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About Raz415

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  1. I'm still hoping for a game like FO:NV, Vampire Bloodlines or a Skyrim-like game set in the PoE universe (or any other IP they'd like to come up with). I think Tyranny went into the Dragon Age 2 / TeS direction, which is also really cool and exciting for me. Honestly, as long as their games evolve the way they do, I'll be happy. I think the industry went away from cRPGs for a reason. It was nice to have something to feed the nostalgia, but PoE was enough for me. I was very glad that Tyranny moved on.
  2. NOOOO! I'm getting this bug as well, and cannot continue the quest I had the fight, but there was nothing after that. The fight just ended. I tried going to Stalwart and talking to the people there, but no one had anything to say. I came back and I can't do anything in the Forge room. The Forge is active and the Adra pillar is active as well, but I can only click on two Tables (which I already looted): I also got the achivement for activating the Forge. I have no previous savegames, it's Trial of Iron https://www.dropbox.com/s/e9ofsi4c56pki85/d937b56e34fd4a40ba4139e3dbc785fe%2012879218%20TheFoundry.savegame?dl=0 LE: I have updated to 3.02 beta. After that, I could interact with the Adra Pillar and trigger the dialogue with the dwarven spirits. Yay! Everything looks good now!
  3. I didn't play part I until part II came out as well, and I wanted to say that I notice an increase in quality over the original PoE, and that gladdens me. It started with "little things" like NPCs looking more like they're alive (like the villagers having mixed feelings during combat, some of them shouting "We can take em!", others fleeing for their lives even as reinforcements have arrived, or bringing buckets of water to put out a fire) and more voiced dialogue. I haven't gotten very far into the White March story yet, but what I've seen so far makes me wonder how I can go back to the original PoE.
  4. Yeah, for all the flaws of Dragon Age Origins, I thought their AI command system was pretty good. Choose what skill / item to use in relation to enemy HP / ally or self HP. I wonder, is that a hard thing to implement? I see it in very few games and I think it's quite a good system.
  5. Thanks for posting the solution! I am suffering from the same bug
  6. I dunno, man. I would suggest you simply disable that and keep them on Defensive. This will allow them to get new targets to attack without moving around too much, which I think fixed a lot of the boredom you had to endure while micromanaging autoattacks every time a target died. You should know that if you pick any of the minor skills when leveling up (like the minor Ranger hobble on your rogue), the AI will never use those (I guess they're not recognized). I keep my tanks (Eder and Pallegina) on Aggressive behaviour, because otherwise they do not use knockdown / Flames of Devotion. With that behaviour, they don't use Vigorous Defense / Lay on Hand though. So either way you have to use one skill or another. Kana is too dumb, I really suggest just keeping him Defensive. He will summon things (he really prefers Skeletons even though you have better options) behind the party, where they can't reach the fight. I tried putting Aloth on Aggressive (with per rest disabled) so he would use Arcane Assault all by himself, but he's too bad at aiming it. He just uses it as soon as he's in combat, so usually the enemies will just move away and it will hit nothing. I absolutely do not recommend letting your mages / druids cast things on their own, they are awful at it. Durance is pretty bad with any AI settings. He really has no clue when / what he needs to cast. If you wait for the AI to cast heals, your party will be dead in no time. He casts Prayer against... reliably but that's pretty much it. I wouldn't allow him to use per rest abilities though. Ranged Rogues are the best at giving them AI behavior, they can't really screw up. Do NOT use it as melee though, they want to use Escape to engage enemies and it tends to get them killed.
  7. Oh, okay That's pretty annoying, the AI keeps using it instead of the Phantom. Will using IE mod still allow me to get Steam achievements?
  8. I am confused. I have retrained him 3 times now. I have never picked it while leveling up. Why does he keep having it every time I reload my save game?
  9. I didn't mind the old system and I don't mind the old one. If you need a spell you use it, if you don't, you don't. Everyone has nice per encounter skills you can start with and decide what you need to do next. It's obvious when a big fight is coming up and when you need to start by buffing everyone as soon as the fight begins.
  10. Bethesda should be ashamed. They had seven years to work on FO4 and Obsidian did an absolutely amazing job in far less time. What did Bethesda deliver? Radiant quests, FILLER CONTENT EVERYWHERE (Minutemen: Filler, the campaign), you have to do at least 6 filler quests for the Railroad before you get the ability to add ballistic weave to clothing (which is the only way you can look stylish and be protected at higher levels). The dialogue is a complete joke (you get 4 options all the time, no skill related options, no stat related options, and the amount of filler dialogue is just disgusting. You can say "I'm not sure" when an NPC asks you if you want a radiant quest. What the hell do you mean, you're not sure?! Either you WANT to do a menial fetch quest for me (no I won't tell you where anyway) or you DON'T! Ehh I have so many problems with FO4, I can't believe I made myself actually finish it. Meanwhile, I have played FONV 8 times and loved every playthrough. Obsidian is the best.
  11. Jesus Christ what an impossible poll. I went with Vampire, KOTOR and Fallout, in that order. Of course I wouldn't mind another PIllars of Eternity or NWN, but for me those 3 are simply a must. It's Obsidian's divine quest to make those games. Fallout needs to be saved from Bethesda. KOTOR needs to be saved from Bioware. Find a way, guys.
  12. I'd just like to say that there's no other game that would make me pay 70 euros for it. Kickstarter or not. I loved Bloodlines. Just promise us you'll keep it in development for as long as it needs to be. 10 years later and I'll want to play it. There has been no game like Vampire Bloodlines for me ever since. Fallout New Vegas was close, and now that Fallout 4 came out, everyone can clearly see which developers made FONV awesome.
  13. Great work peeps. Really glad we can respec followers when we get them! Balance looks better, was still hoping for some changes to Phantoms, Charm and and Confuse though :D
  14. I'd like to see none of those removed. Instead, I want some of them expanded upon so they can be better. Also, whining about Take Everything simply makes you a pretentious douche, lol.
  15. Pretty clear that it's a bash article, and bashing done with enthusiasm. I am seriously bored of people bashing on things for views, but that's "press" nowadays I guess. Unfortunately, he also did his homework and basically everything in the review about ****ty combat is kind of true. His comments on character creation could have been even worse if he figured out that you can MIN Perception on all your characters and you only get benefits from it. It sucks that it came out before patch 1.05 which is supposed to balance things. I wish Obsidian got at least this chance to make it right. Also, In all honesty, developers should read this article and decide what changes they want to do for the future. It could be a good thing, if it was a learning experience.
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