Tier 1:
Aloth, Edér and Sagani.
Those three are already regulars on my Team.
Aloth I liked since I met him. His weirdness at the beginning was just wonderful. Him being mage is a bonus, since I love Mages in RPG over everything. Next point he got when his plot started to be revealed to me. It reminded me of the Mage that I had created in one of my Fantasy Novels, however mine had a bit more of amnesia.
Edér was really likeable due to his character writing. He connected the concerns of religions of this game, a chevalious soul and peasant humor really well. His background story since I have siblings, too, and I adore my older siblings as well. I tried placing myself in his shoes often and that drew me deeper into the game as well.
Sagani is simply just like my mother. Tries to be nice, educated and formal in the presence of children, but also loves to swear a lot. Even my father said she reminds him of her xD
Tier 2:
Grieving Mother and Hiraivis
Grieving Mother is a rather interesting concept, much like Cole. I liked Cole a lot in DAI, but Grieving Mother does not piek my interest that much.
Hiraivis is just way too funny. Much like Grobnar and Kelghar in NWN2. I really like his complex personality and quirky/jolly nature. He's always good for some unexpected witty one-liners xD
Tier 3:
Pallegina and Kana
Kana ruined it for me during battle actions. I like his persona, but whenever the battle started and he had to speak this darn line, it got so on my nerves that right after I got Hiraivis, he was out of the team.
Pallegina I do not mind having around, but I really don't like her persona. She's too...Paladin... I blame Cassavir for that. He ruined my view on Paladin Class Characters forever...
Tier 4:
What was his name? Durance?
The moment I saw him... I actually didn't take him along for long. Right after I got the chance to exchange him, he was out.
He's far too weird for my taste O_O
I like weird characters, but this one was just lunatic! Where is Batman? Take him to Arkham Asylum! Give me Riddler, Joker, hell the Scarecrow! But not that!!