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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. we won't get impeached till he gets the pipes work at the oval office by a little miss ****tail dress. besides don't presidents lie all the time? thought that was par for the course. and its only a little weapon of mass destruction not like its a big deal :thumbsup:

  2. all i know is anyone on this form better take voting seriouly after what those people in iraq did, can you imagine there are people who are too lazy to get off their ass to do it when you have people like that who are willing to die to make a change!


    as far as the miltary, i'm sick of the left wing banter about how this war is about oil :thumbsup:


    really i didn't know that :huh: of freaking course it is SO WHAT! we need it cheap so we can by our mocha latte and have extra change to blow on our over priced FPS but you know the game we can't go out and say that the we would feel guilty about. we live in decadence and that is the cost, so before you go on bashing the moron we have in charge (yes he is i know) think about what our society has made necessary. think about it this way THOSE WITH POWER ALWAYS USE IT! so don't feel guilty for doing what any other country would do in your position and look at the bright side we are helping people who have been treated like bomb decoys. maybe they want our life 2, think about that? having a chance to bitch about the goverment while sippin on their tall froppie!

  3. as i have said earlier this franchise is a gold mine that could rival final fanatasy if done right (something LA games struggle with *cough* revenge of the sith*cough*). without bashing what has already been bashed WHATS THE DEAL!?


    i wouldn't be as upset if i didn't see the article with the head of LA in GI saying they wanted to refresh the franchise with top notch games and while they have improved with KOTOR and battlefront...WHAT IS THE DEAL when you have a flag ship title and you let it go from game of the year to forgotten?? :thumbsup:

  4. I originally wanted to teach at the Junior College level or the full-on University level, but the job market for those positions are pretty slim. :huh:


    not at all man trust me, just think of some of the people who are teaching at the JC level and there are openings besides ITS TEACHING there are always openings. what state are you from?

  5. Most hated planets of kotor (in totally random order)


    Manaan-... the speech, would somebody please kill the Selkath and their idiotic "neutrality"

    Star Forge (Deck II)- Loads of enemies can be fun... but unlimited amounts are not

    Dantooine/Korriban of Kotor2- Prefer new planets, not butchered old planets

    Peragus II- Way too long and not enough RPG-required interaction with the locals (too much fighting and such, and taking major long routes to end back at the start. Still don't get why I should go to the compound of the survivors to escape and activate an "critical elevator" if it only brought me back to the starting point...

    Malachor V- Rushed, rushed, rushed...also too many fighting (like Deck II)


    i man i know what you mean about manaan, no fishy little bastards are gonna tell me when i can kill! and the dialogue oh god the dialogue its like donald duck with a turd in his throat :D

  6. I wasn't going to read this thread... and was starting to regret it until I got to this post:
    Dont make fun of DBZ DBZ is the best.

    I was trying to decide between pitying you or laughing at you... but instead, I shall be embarassed for you: :">


    i remember in highschool laughing at someone who watched that show than somehow being sucked into it. its like a disneyland ride you use to think was cool as a child but now you realize its kiddie capacity, it lead to bigger and better things so i appericate for that

  7. Yah, my face looks pretty young.  I still get carded, heh.  Nah, that's a pretty recent pic.


    I had originally started my Masters in English Literature, immediately after double-majoring in Literature and Philosophy.  But I quit that Masters pursuit.


    Now, though, I'm going to go back and get a Masters in Teaching (English).  I'll be at the top of the job pool for teachers, as most only have a Bachelors in Education, so hopefully I'll be able to pick a decent school and work my way up to a really good school.


    Yes, it will be for highschool... And yes, I hated highschool.  O sweet irony, thy daggers pierce deep!


    how long have you been teaching?


    not going to the junior collegiate level with your masters? :) i'm just getting into teaching and i'm already wanting out :) too dangerous

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