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Everything posted by Se_

  1. Se_


    It's not so unusual. E.g. Gennady Zyuganov (First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation) is a believing Christian. And Fidel Castro... many of 'em.
  2. It's shocking. It's a tragedy for Poland and for Poland–Russia relations. My condolences to the Poles.
  3. Gosh! Sometimes I'm ashamed of my countrymen . But then sometimes I'm ashamed of humanity.
  4. If I understand correctly she've said that bad dancer was always complaining about his testicles being the main reason of his bad performance. And Interplay in this metaphor is the testicles, while Black Isle is the dancer. BTW, I disagree with her & think that BI is da best! So there is no need to argue with me
  5. Try Geneforge series, if you want some c&c and good writing.
  6. 2 variants: 1.) (S)he is into masochism. 2.) (S)he lives under the bridge.
  7. Cancelled Warcraft Adventure Game - Leaked Video
  8. U know fallout-community is like a hip-hop culture. There are new-school & old-school. There are east coast & west coast. And there is eternal war between them, which never changes.
  9. Se_


    some true news for variety's sake
  10. Se_


    I think Obsidian should hire the author of these hoax-tidbits. Obviously, he is more gifted in game design than many guyz from industry..
  11. 1. PS:T 2. Fallout 1/2 3. Dungeon Keeper 1 4. Arcanum 5. Grim Fandango 6. Sanitarium 7. Myth 1/2 8. Starcraft 9. Tex Murphy 3/4 10. Pathologic (Мор: Утопия)
  12. BTW wat 'bout dwarfs? don't mind mocking few of 'em in F:NV.
  13. so.. wut 'bout teeezer?..
  14. neither. is this the right answer?
  15. another one
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