No, you are on his side. Logic dictates that since we have no information beyond speculation to base our theories on, it's anyones guess. We have equal reason to believe one way or the other.
I find it very hard to believe that LA wont be developing Kotor 3 till 2010 as stated before. I think, note the word THINK, it will happen by the end of 2008. Now again, thats my opinion, if Calax's opinion is that it wont be made till 2103 then he is fully entitled to his opinion, and I wont complain about that. What makes me upset is when he says "It WONT be coming till 2010" because there is really no way for him to know that.
Umm... no, Calax's opinion is more logical. These are two theories, and logic is sided with Calax's "side", because it is more logical, or should I say likely
K3 is a big project. We would atleast know that LA is developing SW based RPG. Some info about projects of this scope leaks always out.