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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. I wonder if you could sneak one of those belt knives through airport security...  o:)

    Before 911, I had carried it on planes & through many various sequurity systems. Since then I don't even carry a paper clip into those areas. Was working in the Denver Federal Courthouse a few months ago and the SOB on security swabbed my tools and materials and held me up because they showed 'hot' for nitrates. Frigging Dudley Dooright! Took me about an hour to explain my way out of that one.


    I haven't gotten any more 'civilized' in my years since. I've just gotten sneakier o:) .


    moreKOTORplz...your buddy sounds like a future organ donar. Idiot! ;)

    I'll bet he was fun to watch though. ;)


    irish drunk :shifty: always loaded. i remember one time he was so loaded he had to wizz and the jon was full so he was like **** this **** man and just went on the back of this dude's leg (w00t) :lol: hes one of those guys where you have to be alert at all times bc you will either miss the funniest thing of your life or you will get hit in the head with a chair :p or bottle :lol: .

  2. BF2 for PS2/Xbox is not the same BF2 us PC players are using.


    BF2 for console is pretty lame.  Choppy as hell, it can become a slide-show on the PS2.  I would say no, it's not worth it at all.


    BF2/SF for the PC is a great game though.  Only hard part is finding a good server.


    good server because of lag or because of players?

  3. :thumbsup: i thought you were joking ;) nice. least you weren't like my buddy, idiot got into a drunkerd fight at a bar, nailed the bartender (he was hitting on his girl) , then hit the bouncer who was huge, and lastly decked the cop who was about to read him his rights and cuff him :thumbsup: good times
  4. "you can be religious and scientfic it is possible "


    did we ever suggest the contrary?  go down the list of nobel prize winners for physics and pick out the atheists.  ain't many.


    Gromnir is religious.


    Gromnir has a bs in physics from Cal.


    there is no tension for Gromnir.


    HA! Good Fun!


    it seems that popular opinion suggests the opposite is all i was saying, i know its possible i was instructed in science by catholic sisters. have you read that article gromnir? i can't remember the title but it was by gould. my comparative ver. professor gave it to us my senior semester.

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