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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. The influence syetem is good, they need to do it better in dialogues. If you turned Mira over to DS than she should have the dialogues for it, and not complain when you do evil deeds. Since your character is corrupting them, they are not going to care after a while what happens to some fool who got in your way.


    thats all i'm saying, if you are a DS than you want to corrupt the people in your group. I don't get that satisifaction by gaining dam lightside bonuses :p

  2. I also would like better-written characters this time.  And I think the whole "I have to kill/hurt you to help you" theme was milked dry, so get rid of it or at least reduce it in K3.  We saw that concept used for Kreia, Revan, Atton, Hanharr, and GO-TO.  It got old after a while.


    the characters were solid in K2 i think. I thought kriea was well done, but i do agree the concept of good and evil is not fluid enough. I hate having to do things that counter my intention to get influence or a favorable outcome. It would be nice as you progress you could gain special dialogue skills through class progression like manipulation for example were you get DS points for corupting your peers or doing light side acts in the name of the evil.

  3. it would be nice if people like bin laden didn't represent muslims or bush didn't represent christians, sadly those kinds of people are the most noted. i do agree that the way each religion is conducted against one another makes them more futile than useful (ala the middle east). people are just flawed and doomed might as well except it and carpe diem ;) .

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