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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. i hope they don't go the canon route because that will eliminate the custom PC, which makes KOTOR what it is.


    I mean i love Revan's character but how would you start with him if he was the PC or exile for that matter? You can't start them off as uber and you can't start them weak.


    I hope he is in the next game and i hope you get to use him toward the end, or at least train under him.

  2. I think it would be neat to have more than one student, but I think they could make the whole master-apprentice relationship that much more fulfilling if they kept it narrow to 1-on-1.  Quality over quantity.


    one way to look at it is that, while you may have other students, you have one "special student" and you (the PC) can even initiate a force bond with that person.


    also, the special student could also be designated as First Mate of the ship and have PC-like attributes (such as the Persuade skill) if and when the game goes multithreaded.


    love that idea


    they need to start on corusant and head out to the unknown region.

  3. Personally I long for a game where someone in authority identifies your character as "the chosen one" and makes it public knowledge only to then later have it revealed to the player that it's just a hoax to raise hope in the future among the population, and the main character was "chosen" only because it was really convenient at the time...


    Jade empire used this format. I don't think it matters because you go through progression, so to say at the start of the game you are the man makes no sense. Either way you are the hero of the game so it doesn't matter

  4. whatever they do i hope its fresh and can stay that way and doesn't have anything to do with jade empire's style :shifty:


    i agree i would rather the game be well developed and length rather than having just well developed boss fights.


    NWN 2 looks very nice so i hope they go that route with K3 and if they can please end the dam frame slow down so the game doesn't have an amature feel to it.

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