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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. My Coltan comes from magic. Apparently you're not going to bother reading what I actually wrote. I gave an explanation for why people will take notice when a celebrity dies, but not when some African kids die. But hey, you have your own little agenda so reading what is actually posted seems to not apply. But since you asked me, I don't know. Who mined the Coltan in your computer? Hmm?
  2. I found the combat of ME to be pretty easy. I typically played with Kaiden and Ashley, and was a Tech Specialist IIRC (Pistols and snipers were my weapon buffs anyways). Some of the side content had trickier fights, but only rarely did I have to use direct party management. I think most of that interaction was getting Kaiden to lift people into the air so I could smoke them.
  3. Money is too tight to get a new copy at the moment. I was more just lamenting the fact that my MOTB disappeared sometime (I think when I moved). Hopefully it turns up. In hindsight I should have bought a DD version.
  4. Poor WITP suffered from me being without internet for two weeks, which meant when I suddenly got internet I neglected it. With the Admiral Edition XP coming out "soon," I'm hesitant to get toooooo involved in another game haha.
  5. Except it makes perfect sense. Buying video games isn't really a huge decision. If you like the game, buy it. If you don't, then don't.
  6. Okay, interrogation skill check, DC 15: Is Loghain badass? I like him! I think he's pretty well written actually. Though I'm now playing the game on my "own time" now. Now that I am familiar with the game they're having me do more focused testing and whatnot.
  7. Given the commentary about the June 2009 thread, I'm skeptical that this is much more than trying to stir some ****. Unfortunately the OP has stripped humanity from the discussion entirely, ironically while trying to educate those about the inhumanity of conditions in poor countries. Here's why people care about the deaths of celebrities more than the deaths in Africa. The celebrity has, in some way, contributing something to the life of that person. Whether it be entertainment, adulation, or whatever. Many people are affected by the death of Michael Jackson (a rich "white" guy I guess), because they grew up listening to his music. It's not a coincidence that, when I got home from work the day he passed, my roommate was watching the music video for Thriller. I stuck around and watched it too, because I have a ton of positive memories and so much nostalgia attached to it. My friends and I (whom I didn't even know until recently) can still bust out into the dance because we did it so much as a kid. No disrespect to the many lives wasted in Africa, but I have zero context whatsoever for their lives. I haven't perceived them having any influence on my life at all, even if maybe they had. Tragic? Sure? But I'm not going to get self-righteous and begrudge people being affected by the loss of a celebrity. I went "oh" when Michael Jackson died, and watched a Thriller video since it happened to be on. That was the extent of it. Though I grew up watching copious amounts of Michael Jordan and he was my idol growing up, so I will probably be affected with a lot more nostalgia when he passes on. Getting on the case of people mourning the death of rich white guys is disingenuous. I am completely unaffected by the death of that discovery channel guy, since he had zero impact in my life. I didn't even know he was dead, and he might as well be a young African child in my books.
  8. And convenience. MP3s are pretty much the standard for audio files over the internet and have been for a long time now.
  9. No, it was the clippings of hair and pictures of the shrine he posted that got him in trouble.
  10. I'm officially in the endgame. Some interesting choices and ways things can work out for a variety of situations
  11. Because the loss level is pretty indistinguishable? Maybe I'm a ripe 28 years old so my ears are failing, but I would rarely find a significant loss in quality at 192 kbps.
  12. Lol /sigged Yeah, your evil, trolling hypocrite and demagogue twin... that doesn't have a point. Nah. Perhaps by twin he meant "Polar opposite?"
  13. Wrong again. People might be interested in hearing that Michael Jackson is dead, sure, but bam, I just informed you that Michael Jackson is dead without distracting you for days from the world around you. The fact that people are buying up and discussing the Michael Jackson news contradicts your statement. Then stop wasting the opportunity cost of spending time ranting on a message board, and actually do something about it.
  14. Yeah no kidding. I'm transitioning this thread to a more general M&B discussion. If mods could change title then yay. In any case, who else has played this game? It's ridiculously addictive. Even though my last game broke, the Prince no longer appeared on the map and was therefore not able to hand out any rewards for conquered cities, I still had an absolute blast and immediately restarted a new game. I am now a vassal for the Swadians and am engaged in combat with the Rholoks. I just helped the king take a castle Have my sights on my own castle and expanding my own little empire
  15. Certainly seems that way. Though unfortuantely my Bastard Prince seems to have disappeared altogether
  16. Sooooooooooo I helped a claimant capture all of Vaegir which was fun and all. But I still seem to be the rebel faction! How do I actually complete this mission? Apparently there are still 13 nobles supporting the other guy, and some are prisoners to me and the others seem to be just gone.... Help! EDIT: ROFL moments after posting this I got a message stating that Khegrits had captured a Vaegir noble, and suddenly I win!
  17. You wouldn't, by any chance, drop some liiitle tiny bit of extra information for us? Hmmm...it's a lot of fun. Obviously not too much I can talk about, but I think those with concerns given the recent marketing campaign don't really need to worry too much. I suspect that a big reason why the E3 videos didn't affect me as much as others is because I had already played the game some. I should double check with someone at work when I get a chance before talking too much though.
  18. Seems like I'm starting to wrap up Dragon Age.
  19. I wonder why that happened? *points at evul EA* Are you kidding? Mythic missed deadline after deadline on WAR. If you go into work and start a 3 year project, and it gets stretched into a 5 year project, you have messed up and you are lucky you don't get fired. I'm surprised how much time they were actually given on the game. Sorry Hurlshot, EA is just bad don't you know!?
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