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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Yes. Apple arpoval will definitely affect the release day. At least the Apple version. It still should be 26 if I don't here something else From Obsidian.
  2. Well, this is about Computer programs so anything is possible. But I would wait Obsidian announcement before waiting another release window. But computer bugs Are devious Little buggers, so it is possible. That article did not seem to have any proof to its news about this matter. Just speculation. But Computer programs Are difficult task and I would wait Until most of the bugs have been killed before jumping tuomani Computer game. Nothing is more annoying like for example floating cow bug in the Fallout that broke the game and last X save game files...
  3. I did play Also with Galaxy tab4. It works, but is sluggish. Not same level as Galaxy s2 or iPad air2, but it was playable. There just was some waiting and animaations were slow too. But nothing game braking.
  4. Traditional four. One healer One lock picker One flameball Person... And one who can fight. Not sure of exact company yet.
  5. Some practical matters. I supose that it will be wise to uninstall the current beta before installing the next beta... I mean release versio... ;-)
  6. Well you can trade cards between players like in real tabletop version. There is give a card phase in turn order, where you can give a card to another player. You can Also trade cards between players after scenario when reorganising player decks. This will be Great co-op game! In the release there will be pass and play multiplayer option. The team has said that They Are planning online multiplayer too, but have not released time table to that feature.
  7. Ok. Now with the same croup there is a game stopping bug. This time legendary mode. We defeated Nuolia and we go to rewards screen and there is no way out. The arrow is crey. Restarting movies to the same screen and I got gold again and no go. Then I checked out and found out that the total gold is not increased. Maybe this is the reason that the game if frosen to this state? https://www.dropbox.com/s/0d66b8pbz9jfywc/Photo%2011.4.2016%2017.16.02.png?dl=0
  8. I encountered new total game stopping bug. Android, story mode. Heroic. Four Heroes, Lini, Sajan, Seelah and Lem. The game did hang up to the deck upgrade screen after Skinsawman scenario. Restarting it after that showed this screen... There is not any way to continue the adventure. https://www.dropbox.com/s/low9fwmw0ko6qdv/Screenshot_2016-04-10-22-40-04.png?dl=0
  9. Hmm... Fortunately no extra upgrades to the characters. Also later scenarios seems to allow to chose different difficulty modes. Maybe this is a feature? All in all I was forced to go scenarios in normal order, because those later scenarios Are Locked... https://www.dropbox.com/s/agpwd4tt28w256a/Photo%209.4.2016%2021.45.51.png?dl=0
  10. Here is one interesting conversation about damage reduction. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2scil?Armor-recharging-against-all-damage-in-an#19
  11. Today happened something really strange. I completed last scenario of adventure 2 and game offered adventure 3 via shop. I did go shop and ofcourse the adventure 3 was not ready. But when I did go back to game, all scenario advancement was gone? But character advancement was intact. https://www.dropbox.com/s/8x9jekcej5aotf1/Photo%209.4.2016%2015.30.56.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/fqw680x0flo845a/Photo%209.4.2016%2015.32.31.png?dl=0 I think that there was somekind of owerflow bug? I am really interested in if I will get all those upgrades again or is only the difficulty information missing...
  12. One card of one type per check. Both of those cards are items so you have to chose one or another. You could use wand of defence, arcane shield and chain Mail in one check because They Are different card types.
  13. At this moment there is no limit. In future you can "sell" extra cards back to the store. There is Also option to build a Gaming box without using those treasure box cards. But basically that leaves the balanging issue to the players at this moment. I don't know if the situation change before the release of course.
  14. Also could lead some really silly multiplayer games where every player has 5 flamingo mace and 4 healing staff and so on... Could be boring...
  15. Uups I did get lost characters again... This time all four of them! I am getting good at this ;-) This time with iOS. First four Locked experienced heroes. https://www.dropbox.com/s/i6jeb6nsc4owvf5/Photo%207.4.2016%2023.56.17.png?dl=0 And then not any experienced characters at all. https://www.dropbox.com/s/npl2u0esph3sn4e/Photo%208.4.2016%201.15.49.png?dl=0 Before this game hang on the loading screen, have to restart the app, heroes Locked, and can not be selected. Then played one story mode game and after that no experienced heroes in quest mode. Vola, am I good or am I...
  16. Too much gold = no sales and income Too few gold = free to play is not a free to play. I think that even now free to play is very generous... Maybe even less gold would be better? But it is not easy to balance.
  17. Yep, it is not a combat but a wisdom based riddle Contest. And if you ansver wronly, you will be eaten alive! ;-) So shortly, it is not combat, because it does not say combat. Some cards have for example wisdom or combat check. So you either use Seoni wisdom to wisdom check or that arcane blast to combat check.
  18. Yep, only forfeit works on this.
  19. They most propably take in account the memory, the prosessor and ofcourse what They have tested and what not. But there Are phones that Are just fine with this program. So there will be somekind of list what phones Are officially supported. But They can not "sell this program" to device that They Are not very sure that it will work, or They will be sued for false advertising... But as I said above, if They allow this to phones as beta program, then the user know that something horrible can happen! Some phones Are much more powerfull that cheapest tablets, so that is not definitely the problem!
  20. And location deck says that you banish a minion even it is not defeated. I think that location power should overcome minion powers, but have to check that From the rulebook... There that ruling what is more powerfull, when there Are conflicts between card powers.
  21. It happened now again with a ratswarm...
  22. I have played a lot from normal, to hero and there to legendary level... And when I change the party... again from the beginning... I hope that you can chose the difficulty level From the Beginning what you want. Not wanting to play any game in normal level any more when hero and legendary Are so much more interesting! Maybe a switch that is on always, Until you change it. (Normal/heroic/legendary) that is how it works in most games that I am used. In quest mode you can chose the difficulty freely, but you have to do it always again and it can get irritating. It would be easier to keep the same difficulty untill you really want to change it for some reason. Maybe some quest are difficult enough in normal level and real killers otherwice, who knows. For me, if I want to have easy game in quest mode I chose heroic level and when I want more challenge, I chose legendary level. Completely skipping the normal level.
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  23. Strange, I get a lot general stores... Well it is all random...
  24. I expect that balance issue, but can not be sure. It does not take a long time to get rid of those pesky items. There is a lot of locations to banish pesky cards to close them. ;-)
  25. And I did it again... lost one more soul to byte heawen...
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