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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. i wish that you could really have atris train you. that would be sweet!  :D  i expected this game to be different. i know that you play the exile, but i thought that if you went light side, you could have jedi masters with you for a while. or if you went dark side, that you would have sith with you as "friends". there was some other things that i thought that this game had. but i was wrong. but still its not a bad game. pretty good. it would be a lot better if it was not rushed. :)


    i just wanted my dam lightsaber back, harlet :p

  2. actually this is a KOTOR forum (its not in obsidian general) i'm a n00b and know that!


    once again WHO ARE YOU!


    so you and george shoot the **** over golf do you?  :(


    This is a thread not a forum. Easy mistake to make though.


    KOTOR has very little to do with George as does Lucas Arts Games in general.


    it still doesn't say bash KOTOR on the thread title! i know george doesn't have any involvment it just rolled off the tongue better


    george doesn't look like much of a golfer :blink:

  3. 1. If you haven't already noticed, this is Obsidian's forum, not a KotOR Fanboi forum.

    2. I never said I didn't like KotOR.

    3. I never said people can't have KotOR III, they just won't get it. If they really want it they can make it themselves.

    4. I'm way to attractive to get over myself.


    actually this is a KOTOR forum (its not in obsidian general) i'm a n00b and know that!


    once again WHO ARE YOU!


    so you and george shoot the **** over golf do you? :(

  4. If you are asking why they are in this thread then thats a fair question, negative inconstructive comments are never helpful.


    If you are asking why they frequent these boards, be aware of the fact that Kotor 2 is not the be all and end all of Obsidian and they have no connection with Kotor 3 (strictly speaking nobody does, since it is non existant).


    as i was informed earlier "take your comments to forums where they belong", if you don't like KOTOR i believe there are other threads non-KOTOR related (stay there). its just pointless for someone to come in and just be negative when this is a constructive thread (suggestions for KOTOR 3 not do you think KOTOR is done)

  5. Intelligent design is pseudoscience. Therefore, it shouldn't be taught at the same level as true science.


    The need for a legal ruling is flabbergasting, though.


    psuedoscience? there ain't no science 'bout it. not deserve even pseudoscience label.


    there is a school of thought that mankind brought Gods into existence simply to explain away the unknown. what cause the rain? what cause drought? what is the stars? why does we have fall follow summer, and spring follow winter? for every question we could not answer, we imagined Divine explanations.

    is intelligent design any different? can't explain the evolution of platypus with science? must be God's will.




    not science. am a religious person, but is insulting to even Gromnir's limited intelligence to be trying to convince us that intelligent design has any scientific basis.


    HA! Good Fun!


    Have you read anything by stephen j gould? he has journal on science and religion the same as seperation of chruch and state. you can be religious and scientfic it is possible (you just can't explain one with the other they are seperate domains)

  6. Elimination of church would be preferable, but yes, keep religion out of the public school systems. The Big Bang Theory is how the universe was created, not some "intelligent" design by some greater being.  :(


    i don't agree with intelligent design, but there a lot of kids living without morals and discipline that could really use religion. it just needs to be in its place (science and religion are different)

  7. Not going to happen so ther eis no reason to have a K3.



    I've gotta agree with Hades, KotOR is over.


    :blink: then why are you here?


    the series just started how can it be done, besides you know the game was not horrible. you make it sound as if it was like dead to rights 2, the game still did really well and most who played KOTOR enjoyed it once they got past the let down from all the hype. who are you to tell people what can and cannot have... your not a developer or a publisher! GET OVER YOURSELF or stay out of these forums and leave people who like this series and would like to see it continue alone :(

  8. i agree with you shadow the people of africa are not as useful to the powers as say the asian markets. however apartheid is symbolic of what africa has always been (a place to be pludender with people who have never been allowed to be part of the grand society). i do agree with you that africa has allowed itself to continue to be a victim. if you speak to people from africa they will tell you that the level of uneducated makes the society more savage than modern so its not reasonable to expect they are prepared to be a great power. the explotation is within too so keep thatin mind

  9. It may not really be news but darkhorse comics is coming out with a kotor series. In a interview with John Jackson Miller the writer for the upcoming series hints at a possible K3 to tie in with the release of the comic book series Link It's a long article but just scroll down to the very bottom.


    i love that pic with the main character on the speeder. it does sound like they want to move this into a franchise (i'm hopeful at least)


    Bastila Skywalker, your sig is very annoying and your constamt raving about KotOR 3 is even moreso.  Obsidian is not making KotOR 3 and with any luck they never will.  Go bother the Lucas Arts forums if you want KotOR3.  Posting this crap here is pointless and a waste of time.


    seriously how do you know? and people have dreams don't kill them with your anger


    *i feel the conflict within you let go of your hate :blink: *


    besides not everyone has that 49.95 to cough up for hyperspace!

  10. remember Africa was freed of apatheid in the late 80's! so they are a very new nation and by no means any different from other thrid world nations struggling with a lack of a stable politicial system. besides africa is still rich with natural resources the world (WORLD not just the US and Europe) are still exploting. As far as Asia, the US and Europe are not the only ones to have exploted areas of Asia (remember Chinese and Vietnamese feuds). i agree with shadowit is a difference of systems that makes a difference but don't forget currcumstances either like battle is saying.

  11. The nation of the United States is doomed. The land and the culture that is America, perhaps, is not. I make a distinction between the two: the US is the very representation of an unilateral empire at the beginning of its decline. If we reinvent ourselves, then we certainly won't be the US anymore. In the same sense, no one calls China under the Tang Dynasty the same China as it is now. Ebbs and flows in history do not occur to lands, they occur to nations and societies. US society is in decline, but another society in the same land is perhaps waiting to be born.


    Regardless, the very essence of my argument lies in progressivism, which typically follows decadence. Once a civilization has grown sufficiently decadent, it collapses and a new civilization rises to the challenge - rising, so to speak, in the embrace of progress. If there is one thing that I am faithful of it is the inevitability of change and the unfailing ability of people, not nations, to become greater than they are if they so choose. Americans are not doomed; our future lies in whether we can shake off the decadency of modern society and reinvent ourselves for progress.


    be careful of the gloom and doom theories, they are usually exaggerated. besides are miltary power and world influence are far to strong for us to fall over the current issues we are having. beside if a nation can survive the civil war and depression i believe terrorism and minor capitial declines are not significant enough to trump are great nation!

  12. what is the saying the bigger they get the harder they fall. there will never be world unity because the world will never be free of egocentric thought, so don't hope for a world goverment (empire). the UN is as close as that will come and as far as i'm concerned its just as corrupt as any other world power so we need more of that. nuclear weapons? they are harder to construct then you (shadow) are giving credit too, you need a nation to create something viable (ruling out terrorist organizations) and no nation is willing to start a nuclear war with the US. so the threat of nuclear war is not an issue, and remember terrorist are small scale and saddam never had the balls to attack the US. The key issue in iraq is the abuse of his people (oil aside we all know thats what its about). the way those people were being treated warrants mediation IMO

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