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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Try other emulator than bluestack... I personally use Steam version, but emulator Are fine most times. Who knows if some future version of Bluestack works with this version. All in all emulator Are best for old games that does not develop any more. New developing games Are much harder targets to emulators because They can use features that were not available when the emulator was programmed.
  2. The card is in your wault, so no worry. It is not anymore in unclaimed tab. I personally keep zero cards in unclaimed tab because the unclaimed tab just irritate me personally some people like it so its is ok to have it in the game. The tab is there just so that it is easier to get those cards, but it does not prevent you getting those if the cards Are not in there.
  3. I have to agree, the original release was too good and did not bring money to developers... you could get everything you needed for free. So no money. The game is now better than those forsing players to buy gems with real money if you want to play the game... that is the most bad thing that could happen. Now you buy actual content that allows you to play more as much as you like. Not onetime bonus that Are must to succeed like in some other games.
  4. Goblin adventure third scenario. Heroic difficulty. Lem, ransack, Poog and Seelah Trap longshanks adventures Rolled 3 so +4 difficulty if alone... the fourth adventures did get 4*4=16 extra difficulty That was somewhat challenging. https://www.dropbox.com/s/5nxdklczrfc1cg5/Photo%2028-09-2017%2C%2014.52.48.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/jw9o9n3hstl3paa/Photo%2028-09-2017%2C%2014.53.00.png?dl=0 So the old problem of leaking bonus is here again/still.
  5. Just asking. Have you tryed to use 1.2.8 with ios 10.x.x? There Are now two new things. iOs update and pathfinder update. If iOs 11 does use more memory, then old problem of running out of memory with Pathfinder can be worse. They did change the memory usage better with 1.2.7 so it should not be problem, but just checking out posibilities. 7s should not have problems because it has 2gig of ram... so most propably it is something else. Does anyone has iOs device with older os and test if it works or not? I have iPad Air2 and it is working fine with iOs 11.0.1 and 1.2.8. So another posibility is that your companion save file has gotten corrupted. If so you can delete your croup and make a new croup using the same experienced characters. Also check out that there Are no extra characters in your experienced tab. The 24 is upper limit and I personally always try to keep extra free place for one croup in the case character duplications error that could increase the characters above the limit.
  6. Yep. No money, no content. I definitely hope to see new content, so why not! Hopefully there Are those Bundle options Also in the future.
  7. Normally hot fix release after bigger update has been in few days to few weeks. No new features, just bug hunting. Depends a lot how Many more new bugs has been found. There seems to be some new, but too Many so far.
  8. Roger. It was turned on, turned off, turned on... so Many times that it has been hard to follow
  9. Any news how culling the cards works this time?
  10. Do you add new characters? You have maybe run to character limit, that is 24 saved characters. Try to delete some obsolete characters if it does help the situation.
  11. See this https://forums.obsidian.net/topic/93897-patch-128-a-fighters-tale/?p=1939640
  12. Yep. But you characters will have their achievements!
  13. Can you start another company? If you can try to play that and then start the companion you Are now using. Also check out how Many experinced characters you have 24 is maximum. Keep it well below that... If that does not help, try deleting the croup that is behaving badly and the remake the croup by using same characters.
  14. Hmm... Most likely not possible the recower, because you have more characters together than is possible to have after the merge... The renaming characters should be fine. I have done it to my all characters. If this can be rewerted, you have to unmerge the accounts, reduce the combined characters to Lets say 16 or less and then merge again. Not sure if it can be done, but you should contact the support directly. There can be quite a long delays, because it seems that personnel has been cut to even smaller than before...
  15. Just checking for the basics. Are you logged on the Game Center in the settings? Because logging in the Game Center is needed for purhaces and storing the achievements.
  16. Hmmm Sounds like account problem, so patch does not fix that. As it is said above, contact obsidian@support.net with your pdif And user account. But before that, try to go to setting, and resign in the game Center.
  17. Have you tryed to close and restart the app? It sometimes has been ui problem that restart will Remedy. If not check out completition tab that everyone has all legendary achievements and after that contact Obsidian support. Support@obsidian.net
  18. Sometimes I prefer recycle because I know exactly the order of the cards in my deck... but shuffle can be usefull upgrade in most cases!
  19. Maybe different color banner, when player check and different when automatic...
  20. You don't know anything... the ansver is #42... I think... my memory is what it used to be... We will get banana update when we know what the question was!
  21. Hmm... maybe. Newer did have problem but I have played the tabletop, so for new player it can get confusing.
  22. Hmmm... I have 4 croups and each have nick names and no problems. Nick names has been there from the Beginning and They worked even in beta stage. So if there is problems They Are new. The easies solution would be not allowing character to be moved between different croups. Then individual characters could be named based on the croup They belong to. The bigger problem would/will be multiplayer, where every character has to be individually named/identified. Ofcourse that would require that we will get multiplayer in sometime in the future.
  23. Before the encounter, During the check, and After the encounter are three separate instances of damage in this case, and so can have something reduce the damage to each one. Note that because they are separate instances, you can play an armor on each one, or an item on each one, or a spell on each one, as it does not kick in the 'one card of each type per person per step/check' rule. But when you asseble you combat and chose the skill untill the damage phase Are one instances so between those the one card of its type limit aply.
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