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Everything posted by Kpista

  1. Maegfolc Skull also a good option. +4 strenght to an adsditional warrior plus unbending is priceless!
  2. I would simple add an option to the game which reduces to 75% or to 50% the retriveable xp as an extra difficulty. With that the player would need to calculate where he goes first and where he does not. I do not like monster scaling since there is a fun if you can beat a monster on smaller level than the average did.
  3. Hi Anaeme, At my 3rd play through with my ultimate super commando, with using scrolls and potions properly, mainly scrolls. I killed all, Top bosses on PoTd trial of iron, which means I killed them at first try. Especially at the Adra, was on level 13. All I needed is a rouge, (main character) Pallegina, Kana, Grieving Mother, Durance and Aloth. Plus I needed food A bunch of Accuracy boosting spells (Scroll of valor + priest ones) and healing scrolls at almost all characters + paralyzing spell at 3 of my magic users. And the Adra was dead. At other cases the positioning was important ( at Concelhaut for example) The game has a wide range of varieties of using things together and if you combine things properly you easily slice yourself through at any enemies in the game. and you do not need the strongest characters at all. What I am trying now is having Hiravias on the left front, Kana in the mid, My rouge on the right front. Grieving mother on the left back, durance is on mid back and Aloth is on the right back. Everyone is full of with scroll and potions. What they do is a killing spree.... So What I would ask is to harden Potd, and not make it easier. If someone can't do that level, finish the game on an easier option. Regards, Johneleth
  4. Agree, Its a bit annoying. Not on Expert level of course but its really disturbing
  5. Hi Developers, Ignore it pls. it worked after a successful save load. No issues.
  6. Hi Developers, I think its a bug. Curoc's brand wand does not provide the fireball/per rest that is written in its description. Here you can find my save game file. The person who is holding the wand is durance: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/n6uz45djl9b2po9/AABjv6VqzC9wohDjZs9tli_ra?dl=0 Thanks
  7. Hi Boeroer, It worked. I just had to reload the save and the issue was solved. Thanks!
  8. Hi Everyone, Noticed that in a battle Kana Consistently stops chanting no matter it is switched off before the battle or not. Not sure why. Additionally I lost a gun from his third weapon slot from one second to another. Here is the dropbox link After loosing the weapon where you can find my save file: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/mzxhi0ccgro898l/AAB0BYhcLyO6TjP5dOlV5Y5fa?dl=0 Additionally regardless I reswitch his chanting, it switches off a little after I am at Caed nua level 2. Thanks!
  9. Hi Everyone, The Ciphers Mind wave's range highlight is still originates from the cipher and not from the target. Would it be possible to take out this minor bug? It happened at the sanitarium at Brakenbury, on cells level.
  10. Hi Sking, Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately I had to left out the last week but I hope I will be able to provide you some useful info. Thanks again!
  11. Dear Developers, Let me be the second as an enthusiastic player I have restarted the game several times with a rough only because that is my favorite character and I consider that one for my way of play the strongest. I am in act II with finalizing all quests and finishing Caed nua, but not killing the dragon yet, which is a goal with my latest play since at another one I let her go. (I hope she will appear in Pillars2 ) ) I have not started to use the newest beta Patch so this is rather an experience description 1. How have we been at communicating with you guys? It’s completely okay no issues with that 2. What did you like about us? I am on the same opinion as the first writer plus the fact that you answer almost all issues. Nevertheless, you resurrected my favorite game (Baldur’s Gate) from my childhood and you made a far better one. Also I very like the Endurance and Healing points logic, it is very cool, I also like the level up system that characters are getting will, reflex, fortitude, and deflection points not just Endurance and accuracy. With this, on higher levels the hit is not 100% as it was at the first PoE game or in Baldurs Gate. Here I would add a suggestion. Since Characters are different and has different type of strengths and weaknesses, I would modify the standards three points to all defenses to character specific. Also its very cool that the armors have damage reduction points against the effects in the game. This was very misdesigned in BG 3. What kind of things would you like to see us improve on? I disagree with the previous writer regarding potions and food. Since I am playing on Path of the Damned, and I am truly playing on real Trial of Iron, which means I restarted the game when I died many times, using potions, scrolls, food is inevitable. The significant part of my gold is spent for item parts to have always scroll of defense, protection, accuracy boost, revive, paralyze and so on stuff at my character. Since with using scrolls a chanter can be a battle wizard, a warrior can be a professional healer a rogue can be a summoner and things like that. I say the tool system that you created is very cool. If someone understands the combat logic, he or she must understand that these things are a MUST on Path of the damned, since if the healer priest falls someone has to resurrect him or everyone dies. Or if the healer is casting a defensive magic, one type, but for winning the battle another defense type is required than someone else has to cast that. With this logic, I was easily able to progress with the game much faster, I do not have to sleep so much, and I was able to go inside Cragholdt on level 11. It was extremely difficult, but beatable. Ohh I forgot traps: Very cool things very usable, all of my characters using mechanics and stealth. On Potd, for beating the harder fights traps are very useful extremely. It takes time, it’s true, but significantly weakens the enemy. What I would say that would be a very good improvement is the experience points and level ups. My experience is that very easy to reach the max level very fast on Potd. I am in the mid of Act 2 not beating Caed Nua in this game and Readrick and I am on level 10, 6 level the top and almost the whole game is in front of me. I would make the level experience need bigger, or at least providing an option for fanatic players (as you did with the damages after running with endurance to 0) Additionally, I would use different level ups to characters a fighter would be faster a wizard would be slower. Moreover, I would give another option to players who would like to switch of the not in the party companion exp giving. Since in this case the player would need to use all character to keep them on the proper level. Now they get the experience point regardless they had real experience with the active team or not. 4. What would you like to hear from us in the future? Pillars of Eternity 2 announcements J or at least another expansion J 5. Additional thoughts? I would add to the game more scrolls with all the available magics that can be found in the game, not just some from the priest Wizard and Druid. At least all magics from wizard Priest and druid to have the requirement of the bigger lore than 10. Athletics and Survival skill are weak in this way Athletics extremely is. Prevously some points were needed on it to avoid Fatigue but now its advantage only to have a healing, which is easily replaceable wit lore and scrolls. I would give to athletics some kind of combat attributes changing advantage, such as a minor speed boost a minor deflection bonus ects, since the better athletics I have the faster I am and harder to hit. Survival idea was okay but unfortunately the most usable abilities, e.g. the Consumable duration needs so much points, so I decided to give those points to mechanics and stealth to make my team to trap laying Commando. Combat: What is the hardest fight you had in the game? What were your favorite and least favorite fights? Do you feel that there were any boss fights that were to overwhelming or underwhelming? What was so difficult about it? Let us know. With my newest restart, I did not have too much hard fights. With using Trial of Iron I must go to that place where I win, so I must follow an order and a logic. Maybe the big Wurm at Searing falls cave but he died as well easily since I cancelled his terrify ability with scrolls and I continuously used Scroll of def. and protection. Overall the hardest one at Caed nua endless paths level 12 where I was not cautious enough the team was depleted tired, and started a battle with pigwas and the spore lings and with everything in the same time by coincidence. There I almost died and I used up every magic scroll potion that I had. Apart from this I like the battle logic it is very cool. However, there is a very annoying part: when I was in Copperlane the Leaden Key guys attacked me and I did not notice one of the justiciars… I applied a fireball and the justiciar turned against me since he was hit. Stem from the fact he died but I have not noticed I saved the game after that. Later I moved to the marketplace and EVERONE ATTACKED ME, since all the justiciars turned against me after I killed one of them. Since I have one save at trial of iron I was very angry since the only way was to correct this glitch was to modify the save game and deleting the map copperlane as I was never been there. So I think this type of issue must be handled somehow. Additional Information: Are there any bugs that we missed you would like to see fixed that is not appearing in this list? Let us know about the top 5 bugs you would like to see fixed for the official 3.04 update and how we can reproduce them. Yes. Ciphers Mind wave is still incorrect. It shows the area effect starting from the cypher and not from the enemy to whom I cast as it was in one of the early games. Shortly that was all Kind regards, Kpista
  12. Hi Sking, I cannot download 3.04 Patch via Steam. Do you have code maybe with that I can find? At previous patches that was the case. If you can share that with me that would be cool. Thanks
  13. Dear Developers, the mind wave has an issue now. it show as if the magic would come from the Cipher instead from the target.
  14. Hi Goger, I noticed the same error, however the Accuracy is calculated properly in Combat, moreover after a combat, the proper accuracy will be shown until you switch weapons from your inventory.
  15. Hi, I met the same issue at my druid and I posted the error as well.
  16. Hi Developers, I have an Adventurer druid on level 9 and I recognized that I am unable to cast neither the relentless storm nor the Returning storm, no matter how many times I try. When I try to cast she switches back for doing nothing instead of initiating the casting. The issue occurred in the new newest update of the basic game. Previously it perfectly worked. Here is my output log and TxT link under Dropbox: https://www.dropbox.com/s/t4l1lwl0gimdt0x/Output%20log%20and%20save%20file.zip?dl=0 Additional issue I noticed is when I switch weapons at a character, I mean I change the weapon in his hands with a different weapon, the Accuracy on the characters page does not highlight properly the proper accuracy amount. The calculation ignores the weapon's accuracy bonuses. Only after when a Start a combat the accuracy ability on the character page "jumps" to the right amount with including the weapon's accuracy bonus. you can check this error as well with my save file. Thanks for the help!
  17. HI Developers, This issue is still exists, may I inquire when it will be solved? Thanks!
  18. Hi Developers, I encountered with a similar issue at Old Nua Level 6. After durance lost all of his endurance points he kept stood up. Then when the battle was over he did not recover his endurance points just remain stood up with 0 endurance. I tried to save the game but the game said I could not since I was still in combat. Then I quit from the game, and miraceously it loaded back when I logged out, durance at last really fell then stood up and recovered all of his endurance points. Here is my dropbox link with a picture and with the out put log and save: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wr8p1tob0hxnz2u/Output%2Csave%20and%20picture.zip?dl=0 I hope this helps. Thanks in advance for checking the issue.
  19. Hi Developers, I had a fight at Old Nua level 6 and Durance after going zero did not fall to the ground and after the battle his endurance did not loaded back. Problem is the game thought that I was still in combat so I was unable to save. However for Some reason after quitting from the game and loading back my status Durance fell and stood up, reloading its Endurance points. My output log file and my latest save file can be found under this drop box link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/wr8p1tob0hxnz2u/Output%2Csave%20and%20picture.zip?dl=0 Also I added the picture below. The issue happens not the first time. At Old Nua level 5 I encountered with the same issue, but there a summoned spirit froze when it was killed by the enemy.
  20. Hi Developers, I encountered this issue now at Old Nua Level 3. I ran from an Ogre to "charm" him to a much better fighting position with shooting him when the distance became relatively big. At mid road, my rogue waited the Ogre in stealth mode to join into the fun and assist my ranger. When my rogue came out from stealth with a shot with the bow the sneak attack have not been triggered! Could you please check this bug? I think it a relevant one since with this a huge advantage of the rogue class' sneak attack ability is lost. The save file and output can be found under this dropbox link. The fight has not been finished since the Ogre finished the chase of us. Link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/lg9kvttmyfceih9/Save%20and%20Output.zip?dl=0 Thanks!
  21. Hi, I noticed this issue as well. If my save file is needed as a confirmation, I am happy happy to upload.
  22. HI Aarik, In which patch this issue will be solved? Since until then I am unable to continue my adventure at level three without giving a huge handicap for the poor ogres...... Thanks!
  23. Hi Developers, At level 3 old Nua, if you start a conversation with the statue you are unable to close it. When the discussion is started, it does not react any of your speech choices. The only way to leave the conversation is to close the game. Which I am very angry for since I had to start the whole level from the stairs again. I am completely aware of that this issue has been reported already, but if possible please amend it asap. Not sure if the log file helps, since I had to close the game with ALT+F4 and restart from the stairs but if yes you can find it attached. output_log.txt Thanks in advance! Kpista
  24. Hi Team, I don't remember that I encountered such bug in the basic game. The error itself is, characters completely ignores opened doors as obstacle. Below link leads my dropbox where you can see the case on a screen print: https://www.dropbox.com/s/i8a9057dtcl5p6x/Going%20through%20doors.jpg?dl=0 Contact me if you need anything else. Thanks!
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