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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. I would think one of them was your own vote... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well yes ofcourse but that means theres one more. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> so? what's one vote 2 me? I don't want you to leave, just to stop preaching at everyone...
  2. not you budy I accedentily got your quote in my sentece, I appologize, I fixed it. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think he was talking about your votes...
  3. I would think one of them was your own vote...
  4. what's that? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=40342 <{POST_SNAPBACK}> thanx! (on topic, I'm now playing hearts while writing this... )
  5. It's just an on-line habit I have and I can't seem to break it... I'm sorry if it annoys people, I'm trying to fix it...
  6. No, I'll stay... but if the name really bothers people, I'll try 2 stop...
  7. Now Back on topic... I think GJK has broken some of the forum guidelines...
  8. He a fundamentalist, what did you expect? Deadly_Nightshade
  9. where do you find this cool mod? im so sick of disciple, i just want to leave him behind the ship and watch the exhaust roast him...or drop him off the docks on Nar Shadaa... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> www.PCGAMEMODS.com If you have any trouble, just PM me... Deadly_Nightshade P.S. you will have to uninstall the Ginka telos fix, because it messing with the mod...
  10. Just stay of my topics night shade. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Or you'll do what? Preach at me? Deadly_Nightshade
  11. Have you actually put anything religious in your topic titles... here they are:"Poll: If Master Replicas made more Lightsabers, Poll: Teaching the way's of the force, Kreia." These are the topics that are "pulling" us in if it's even that seeing how yor topics are always stagnet. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I start polls and topics out of my own curiousity and questions, and most originally have no religious subject matter in them, but I will respond when attacked. And as I have said, I will never be quiet about what I beleive in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> but your only attacked when you spout your BS... Deadly_Nightshade <{POST_SNAPBACK}> As I have said in my topics I will say what ever I choose, and if you don't want to here it don't read them, don't reply to them. No one is forcing you to read these polls or topics, leave my words in peace. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But the forum is not your personal spamming ground, so I must confront you... Deadly_Nightshade
  12. OK, let the Anti GJK side band together and disguise their side of the argument here! Deadly_Nightshade
  13. Have you actually put anything religious in your topic titles... here they are:"Poll: If Master Replicas made more Lightsabers, Poll: Teaching the way's of the force, Kreia." These are the topics that are "pulling" us in if it's even that seeing how yor topics are always stagnet. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I start polls and topics out of my own curiousity and questions, and most originally have no religious subject matter in them, but I will respond when attacked. And as I have said, I will never be quiet about what I beleive in. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> but your only attacked when you spout your BS... Deadly_Nightshade
  14. I tried, to help you, May Jesus be with you <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And may you (Gray) please shut up now... Deadly_Nightshade
  15. If I feel anything it would be the spark of hate for you and your preaching fundamentalist attitude... Deadly_Nightshade
  16. You call yourself a christian, and you make fun of the Lord, you speek falsely, if you were a true christian you would not dare to make fun of the Lord Jesus. The Light and dark in Star Wars is metaphor for real life, yes ofcourse there are no Jedi or Sith, but there are those who dedicate themselves to the Light or the dark. Jesus is called by many names, ("it is said that he is the way the truth and the Light"). The Christians could be compared to the Jedi, and the sith to demons. Leaving the rest of the people to choose wich side to serve. You can call me whatever you want, but as I said before I have every right to say whatever I choose to say, it's called Free Will, one of God's greatest gifts to man kind, even when it means that people like you tarnish his good and righteous name, but he loves you any way. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But for those who are of other religions, or none at all, your comments are rather anoying and tiresome... Deadly_Nightshade
  17. On The Banks of the Nile, The Ryegrass Rollers... Deadly_Nightshade
  18. I like the consular and Sith Lord path... But I mostly use force powers to kill... Deadly_Nightshade
  19. he dies rather well... Deadly_Nightshade
  20. In a pathetic attempt to get this thread on-topic. NO, you can't marry anyone in Oblivion, and you can't have kids. Actually, there's no kids at all in Oblivion. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Maybe Emma can fix that...
  21. That's what I figgured as well... (I like getting games as soon as they comes out, so I often end up pre-ordering...) Deadly_Nightshade
  22. Which incidently is one of the best things about this mod. Keeping it simple, playing it safe, so you'll fathom a huge amount of fans instead of 50% or less. I've always been afraid that mods would add things I really hated, but I don't have to be afraid when it comes to The Restoration Project. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree with that, actually. I mean, it's one thing that Atris turns DS, but that's not the same as having her take over all of Kreia's goals to destroy the force. Kreia has been on a quest for that specific goal from the very beginning, so it's difficult to explain why she would suddenly sacrifice herself to let some else carry it out toward the end of the game. Also, the fact that Atris is missing some soundfiles could suggest that Obsidian dropped the idea of making her Traya even before LA pushed the "rush hour" button. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I agree. Once again, y'all at Team Gizka have my full support and just holler if you need me. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'll help as well... (do you need beta testers, or anything like that?) Deadly_Nightshade
  23. well people were saying it might be better to get a later copy because of bugs... (I thick I'll keep the order, but just thought I would ask...)
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