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Status Updates posted by Checkpoint

  1. Thanks to ESPN 360 I have actually been able to catch every single Oiler game this season (on-demand archive service rules), and so far I'm not all too impressed. They have this habit of getting stuck in the D-zone that really annoys me. That and just general inconsistency pisses me off on an almost daily basis. But it's fun getting to see the games!

  2. Hey, could you, like, sex me up or something?

  3. The blasted thing doesn't allow for such creative freedom. It's either male or female in this heteronormative world.

  4. NADS? I totally don't follow. Maybe you should start DADS? A forum for all our dads.

  5. Ooh, you little pixie, you! Punch me in the kidney and make love to me!

  6. Looks like the Oilers are in for a year of pretty immense suckage. More injuries and more half-arsed efforts. Yay! Granted, living in Spain I haven't caught more than a couple of highlights.

  7. Oh, suits you!

    This comment business is so MySpace, by the way. I like it!

  8. Sure. Twice on Sundays, I hope?

  9. Are you stalking Kaftan? 'Cause if you aren't, you can stalk me if you want.

  10. I just want to say that I only visit your profile so often to get the link to tADS. It's not because I'm secretly in love with you because I'm not. At least not secretly.

  11. You didn't know I'm Swedish??? This has been known to man since fire first was made in a river valley some 80000 years ago. Shame on you, ignorant Finn!

  12. Lou has his own micro-forum!

  13. Oh, you're a lot funnier than me. For an English lass.

  14. Hi Sur! I gave you five stars! Hope u like em.

  15. You and Drabs are the only two who have bothered visiting my humble profile. I know, it isn't much, but I try...

  16. Rating you right back! And I gave you a FIVE!!! So there...

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