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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. :lol: Poor American education.


    you know albert einstein was considered an idiot in his mandated education i wonder how many other of the most brilant of minds were lost in the european education system. so don't hate (w00t) :o

  2. :p And NorCal is not 1337 or Netsp33k, it's a shortening of two words, usually used locally. Idiot. :)


    :huh: that just say it all, by the way i thought it was pretty unverisal to say ppl for people however i'm a violator :thumbsup: and the idiot (oh yeah thats not flaming <_< )


    by the way NorCal! NOR CAL *cough* poser *cough* what do you have a 14 ft tall truck 2


    accept your hypocrite ways and please if you are going to make personal attacks make them coherent and not full of holes.


    lata burger king

  3. Lucas just try to put a scientific spin on the force by having these thing that are force cells that you can do like a RBC to determine how strong someone is in the force. maybe he was watching DBZ or pokeman and thought hey the kiddies are goin to love this :p

  4. didn't qui gon say they were cells that live symbiotically with our own cells if i recall. (w00t) like mitochondria wow. LA must have tried to put the science spin and realized star wars is far from science, like the WNBA being far from a sport :mellow:

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