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Everything posted by trisyln

  1. Priest of wael / lifegiver universalist is stupidly OP, and avoids early ending fights because your healer gets gibbed.
  2. I like achievements, so I don't want to grant the item to myself. I tried the mod framework, but I get errors. I assume it's not updated for 3.0.
  3. I had a similar experience, but it could be more than a flag - it could be some other choice impacting this choice (misdirected reference/pointer or an off by one-error cutting off the end of a container (thinking this is the last choice in one of the menus)). Though, both you and I had similar experiences of prior saves / manual files working before 3.0 and not working after 3.0. Accordingly, I'd go right to the changelog and see what gives. I'd also check the boundary conditions on all my containers for off by 1.
  4. I'm trying to play a new game as well, custom history, and I've tried BOTH options in manual history regarding forging the blade and not forging the blade. Neither spawn the blade parts for me, only the yenwood parts. This was not an issue I had experienced however prior to the latest patch - and I had consistently received the blade, and had always forged in my POE history and I'm 99% sure I selected that I forged it in my prior manual selections. As a matter of sorts, I even tried a manual history from a game I played before the latest patch (one where the blade spawned) and it did not spawn in a game I created after 3.0. This is exceptionally frustrating to me since I use that sword quite a bit and am just not going to play until it's fixed. Moreover, there's only so many times I can play through port maje island before I lose my mind.
  5. I was wondering what this "Oathbreakers" was, and when I looked it up I realized it's in the zone I can't go into because my screen freezes (game is active, but screen won't refresh).
  6. I generally agree with this, and usually my only caster in a party is a a healer - universalist lifegiver druid / priest of wael has a ton of survivability and healing, and the raw damage dots are powerful. I need a strong healer, and the damage is a perk.
  7. I played a similar build to this recently, but really traded off some things as per below: Rogue: Didn't take ring the bell or withering strike Did take confounding blind and pernicious cloud Cipher: Went totally different with valorous echoes (modded so I can self buff) - not a big deal though since this buff mostly overwrites mahora wraps and I probably wouldn't do this mod again Secret horrors, body attunement, borrowed instinct. This lifts off a barb/cipher build. For character, I went: Wood elf, white that wends, hunter M:18 C:10 D:16 + 1 (racial) P:13 + 2 (racial, job) I:13 R:5 Berath's blessings adds +2 to the above, +2 might from Gift and Maneha's resentment, and +1 Per from cauldron brew 14 alchemy and 12 mechanics 22 Survival Weapons: Mahora tanga, Rust's Dagger (18 / 14 Pen) = you can get to 20/16 with hot razor skewers instead of mahora wraps As a note, I complement this with a universalist lifegiver druid / priest of wael, and a witch king barb/cipher as I linked above. Both of these help get up debuffs for sneak attack quickly, from the druids AE dots and the witch king's secret horrors and tenuous grasp casts. Most of the time my rogue just runs around using Soul Annihilation and Eliminating blow, with a few melees in between. I wrote some custom AI for it, which keeps up valorous echoes and borrowed instinct, casts soul annih > 80 focus (50 in early game), devastating blow in bloodied targets, then confounding blind and secret horrors. In the end, I choose to cast secret horrors or body attunement if I need it (I found they were either duplicate with the cipher, or missed too often to be inline AI). P.S. I know I modded in a key change to self-buff cipher, but FWIW I also modded the game to be a lot harder - by adding 1-2 levels to all scaling.
  8. Same issue here, Windows 10 AMD Crossfire X twin r390s on Adrenalin 18.6.1. Consistently freezes in Endless Queries in Beast of Winter. Save file is too large to attach. Other fun stuff in my current save: 1. Sanguine Harvest never clears and I killed it 7 times before resting and have 7 swords, 6 on the deadfire merchant ship for about 400k gold. It's still available and I'm sure if I went back on the right day I could farm it again. 2. Pallegina is using a mace (Saru-Sichr) that currently benefits from double Superb buffs in accuracy and penetration, and I assume damage. It goes away if I weapon swap. Unclear how this happened, but somewhere I put on the mace for crush damage in Beast of Winter and it stuck. 3. Grave Calling procs chill fog on non-vessels (all games). 4. Hel Beckoning procs imps on non-spirits (all games). 5. Occasional bugs of named enemies (bounties) not dropping items, but I just reset and kill again so might not be evident. 6. Periodic crashes due to pure virtual function calls when loading a save from an active game (i.e., when I got destroyed but not yet fully party dead). DxDiag.txt
  9. I made my rogue with the following stats: Might 18 Constitution 10 Dexterity 17 Perception 14 Intelligence 13 Resolve 5 And then I went a head and just used the console to give it 20 resolve. The defenses were too low and the way the game AI works, enemies would quickly target the rogue due to low resolve compared to the other (tank) melee. While I don't really like cheating, it was my third POTD play through and I wanted a different comp than loading up on mages, druids, and ciphers and to use some of the cool melee weapons in the game. I chose this approach after attempting to load the rogue up on different defense pots, but few seemed to really make the rogue have the survivability of a ranged class. I do think some of the rogues talent-related survivability does help and after about level 8-9, there are dramatic increases. Some of this I think comes from much greater kill times at that level as well. I like some of the ideas above to make the rogue more "fun", which I really think is just making it have a bit more survivability in melee. An enhanced threat mechanic for tank classes or higher DR armor might cover the need. Having enemies strategically target my lowest resolve player in melee just made me systematically avoid having a melee other than a tank in heavy armor at all for my first few play throughs.
  10. Because you didn't have to rest between encounters if you didn't take adequate damage? All this change does is force resting....or wanding...
  11. I'm really disappointed in this change. Now basically, I need to rest for the sake of it because I'm out of spells I cast in every fight. I was sort of ok with the redundancy of casting the same opening spells on my priest, mage, and druid to get up the accuracy buffs on PotD. Now, it's like basically 5 encounters and I need to rest. That's not really cool when the hardest mode is setup as a buff/debuff metagame.
  12. Necro-ing this, but in a relevant way. Disintegrate does destroy the corpse and loot if the tick of damage does the killing blow. Confirmed I killed Bounty: Meztla today. During the encounter I killed a wizard and Meztla with this ability. In looting, neither a spellbook or (most importantly) the bounty bag with Meztla's head was there. This aligns with the physical disappearance of the body when it dies. Cool spell though, but too cool.
  13. Hi - loved this game and found out the next expansion was out. I downloaded and I'm not sure how to continue my party with the expansion. I've loaded my old party at "Sun in Shadow" and re-killed Thaos. The game just kind of ends for me there, with credits (although, he was notably harder). How do I actually get to continue past Thaos to the White March?
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