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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. You can't tell me that EA, for example, has a cash flow problem.

    Not exactly a cash flow problem, but...




    EA -- which in December warned that results would be "well below" estimates without giving specific profit guidance -- said net income in its fiscal third quarter was $259 million, or 83 cents per share, down from net income of $375 million, or $1.18, in the year-earlier quarter ended Dec. 31.


    Revenue declined 11 percent to $1.27 billion from $1.43 billion.


    Gee, my condolences to them. This is a perfect example of the problem. Now I'm no communist-socialist-pinko-fabian-leftie-weirdo: I'm a big fan of, and all for, captialism. But when the medium controls the message, when the tail wags the dog, when the ULTIMATE GOAL becomes money and not quality product, then these guys should go join a bank where they can work with an end product that is money, and not screw around with my games! :angry:


    Incidentally, blind Freddy's deaf guide dog could have predicted that Xbox 360-related earnings wouldn't meet estimates with the second division line-up of games.


    you would think a company as powerful as that would understand that simple concept, its the backbone of capitlism that there be a competive balance. Its a trend in the industry as a whole, games are just becoming so bland and poorly constructed. its just ego, those dumb stupid kiddies who buy this crap will buy it no matter what we give them and if we feel like putting out crap this year so be it.

  2. it would be interesting if for example to encourage a ship mate to the force or improve your physical skills you could do a mission without the force. it can be done kinda the way fable did it, through a dialogue with one of the characters you have the opition to make a boost or claim that will allow your force powers to be restricted for one mission or you lose a bounus if you use them.

  3. whether they are extermists or diplomats, there is no denying that they are a passionate people who are very voliate. I think its that quality that creates the persona of this group of people, because no one cares about the everyman trying to fix the world one step at a time. the media craves the radical man and it only takes one to make the news and define a whole culture.


    despite that i am honestly sick of all the compassion directed toward the middle east. when you kidnap and kill innocent human beings you haven't earned any compassion. besides where is the backlash for this? why haven't these diplomatic leaders done anything about this, strongly punished this or discouraged it? because they agree with it!


    in my view its darwin time. most islamic nations are of the old world mentality and have not kept up with the times. the whole live and let live philosophy is beyond their dogmas, so if an animal can not adapt it is fossilized. i hope the people of these nations can see this, because even the french made claims of nuclear response! i hope that sinks in THE FRENCH FOR GOD SAKES!

  4. I agree. Playing the game as a not force sensitive commoner would be boring!


    And I also hope that there will be some balance between the Sith and the Republic (Jedi), like there was in KotOR I. Having the Republic on the verge of collapse in KotOR II was all well and good, but it created a mood I think not everyone liked. Therefore not every planets situation you are travelling to should be in critical condition. The Republic might have abandoned some planets in order to restore the infrastructure in the core worlds and to gain new strength.


    i agree i think LA needs to take the hint and give the fans what they are calmoring for... more star wras RPGs so you can play as a non-force sensitive as a main character. but that is not KOTOR, and i think it would be like playing as raiden in MGS 2 (thats not the demand in this game). The theme for K3 needs to be a war, where you fight to retain certain planets others you fight to take, with some on the neutral end with their own internal problems like dantoonie or Nar shardar.

  5. subatomic particles that create a constant energy field in everything in the universe...what is an electron?


    so much interest in religion on these forums :huh:

    Hokie articles about religion aside (see what I did there?), a recent New Scientist has an article about quantum criticality to assist in the explaination of super-conductivity.

    (Basically the traditional quasi-object model (where an object is a bunch of electrons) used to describe the electric charge or absence of same in conductors and insulators breaks down when describing substances as they approach absolute zero; there is therefore a postulation that a mechanism analogous to critical temperatures that invoke phase changes in macro-universe-scaled objects (e.g. steam/ water / ice) called "quantum criticality" based on frequencies (iirc).)


    impressive, indeed you are powerful as the others say

  6. i hope they make item quest


    like after you complete a mission (particluar ones you gain a holocron telling you of a long lost item) and you have to like the star map gain pieces of the puzzle through side missions until you find the location in which you generally have to fight someone who obtained the item like a bounty hunter or jedi master. along with gaining the item you can gain knowledge of the item through a backstory, plus you can feel more attachment to it by EARNING IT! not getting it off a dead guard.

  7. malak was a lot easier than traya thanks to the jedi floating around the room to give you free life. i love how if you run behind the pillar and throw nades at traya she will just sit and take it, just how in K1 starkiller on taris (death match) would sit there if you nade him.

  8. how many times do we have hear the whining and crying of oppressed peoples who in this day an age have the same opportunities as every american (we have the closest thing to a meritocracy). why don't they fight the corrupt land leaders who do not equally divey up the profits from their ludcirs gaming casinos. the irony... people of the same line exploting one another, does that SUPRISE YOU? errr but if you as an american still feel guilty or sorry for the poor native americans of 2006!!! feel free to donate your hard earned tax dollars along with your generious casino droppings as the public school system falls into the abyss and thank you again for ruining america :* cheers

  9. feel free to speak your mind but be ready for whoever you piss off to strike back. the people of denmark might want to get ready for a little fight, or do they go to fist to cuffs in denmark?


    don't hide behind free speech if you can't handle the emotions they spawn.

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