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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. The lack of international news coverage about this story is enlightening, IMHO!


    Chirac: Nuclear Response to Terrorism Is Possible


    "PARIS, Jan. 19 -- President Jacques Chirac said Thursday that France was prepared to launch a nuclear strike against any country that sponsors a terrorist attack against French interests. He said his country's nuclear arsenal had been reconfigured to include the ability to make a tactical strike in retaliation for terrorism..."


    It's a lengthy article, so I won't post it all here.  First, what do y'all think about it?  Is it a bluff?  Is it a threat? 


    And most interesting of all, do you think the world stage would be this quiet about such a threat/bluff if it was George W. Bush making it?  o:)


    dam hypocrite french ;)

  2. i did like what they did in the revenge of the sith game with boss battles. the combat changed depending on the situation.


    maybe they can have two combat arts


    large scale saber styles and solo scale saber styles


    i do like the idea of being able to go back and forth however you know you'll be hearing the freeze sound on the console in no time :blink:

  3. it does have a nice tie into the story (kinda), however there are some holes


    1) the only reason kreia gets mad at you is to tempt you, think about it when someone tells you no you want it more. kreia would tempt you with the dark side all the time, and yes the samething was done with visas so i don't see the bias with handmaiden.


    2) plus she wanted you to train handmaiden so you could piss off atris so you could kill her (someone close to you) so you could then kill kreia ala crash of the universe (death of the force). as above tempting you by rejecting you. in short the handmaiden was a pawn to kreia (not very nice way to treat your daughter but look at papa vader)


    it is interesting however and the more i think about it the more i like how it fits into the story.


    HERES A THOUGHT!!! why can't someone from obsidian come in and clarify this!! or is like KOTOR 3 and what the old guard says is canon :blink:

  4. American football, or Euro football?


    There is only one true football. :rolleyes:


    yep the euro league doesn't count thats crap.... :) ohhhh you mean footie ball right right :)


    :lol: wow that hurts the sides :lol: as if footie ball could touch the NFL, the NFL is #1 in the USA and last time i checked the summer olympics we are the best in REAL SPORTS!!! :lol: footie ball

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