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Posts posted by moreKOTORplz

  1. dark lord is the vader novel they wrote after episode 3. talks about how vader adjust to the suit and how jedi that escaped order 66 live with the times and the new jedi hunter (VADER)


    i liked it, the jedi master in the book was a nicely constructed character

  2. Something I just thought of


    If they do the whole Lightsaber Forms Shindig again they should give each form unique animations other wise it looses some of its luster.


    Perhaps even have unique stances and flourishes for each form although I personally think that lightsaber combat shouldn't be summed up into "forms"


    i agree i want to feel the difference in each form. i would love to see the running animation they have for luke and anakin in BF 2 with the lightsaber point away from them and at the side, just little things like that with the form would make me happy. I think, like influence, its a great idea that has not met its full potential and hopefully will be used in the next game at a far deeper level.


    Dont get me wrong i don't want the game to dump the RPG combat element or turn into BF 2 or jedi academy or jade empire (eww), i just want something different then the last two games. Hopefully when they develop this thing they realize that with holding a lightsaber will not keep the combat exciting, but i have faith this game will rock.

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