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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. For myself, it's certainly not a big deal. I know preorders for games are a huge deal and they want to encourage them as much as possible, but the game I play will be the same as the game I expected to play, without zee bonus guns.
  2. KOTOR 3 is only free to play if you pirate the game. I used to get caught up on the fee issue for the game too. Except that I realized that the monthly fee is roughly the same as the cost of going to a couple movies a month. Except that I get significantly more enjoyment out of the game. Imagine playing KOTOR and starting the game off as a Soldier. You play through the game until completion, and it takes you 30 hours to beat the game. Now you load up the game as a Scout, and you realize that you are starting off in a different part of the galaxy, with a different story that runs parallel to the one that you ran as the Soldier. It might overlap in some places, but for the most part it's another 30 hours of unique game play. Now, load up the game as a Scoundrel, and realize that the same holds true for this class. And after a bit of time, a content update comes out, extending the stories and providing more to do.
  3. You actually haven't looked into the game in any way, shape, or form have you? Any person saying that the game will be similar to Galaxies has their head in the dirt beside yours. It's been put quite upfront that the ability to start the game off as a Jedi or a Sith will be present. The game also will not be like Star Wars Galaxies. If you don't want to annoy people, spend five seconds looking at the Wiki page for the game and you won't come off as teeth gritting as you are.
  4. I thought this only happened on Dantooine
  5. And that's an indictment of the entire game?
  6. Haha I guarantee I won't be waiting in line. I've never been a preorder/wait-in-line type guy
  7. Nothing for the "Pick up from store on day of release?" WTF!?!?!??!?!?!
  8. And that makes it realistic (I couldn't resist)
  9. I loved the first CoD and the second one was pretty fun from what I remember too.
  10. I enjoyed the Jaheira one in BG, but really the romances are all kinda silly. Though IMO the best ones were the BG2 ones, but perhaps that's because of the scope of the game?
  11. I find abandonware is just a term people use to acquire software that is rare/hard/impossible to still buy. Whether or not it is legal to acquire it is kind of moot. On the plus side, both arena and daggerfall are free games now.
  12. Tried to by Supreme Ruler 2020 but my credit card got charged with no game available. BOOOOO! Asked for refund and no game!
  13. I won't dispute that people often get too excited Alpha Protocol is one of the few games I've actually "somewhat" followed. But even then that's only recently (E3). I try to fly under the radar, though mostly so I don't spoil the game for myself.
  14. Does it matter how old the quote is? I don't know, it's in one of the developer videos. Is it so hard to simply accept Obsidian has said they're shooting for realism with this game? It does matter how old the quote is if it happened before they mentioned they were pulling back on some of the realistic aspects of the game. By the same account, is it so hard to simply accept that Obsidian's definition of realism doesn't mesh with yours? They *could* have changed their minds, but as recently as the latest developer diary they haven't, making the date of the second quote irrelevant because it is consistent with the latest comments on the game. Therefore it doesn't matter when it was said, get it? Well, like I said, when I heard Aaron's comments, I took it as realistic environments in that these are plausible environments that seem like they could really exist. In no way did I think that it means that Taipei is going to be anything more than an "Asian" city because, unfortunately, I am absolutely in no way capable of making this type of assessment. Personally I think it's confirmation bias (interpreting the comment the way you want to interpret it), but who knows? Regardless, this is all arguing in circles. I doubt they're going to recreate art assets with the release date coming up so quickly. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if their in a content lockdown now. If, based on the small snippet you saw of Taipei in the video, you don't think the game's attention to detail for the locations is sufficient enough for you, then I'd suggest taking a pass on the game. If there are other aspects of the game that you think will offset this, then give the game a shot.
  15. When I hear Aaron's comment, I get the impression that the environments are realistic in that there's nothing stopping the environments from existing in real life. Not that the locations will be full on recreations of the locations. How old is the Avellone quote? I know the original plans for the game was to make an ultra realistic game, but they came to the conclusion that that wasn't very much fun, and the changed some aspects (especially the characters). However, I see nothing in the Taipei shots that make me go "Wait....this isn't Taipei!" So as long as the people playing believe their in Taipei?? The problem here is that I doubt many people really know what Taipei looks like.
  16. Philly thought that because they signed Pronger when he was 34, to a contract that comes into effect when he's 35, they'd circumvent the over 35 rule?
  17. Confirmation bias. I could just as easily see it as "Bioware did their big show and tell during the E3 to build up hype and get exposure for the game."
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