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  1. I have an opinion about Concelhauts Draining Touch; Instead of removing from the game, I'd like to suggest making this as a regular Summon Weapon that lasts xx seconds, with some adjusted(probably need to be nerfed) value of the each effects, such as base weapon damage. This weapon has similar effect with Concelhaut's Parasitic Staff, aka health draining, while the Draining Touch is 1-handed weapon, which is quite unique imo. I think nerfing the weapon damage and the debuff effect(from Weakening to Sickening) would be enough adjustment for it.
  2. What about adding all 5 Slotx and add one more StatusEffect that -1 Engagement when the Guid is This?
  3. I tested with my own mod with turning off most of other mods, so I guess the TrapAccuracyPerLevel or even any GlobalGameSettings would not be changed except by my own mod. I think the TrapAccuracyPerLevel is just not working correctly and the +3 Accuracy seems being hardcoded, probably?...
  4. These are what exactly I really wanted to. Thank you indeed!
  5. Hello. I'm trying to create a mod that makes Traps scaling as the other consumables work; Adding PL scaling per skill point of Mechanics. In order to make it, the first step I've been trying is removing the default Accuracy bonus for the Traps in vanilla, which provides +3 Accuracy per Mechanics. I found the value and setting from the GlobalGameSettings, and I set this value to 0 (I'm using Apotheosis Editor created by @Noqn). However, It seems that GlobalGameSettings changes are not working correctly. Even though the value is set to 0, the Accuracy bonus is still applied. Does anybody know how to apply the change correctly? Thanks in advance! (Edited) OK, I found a thread related this issue; I guess the change from the GlobalGameSettings should include whole the objects, even though 1 change is done. @Noqn is it possible to update the Editor to include whole things as I mentioned, like ProgressionTables do? (Edited again) Well, I'm really not sure what cause the problem. I noticed Balance Polishing Mod also has changed from the GlobalGameSettings, like Constitution Buff, but it seems working correctly...
  6. Hello. I have a question about Summons; Is there any way to put a new summoned creature type? For example, there is an incarnate summon creature, such as Incarnate (Berath), which summons 2 creatures; Pallid Knight and Usher. In attacks.gamebundle, we can see what SummonFileList is loaded by the spell (prefabs/characters/character_templates/creature/summons/cre_priest_planargate_berath_usher.prefab and so on). I want to copy the summon file to another and modify some stats such as name, equipments, and abilities. But it seems not doable, because the prefab file cannot be copied nor created.
  7. Hello. I do not know about the script, and I'd like to ask that whether some changes that cannot be done by general modding, i.e., modifying values from JSON files, such as; - applying Power Level and Intellect for duration of Beam spells - applying general Accuracy, Damage, and Penetration from Power Level for Traps The Power Level system is quite unique and feels good, but there are several cases that the Power Level is barely useful, which makes the game somewhat inconsistent. I think the Power Level scaling are appliable into Summon Weapons and Summoned Creature, by replacing the Scaling from Level to Power Level, but the above seems not be done afaik. Is it possible to change as I mentioned via scripting?
  8. @Noqn, Hello. It seems that "Open in New Tab" in the Editor shows blank page after the latest update. Could you check this issue? Thanks in advane
  9. I'd like to say that several Fighter's abilities that fit with the tanky concept, such as Into The Fray(Active), Superior Deflection(Passive), Hold the Line(Passive), and so on, are still relatively weaker than similar abilities of the other classes. That's the main reason the tanky concept of Fighter seems not feeling good imo.
  10. Now we need patches for PoE 2.
  11. I'd rather say Draining Whip is too strong. This passive is doubling the effect, while similar passives from the other classes are not; Such as Fighter's Rapid Recovery and Monk's Lesser Wound.
  12. First of all, I really thank you to keep enhancing your great mod with ceaseless efforts. I personally like the ability and the subclass, but... Unbroken is already a good Fighter subclass imo, at least comparing with Black Jacket, especially on BPM version, because several synergized things, like Powder Burns, universal effects of some unique items and so on, have been nerfed. I do not say that Black Jacket needs to be buffed, though. The subclass is probably still interesting and has unique feature that the other classes/subclasses cannot achieve.
  13. Thank you for the reply! It's really sad to hear that fact though. By the way, I have another question of Deadfire implementation; Carnage, Barbarian's innate ability, seems not being affected by damage bonuses such as Weapon Quality upgrade and passive abilities increasing the damage dealt, like Blooded. The description said "Base Weapon Damage" so... Daggers, for example, have 10-14 base damage and Carnage with this weapon would be 3.3-4.62 without any scaling, except the 10% PL scaling?... I felt this value is quite low... The 10% PL adjustment for Carnage, which is actually 3.3% per PL, is very weird for me, because Sneak Attack's PL scaling is additive +5%, e.g., 20% + (5%*PL), not 20% + 0.2%...
  14. Hello, I'm trying to modify the Beam spells as the other spells are, i.e., making those duration to scale with PL and Intellect. The Beam spells have its own "AttackBeamComponent" that contains duration and intervals, and it seems not option to apply the scaling effect, sadly. I guess the non-scaling by PL and Intellect of Beam is hard-coded so it cannot be modified, right? Thanks in advance!
  15. Thank you for the update! I'll check it out!!!
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