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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. 2. Lurk for awhile. Feel the place out, look at what draws the wrath of the forumites and what they laugh at, try and fly under the radar rather than pissing everybody off your first week here.

    3. Netsp33k and 1337sp33k are generally looked down upon here, please to be composing your posts with complete sentences and proper English.


    i protest these and your gonna have to deal with it!


    but i will follow the search and KOTOR 3 tenets


    by the way why did you say king speak when your from Norcal?


    :) poser perhaps ??


    oh and its northern california if were not going to be a hypocrite :thumbsup:


    and why is this thread up again good lord OCD

  2. Do you think they are having difficulty finding a developer for this project? I'm still confused on why bioware did not do the sequel :blink: .


    I honest think the sequel was better then the original story and the characters were better too. I mean kreia was one of the best constructed characters i have ever seen in a game, she was so complex and compelling. I also was not interesting in HK and T3 as much as i was in the sequel. Plus atton was so much better than carth good lord i hated carth

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