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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. I heartily disagree, but then I played the game when it was new and it was a blast to play. For $1 it's a fantastic value IMO. It turned me into a Valve fanboy, so I think it'd be best for me to just vacate this thread.
  2. Linearity != bad. Deus Ex is linear too.
  3. Hmmm interesting. I guess his legs are much less...bulky haha.
  4. Is Hardcore the one below expert? For us PC users it's advanced, but I think in the console it is "hard"
  5. Yeah there's a few. I love Bill's "GOD DAMMIT! SON OF A BITCH!" when you gets boomer juiced. Francis has a "Get to the chopper!" scream too hehe.
  6. Wait....Wals wakes up wondering what Shryke did the night before? I am jealous!
  7. Ah that makes sense! Expert was a bit too hard with only 2 people and learning the maps haha. I found the hospital very hard!
  8. It was rewritten piecemeal from GoldSource and I think by HL2 it was completely Quake free, but the engine's structure still resembles it's granpappy. Anyway, I like Source, and I REALLY like it in Left4Dead. I found it to be very well optimized now as well. My 8600GT pulls it off at full detail. Expert is a bit hopeless though. You need to find 3 other good players to have a chance, and I know no such people. I tried 6 times on the subway with 2 different groups and we never even got to the end of the tunnel. Source is a sloppy, crap engine. That said, Left 4 dead is very very cool. How so?
  9. Game is out! Already beat No Mercy haha. Though we had to switch to advanced difficulty because expert is hella hard!
  10. All sorts of speculation about potential races. A bit of me is curious that they may have announced too soon though.
  11. Haha. I have started working out, which is a good distraction
  12. To anybody experienced with HTML/JSP/JavaScript, Is there a way to dynamically update what a user sees on the webpage based on the options he selects (I know there must be...I just don't know it haha). In my DB course I have to provide an interface to a DB for a user. It involves digging up tar sands oil, and they need to be able to use an interface that allows for them to essentially create their SQL "Where" condition from a series of combo boxes (based upon what predicate they want to set up). The issue here, is that the user should be able to establish as many predicates as they see fit, based on the information. Soooooooo, how can I make the webpage update so that when I take the last combo box, I update the page shown, and allow another predicate's options to be selected. I'll also need to get the information from every single combo box, to construct my SQL query. Thanks!
  13. Banged my head against .JSP
  14. HAHAHAHA. I joked that with a different friend of mine so don't feel too bad haha.
  15. Coarse, but strangely true. Haha fair enough. The "crossroads" for me seems to be balancing a bridge burning with trying to move on.
  16. First off, I don't feel guilty nor do I regret anything. It's not so much that it doesn't hurt to be around her. It tends to be very, very easy for us both, even after all the drama. Though sometimes, it is awkward, which is never pleasant obviously. It's messed up. (Note: I still want to protect the anonymity of the people in question, so The Girl = the girl I like, The Girlfriend = the friend of The Girl that knows what's up, and my roommate is well, my roommate haha) On the advice of The Girlfriend at the end of September, The Girl told me she did not want to be contacted again by me. However, the very next day I got an invitation from her (part of a mass mailing) to come to the Halloween party she was hosting. Given the whole "don't contact me again" it seemed weird. My roommate knows about the situation since I needed somebody other than her to talk to about how I was feeling, and he said it seemed weird too. So The Girlfriend and my roommate were talking, and the friend told my roommate that I was invited because she didn't want people to ask questions (which is bullllllllllll**** and certainly not something I care about maintaining a faux friendship for). Shortly afterwards, a mutual friend invited us (and others, but it ended up just being the 3 of us) to a horror movie marathon weekend. I know The Girl was worried it'd be weird, based on her talking to my roommate. Shortly after that, I got an invitation from The Girl and the mutual friend that started the horror movie marathon idea, to have a Bruce Campbell movie marathon. Making me go "What. The. ****?" My roommate also concurred, and set The Girl an email asking what was up, because the roommate and I figured she was sending mixed signals. So at this point, The Girl says that she invites me out to stuff too because I still deserve to have fun too. I literally flip a coin as to whether or not I go to the Bruce Campbell day (I already agreed to go to Deadmonton, the horror marathon, because it sounded awesome). Bruce Campbell day was fine, though we didn't really say a word. My roommate and I planned to get there after the dinner invitation, to reduce on awkwardness, but they ended up being delayed so we ended up having to join them for dinner after all. (This was funny because the husband asked me if I would like I hamburger, to which I said "No, I already ate" and he asked "are you sure?" to which she chimed in "He said no") In any case, dinner was quiet for me (enough other people there to talk though), and the evening of movie watching was fine and not uncomfortable. The horror movie marathon was really good. It was 3 days, and day 1 and day 3 was just The Girl, myself, and the mutual friend. Day 2 my roommate and the husband also came along. Day 3 was a bit strange because The Girl was wearing an outfit I had previously said she looked good in, and was also wearing the subtle purple eye liner that I thought looked fantastic on her. Given it was just me, her, and the mutual friend (who is engaged), I was surprised. Though the days it was just the three of us, well all got along really well and had a great time. It wasn't painful or awkward at all. The comes Halloween. A bigger group, and from what I can tell was the biggest difference...The Girlfriend was in attendance. Perhaps it's just coincidence, but outside of a few moments where we made eye contact, The Girl and I did not interact at all, and she seemed to be putting in a concerted effort to avoid me. My conclusion: The Girlfriend told her to keep distance from me, so in the presence of The Girlfriend...she does. I also think this because I know that The Girl and The Girlfriend had some fights shortly after the whole "don't talk to me again" incident, my assumption being that The Girlfriend was giving The Girl crap about inviting me to movie nights and providing situations to see me. So my situation: I find it easy to be comfortable around her if I just let go and be myself. However, this is also the problem, because it keeps me close to her and I doubt I'll ever really be able to move on. Sooooo, I look to create space for myself, to move on. I haven't really been a jerk to her or anything, so I don't know if I am burning a bridge with her. I guess in an email to my roommate, The Girl commented that she said the idea of not being friends with me was awful for her, and that she cried when she read the last email from me (basically an "Okay, if that is what you would like" in response to her saying we shouldn't be friends) and that she couldn't talk to me because she'd just breakdown). Now I don't think The Girlfriend is bad, and doesn't like me (in fact we get along fine). But I am guessing that she is supporting her friend's decision, and kicking The Girl's ass when she starts to slip (hence why they have had some fights). My roommate thinks that The Girl wants to have her cake and eat it too, in that choosing me would guarantee losing contact with husband. Choosing husband means there's a chance of having husband and me in her life (even if it's just me as a friend). I'd like to remain friends, but I don't know if that's possible. Not that I don't want to be friends, but rather that I don't know if I'll be able to be in a situation where I'll be okay with just being friends, rather than wanting the friendship to be a part of a deeper relationship. I'll take the talking about games and giving people hell as a compliment haha. Though my sleeping problem I think is mostly Left 4 Dead related, rather than woman issues haha. I stayed up too late Friday night and it totally buggered my sleep schedule!
  17. You guys are all talking like I haven't done that.... (well, not so much the getting all liquored up part haha). Though I'm not as "young" as my university attendance would indicate. I'm quickly approaching 28. Though I don't consider myself old either haha. I have never really been a big drinker, and mostly I don't because I think I'll probably do something stupid if I do haha. Haha, I tried that but it didn't really make me feel any better. It didn't make me feel any worse though. I have shared it with a few people I know. My roommate tried helping me by asking me questions like "Well how would you feel if [insert potentially bad thing here]" and my responses were always "I don't know how I'd feel" which kind of irritated him haha.
  18. Does it look like he is laying it on a bit thick with eyeliner and other eye makeup products?
  19. Joining the polar bear club does not seem like my cup of tea haha.
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