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Everything posted by s13ep

  1. I confirm that Valkyria Chornicles is the best game in the summer sale at the moment. It's definitely worth a purchase, would play again.
  2. I agree with this but it's nothing like that in society. It's more like Kill the Planet serve the self, not the selfless freer aspects like aesthetics.
  3. Timecube A cube has 4 corners ( which are the vertical edges ). Linear Time A cube has 8 corners ( which are the diagonal points ). Proof of Timecube If you look at a Linear Time version of a corner, you actually see a Timecube corner, which is evident in the quadrant you envision. It is more of an angle you're looking at rather than a singularity, dot or 'Linear Time' corner. < not .
  4. Pillars of Eternity. ARMA III Banished ( on the side ) Cities Valkyria Chronicles GTA V Halo MCC DMC This is over the last two weeks.
  5. Everyone's knows human psychology now a days, and deep down inside you support it's perverse attitude toward people in the recent years. You're the accepted coward of the modern era. EDIT: And that's exactly what you're implying, the implication you send is psychologists 'being harsh to people like", my self in this case. Which isn't so, people are given a chance even if their psychology isn't normal. There are arguments against psychology and frankly you don't know what you're talking about, I'm much more educated than you on the subject. I have a shrink of my own, none of this is a problem - the problem is violence in itself. You speak of another humans mind as if it's below your own but you've found a field that can really produce a train of hate, because it's so accurately judgmental; but yet you cry inside at ones 'egotistical writing'? Is this the hypocrite that is in your nature. Weed is not that bad, I know the maleficent effects. And I don't smoke much, I could have been joking, do you like putting people in awkward positions? Is this in your nature too? Are you thus an abomination who spreads nihilistic implications to audiences in effort to promote social disunity? You're not dark, darkness is trapped, there is no darkness.
  6. So it's your personal experience and you have my sympathies for that, but it's not as if society has suddenly grown happy go lucky since then. If anything, given 9/11 and the ensuing European attacks in 2004 and 2005 have made things more sinister. It's really not a bad thing in my eyes, his position was influential, I really had a sense of power; among others I am fearless, I take pride in the fact I admit I'm paranoid about people with fighting skills and or what's to be considered potential threats to life, but as someone who pursues a beautiful death at times I feel I would stand my ground against anyone... And my confidence rubs off in what I create, that I, personally, am impressed with. I don't think my creation follows any major trends bar the alphabet, but only a few of my ideas may be original. This is what separates 1998-mentality to 2015-mentality; confidence in yourself, not by anyone's standards. We miss even the fear of a freer world. Like me and Edér but me and my Dad. Also OP, Name ways in which it could be more dark... I know of a few but then it would have to be perverse and sexual, it would have to be something that you didn't want, but wouldn't that displease people? Wouldn't you think people would be offended by malicious hard-hitting content ( as with some scenes in Grand Theft Auto )? If that's not the case which I'm not implying it is, only a fraction of it I believe, then again, names ways in which it can be darker and appeal to every dark mind... Perverse and sexual darkness... " You are on an island that's inhabited by sentient insects of all their disgusting kinds, "Mmmmmm" they say as they torment, sensually and sexually, humans that were sent to hell in a past life. " O.O
  7. No, generally. There was more criminal activity back then, people were more hardened on the streets, now a days it's all about protein shakes and steroids. The police are overpowered, as they should be, but that's not making humans any more lively. Imaginations are restricted in education to be submissive, with greater effect in the world of today than the world of 1998. Without being too egotistical, my father was a criminal and I was brought up quite lavishly and around lots of violent, egotistical behavior. I'm so cold inside because of it; when it's the father, most want to live up to the name, and I find it not possible in todays world, whereas in his world it was much more possible proven by the acts he committed in front of me; check!
  8. Having not played Baldur's Gate, I was comparing Pillars of Eternity to other modern RPG's and I can safely say, in myself, that the story so much better than the lore in other modern games - Baldur's Gate is a pretty old game, and no matter how experienced you are, creating a new story, in line with another, is not as easy as one-two-three. Plus, back then people were much darker, we live in a passive, progressive and painless society, now a days... I'm sure if they didn't quite make a better game, that in the second, they would fix their mistakes. I look forward to the next, if there is to be one.
  9. No, notice his/her signature "Lord of Lords", put that together with the style of prose that indicates that English is possibly not their first language and that they've made two inane threads about some deeply shallow concepts...It's LoF's new alter. Discussion: Rage sent me to make this thread - is this a mental issue or a social issue? That is the question. Its a mental perspective influenced by a social factor, so I would say its a combination of both ? You might be right but it's going to be hard to accept. It doesn't have to be, I would see this as just the way the human psyche responds to things that vex us In your case you made a thread to rationalize and get feedback on this issue. I would say this is normal. Discussing things on the Internet can be therapeutic? Indeed. It does help to have discussion that allows you to recognize potential in your own side of the argument, especially if it merits ten years work.
  10. No, notice his/her signature "Lord of Lords", put that together with the style of prose that indicates that English is possibly not their first language and that they've made two inane threads about some deeply shallow concepts...It's LoF's new alter. Discussion: Rage sent me to make this thread - is this a mental issue or a social issue? That is the question. Its a mental perspective influenced by a social factor, so I would say its a combination of both ? You might be right but it's going to be hard to accept.
  11. Rest in piece. I remember seeing him when I watched television.
  12. No, notice his/her signature "Lord of Lords", put that together with the style of prose that indicates that English is possibly not their first language and that they've made two inane threads about some deeply shallow concepts...It's LoF's new alter. You are the true Joker. I take more of a relaxed approach with my writing on forums. If I put in effort, I can write well enough to impress even your high-standards, which I respect. Discussion: Rage sent me to make this thread - is this a mental issue or a social issue? That is the question.
  13. I prefer Hydroponic weed....what do you like ? I assume you smoke weed and your stoned revelations helped motivate this post....or is that just a conspiracy theory Just enraged at the time of a recent occurrence... ( where some nihilism came over me whilst I was thinking ). It gave me the will to write; but I'm aiming at no-one in particular, no-one is to blame, it's a theory of a source. Hence why "Nihilistic Implications" than "Nihilistic People". Also, stoned. And trust me, this is a lot less 'wacky' than the traditional Timecube thread I post x)
  14. I'm playing on PotD, first play-through, and Edér has made a fine tank thus far. I'd say I'd definitely be able to complete it with him as tank, but haven't done so since I'm reading all the text.
  15. I've been lost in my mind so much I was unaware of the expertise of some people... See, I notice only the opposites in nature I have taught myself to see. I didn't even know that was a painting of Odin, but the way you said that was so perfectly entwined with the picture, even by my low-standards, I immediately took your stance.
  16. It's where I got the idea from, being honest, but it had evolved over time and became something original! I have the Devil down as a pure black man or gender-less human with a glitch-like domineer; fearful and flashy. More energy-based than fire. And the Jester eventually became someone wearing colors like the one in my picture, just a normal man who was emotionally chaotic.
  17. One has mixed feelings about the Brunnhild and Allfather illustration, chiefly because of the dissonance it creates in the varying artforms used within its composition, the winged helm, the Celtic jewellery, the unrealistic armour etcetera. However I would personally state that the nihilistic appreciation of art has risen in tandem with the standard appreciation of art, to the point where criticism has become the more revered art form in some places, while not really contributing much other than the nihilistic movement towards entropy. Now could one argue that this entropy is attractive and valid as an art form in its own right? I'm not sure and hardly think that I am suitable to answer that question. I will leave this dissection of art and the natural critical response to it in the hands of that revered critic and creator Mr Brooks, whom here studies the possible birth of art amongst early man and its possible reception: I've had a lot of thoughts in reference to this piece; including the bravery and femininity ( as well as, in classic Taoist style, the trees and the gaps in the trees blend perfectly with their domineer) expressed by the male and female in the picture. Many thoughts come to mind if I try to make a story out of it. Which was the point I was trying to get across. This is more visual than text-based, however... What a beautiful work of art!
  18. Explain how "using a visual template" is not an idea. It seems as if you've misinterpreted the original post, or skimmed it at best... idea: a thought or suggestion as to a possible course of action. No offense meant by this, but it seems to be that whenever you are a newcomer to a forum, you're forced to gain reputation first, to allow even the smallest sign of your ego show without being told off by those with good reputation and their usual moderator companion. I'm okay with that, but let's not abstract my vision and the vision of many others based on a few peoples statements - no matter how reputable they are... It's not a sign of 'superior intelligence', it's a sign of 'superior social sanctification'. That's not why I said that. I'm sorry if I came across as harsh, that was not my intent, I wrote that post in a hurry as I was about to leave to catch a train. Perhaps what I should have said that this isn't a "concept", but at most a direction. It's not a story idea, it's not an art style idea. It's incredibly abstract you could keep in mind as you develop those ideas but it's not really what most people in the game industry consider an "idea". There's much less that people can do with it. Either way, conventional game design wisdom is to start with mechanics concepts (not as in this is the inner workings of the game, but as in this is what the players do) and not art or story and then grow from there. No hard feelings man, I get responses like it all the time, on any forum I attend. It must be the way I write or express my character. And point taken, it is very abstract. Maybe I'm the only one who understands it, in this form... I'll do my best to edit it. Thanks for the heartfelt response!
  19. Haha, all credit goes to the artist.
  20. It's for the story more so than it is a game. When writing a story, for whatever means, create a visual template ( which can be 3D and imaginary ). You could use this image as a template ( perhaps imagining it with further depth ).
  21. A thread for conspiracy theories or discussion of such... Nihilistic Sensual Implications in Social Groups My argument is that, what can be referred to as "social fiends", plague social circles with nihilistic behavior that isn't immediately recognized as nihilistic because it's abstruse. An analogy, someone may work hard for hours, days or years, only to have his work destroyed in a moment. Ruins are easily created, but for the man who spent his time working on a house, it's not such a simple thing, it's a complexity that's hard to break out of, that actually causes a lot of hassle. To the man, it's a problem. Which brings me to my point. Often tension arises in social circles, through discussion, debate, or other people's disgust. A point may be made in the jest of a conversation, but then as the tension falls, people lose connection with the goings on ( especially on the internet, it's less physical ) - they get bored of it, and lazy. Some wait for hours, just to make a response when the tension has died down, in light of declaring someone they don't like as an outcast, or winning a debate cheaply. What does this behavior imply? That the man should now be plagued with dark thoughts? He should be weakened somewhat? Bullied? I don't think he should, because I take my time to notice what was implied sensually. A metaphor, some grumpy man enters an art gallery and sees something he doesn't like, ripping it off the wall... Someone enters a thread, and immediately tries tearing it down like a feral child. Now, the man who made the thread has a right to stand his ground, and if he does, he shouldn't be seen as a weak person, for he was placed into an awkward position, and it's in everyone's nature to escape or make the best out of these situations. To conclude, there are sensually nihilistic implications in social groups, that go overlooked or unnoticed, and I just wanted to rant about it, in light of fixing the problem.
  22. A thread for screenshots of the game that you're playing at the moment...
  23. A tank, and off-tank to split up enemies partially ( a cipher, a paladin, a monk, a druid, a barbarian ). Bare in mind the off-tank isn't required in all battles, most battles where one is required are on an open field. A rangers pet makes a good off-tank, but I often use my cipher ( perhaps not the best decision ). A wizard with a damage-orientated spec, perhaps with a few crowd control (Bewildering Spectacle, Confusion). A ranger and a chanter, both equipped with ranged weapons. A healer.
  24. Dear Diary, I bought an iPhone6 today, only set me back £24 + 2 year contract. First picture:
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