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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. only meaningless to bring order to chaos, the structure of life is meaningless you mean? :D this is where faith comes in :D perfectly laid plans never work, just got to keep plugin away as tiger woods would say ewww a rhyme

  2. Ok moreKOTORplz, i disagree with you personally, I think we can change our old habits, i do not believe we are victoms of our own devices unless we let it be so, we lay in the bed we make. I think that believing yourself as a device can be hazardous to your health, that the belief itself is dangerous. the statement alone might determine you to lack capability to change in itself. There are ways to rethink your world around you so that everything does not always seem horrible.


    Have you not found ways to deal with fear, laziness and guilt?


    I find it strikely odd you mention entropy, it reminds me of absurdism: meaning the lack of belief or the belief no meaning.


    Well if life has no meaning and the world is absurd then what? Well we create the meanins, so are you going to stay your conscious life making youself miserable or happy? You might as well stay happy right?


    l :) like i said ends to a means, by the way i mean't entropy as in the affinity for disorder wasn't sure if thats what you were getting from that. human beings are absurd :D , and i believe we can over come our habits but that doesn't mean we can get rid of them same way we can't get rid of a virus but we can stop it. by the way i am happy i thought that was clear :) i just have a synical view of human nature as i think we all do. i find happiness through acceptance, this allows me to make mistakes (effort mistakes not screw up mistakes) but keep living instead of regreting.

  3. moreKOTORplz, thats your legitimate perspective.


    I'd like to think of myself as a god, or aspiring ubermensch who is able to change, change without the need of faith in one so blind to me. Why do we always look outward for answers when if we dig deep deep inside of ourselves we have the answers, the meanings we need. When we study ourselves and see the meaning behind what causes our prejudices, and fears why fear and be prejudice anymore? For most this isn't possible, i am certainly not there yet, but i aspire to none the less.


    Your God is only one place to get answers out of many, and so is mine. We all took some kind of leap in faith, and neither of us are going to budge from our beliefs. So what now?


    You can call me flawed, but i'd prefer you call me WITHTEETH  :D


    thats the thing though white its introspective, when you speak to god its inside you not outside. and it doesn't need to be in a chruch. we do it all the time when we just sit in a chair and listen to music, we think, we ask ourselves questions, and search for answers. when you search with clarity is when you find true answers. but i understand your view, i personally don't care how people are happy as long as they are happy, and i know that only comes from within. my belief is that my happiness is inside me but comes from somewhere greater than myself. besides i don't fool all my religions rules so i can't be considered authentic enough to be an evangelist :)

  4. Hmm...I tend to think that some people look at religion as another opportunity to elevate themselves in society or in any organization. Or rather those people use religious organizations as an external impetus rather than a internal one.


    Sure they might not admit it to themselves or even realize it, but wherever people gather connections are made, deals are struck and hierarchies are formed. People can flaunt their power, exercise their influence or brag about whatever new doodad they have...all the while congratulating themselves on their moral superiority in their religious beliefs.


    Of course, I also think that the majority of people in religious organizations are there because of their faith and the will to do good(at least in their eyes). The problem is that people with more earthly objectives end up with all the power and influence through politics, rumors, the forming of factions and whatnot.


    But wait...this wasn't what the thread is about.


    Yes, well on faith, I think people should believe in themselves more rather than what a certain religion tells you to believe. But only if it were that simple huh?


    you don't need to be part of a religion to believe in god, but helping others and joining to together is what god wants. accepting others as you have come to accept yourself is what gods wants which is the true meaning to why in god and religion are tied (unity). its just dam people in there flawed nature distroting his plan. i say this because god and religion need to be kept apart, its not god's fault that his free willed monsters screw up his true intentions.

  5. time is cyclic, its not like this is the first time a society has decayed nor the first time the belief in god (any) was unpopular. the cruelest part of being a human being is not commiting the evil, but living with the evil and knowing deep down in your heart that you would do it again because your flawed. i say this because no matter how rational and advanced we think we are it comes down to one thing, your still human and you need something to believe in (meaning). i think gaby was saying this, our need to believe in something creates a god, but if you have never truly rested your faith in god you can't understand how true the belief is. the belief creates more than safety it creates inner benefit (it makes you a better person) this provides the serenity all humans are searching for (the reason behind our search for a belief).

  6. ^Get a gun.


    For the owners of the blades out there: if a robber were to break into your house (since you're not going to carry the blades around anyway), how far would you go to stop the robber?


    Would seriously hurting or killing the person and the legal consequences be at the back of your mind or would you go all out berserk?



    Death. I wouldn't hurt them. They may sue you and you may have other stupid legal crap levied against you. If this person is dead, the police will have to take your word and the evidence that you were protecting yourself from someone who had intent to do you bodily harm.


    there is always the family of the "victim" there to sue :) i love our legal system.

  7. all the talk about canon is right, only the movies are canon, because it is as you see it. as for the eu, njo for exemple, I coule write a story that start beginning after return of the jedi and ending 100 years after it, completly erasing everything that has been done, and it would be as much canon as before. as for the sith, I don't know. the sith under revan and malak were just dark jedi or wealking, so anything more sith would do the job


    EU fans are too rapid, although the vong are pretty outrageous for star wars

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