. If that's something you value, then DD isn't for you.
  7. I just figured I'd point it out As for the DVD in the drive, that doesn't actually bother me...until I can't find said DVD.
  8. Ugh...give it up with the lame conspiracy theory ideas.
  9. Well, you aren't technically allowed to share with your siblings anyways. Nor are you technically allowed to install on two computers. If that's a deal breaker for you, then I guess that's that. Naturally they have to try to do something to stop outright piracy. It does come with the added benefit (for the most part) of not coming with the "malware" that people hate such as Starforce. The other alternative is the "limited download" paradigm that some online resellers use. Trymedia for instance, limited me to 5 installs with my licence for Eastside Hockey Manager. At first I hesitated, but then I figured that by the time I used up all 5 of my installs, I'd have likely gotten my $20 worth anyways (and I did...after 1 install). Still have 3 installs left. EDIT: Is this the Cthulhu game you were looking for?
  10. Ok, hotel mission. Here's how I got mine:
  11. Someone moving from point A to point B. And no, you can't draw that. You can draw a single instance of someone in time doing that, but to draw locomotion...that would be an accomplishment. Movies and whatnot are also done with still frames that take pictures of various instances in time. They don't film locomotion, they take a whole bunch of pictures of instances between the movement between both points. When shown quickly, our brain will decipher it as movement. But it's still just a whole bunch of still frames. Instances of time. Same with 3dsmax. When you animate something, you quickly display many still images. As for your Dad's educational background, I'm sure I don't need to tell you that Science is different from Engineering. On a final note, people are far too dismissive of the word "theory." It seems as though people think it means that it's nothing more than a guess. Most of science (as mentioned earlier) is simply a theory. Gravity, thermodynamics, etc.
  12. That's what I was hoping with BF2 (since it existed in an Unreal Tournament game before), but they didn't do it then.
  13. I hope they have some sort of useful means to try to discourage the lame "ninja cap" of some guy going miles behind enemy lines, and capping the enemy's rear base. I loved the node system in UT2K4. It sucks to have finally tipped the scales in your favour and to start making a push, but one guy decides to go and cap your home base. Now the offensive you just successfully pulled off must be done in the opposite direction!
  14. Just laugh at him and say whatever. Maybe point out that if the rest of the world seems to think they are RPGs, then they probably are. If he wants to go on about how Final Fantasy was first, educate him about the joys of games like Ultima. The first trilogy of Ultima games were released before the Nintendo was even released. Or you could just ignore it, as it's not really that big of a deal. If he insists on telling you to be quiet, tell him to **** off.
  15. I sedated the guard by the laser grid to take his santa guard suit, that way I could head back down that way without any mad running around.
  16. Canada's military was actually quite successful in World War 2.
  17. Well, I doubt any of us went to that school, so you're not going to get a direct answer. On the whole, I have heard bad things about schools that focus in game programming, but that some of the ones that offer Masters programs are actually ok. As for something that makes "absolutely sure that you land a job after your graduation," I can safely say that none of them will provide this guarantee. The only things that would "guarantee" you getting a job in the games industry right out of school are personal traits (you know, ambition, motivation, etc.), that I doubt any of the schools you listed would provide any more of compared to a different school. All else being equal, the only real leg up a school can give you is the credibility and prestige that it has. For instance, a Masters graduate in CS from MIT is more likely to kick your ass, all things being equal, than you as a graduate student from any of the game programming schools you listed up above. Simply because it has that reputation. If you want more specific answers, you should actually contact the schools to see what the success rate of their graduates are in getting hired as a game programmer, as well as contacting the places that you want to work, and seeing what their opinion of these schools are.
  18. If you have a CD-Burner, you can also burn the installer so you won't have to redownload the whole thing every time as well.
  19. I wouldn't be surprised if the Canadian campaign was in Italy. IIRC the 1st Canadian Army was also the eventual liberators of the Netherlands, were key contriubtors in securing Antwerp. As for D-Day, the Canadians attacked Juno Beach, not Sword beach. It wasn't Omaha, but you could easily do a mission involving the events that happened in Juno if you wanted to. Including the counterattack from an SS Panzer division the following day.
  20. What's wrong with the Canadian Campagins?
  21. I was still able to adequately play the game with lower detail settings on my Radeon 9800 Pro. Darque shouldn't have a problem.
  22. I finished 10th as Brazil in Victoria. Not quite enough for "Great Power" status though, which is the top 8. I had reached as high as 7th though. My industry building abilities are the suck.
  23. Which is why I say screw 'em all!
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