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Everything posted by Tigranes

  1. Steampunk? YEAAARGH
  2. Well, it did make Dark Messiah fun.
  3. So I never bought ME1 because of the copy protection and because I thought, after a 15-minute try, it was a pretty dull and railroaded compromise between RPG and FPS. I've been reading the Codex LPs of 1 & 2 though, and in fact the second game looks a bit more fun. They've completely gone for the cinematic action movie with a few choices route, and the game does better for it I think. So what kind of DRM does it have now, is the combat fun if I found ME1 pretty dull, and is my impressions right? If so, I might pick it up later at the bargain bin.
  4. I can't read it. Lift Aquarium Saints?
  5. So, who votes?
  6. It was good enough for thousands of larpers, it's good enough for my invention. ka-ching!
  7. It's totally unrealistic to expect any sort of major graphical upgrade - it's exactly like FO2, you will see most of the work done in making new art assets (for city Vegas, for instance) and maybe some interface upgrades. Gamebryo is very old, to boot. I'm sure there will be some comments about its aged graphics, but in this timeframe it'll probably make the cut and be a worthy game in its own right (thanks to dev focus on story / etc) and a good business move to release 1 more game with the same engine and shared assets.
  8. The DLCs give you about 30 minutes of gameplay each, so they're not a big deal at all. If you want them anyway, no idea, but I suspect not. Pro-Alistair ending is canon.
  9. ...and yeah, sorry. Gaming magazines are dying already!
  10. The mutant and the Russian chick in AP both - either it's going to myssteriously work out in the actual game, or it'll be very stupid.
  11. Please see: Other release threads.
  12. Damn, so the whole release date betting pool needs to be redrawn. I doubt this means that Obsidian staff were actually moved back into AP, though? I mean, logically, it should, but...
  13. That's some brilliant details, they seem to have taken a really good approach to souping up original FO3 engine / mechanics in the limited time they have. Hardcore mode is a good idea and so are reputations. I always wanted the newer Fallouts to be about rebuilding after the apocalypse, so mostly-intact-Vegas full of faction stuff is great. It looks like there's a lot of Van Buren inspired stuff like with the power plants, the laser, etc. I don't mind the 'return of the supermutants' in this case - if we have a combination of the smart and the stupid and we can get to fight amongst each other that will be brilliant, and we'll get to learn what happened to them in the West (though lore-wise... well, I forget what the canon was on sterility). If the smart ones somehow survived and are actually an integral part of local politics and such, that's interesting enough to forgive 'lack of originality'.
  14. Probably would, if it was coke or something. We've just never had that come up. But yes, Hiro is very right. Not all of piracy, but a significant portion of media piracy has to do with convenience, availability and quality of service (closely related is the overinflated sense of entitlement that does exist to a degree amongst consumers). Waiting for a delayed release is a lot harder when pirated copies are already there. Bothering with idiotic DRM is a lot harder when pirated copies are superior. Dealing with weird logins and streaming inconveniences is a lot harder when pirated copies are easier to use. Wonder if BitTorrent is going to get a bit more high profile now in the region after the case - I know plenty of people who have no idea what it is.
  15. It *is* 200 years after. Makes sense both lore and gameplay wise.
  16. Yeah, I meant the Troika.
  17. Ohhh.
  18. I own VTM, I can see its merits but I could never get far - at the time it had absolutely horrible performance, the combat felt really clunky and it really felt like I had to do a lot of work to see the good dialogue and story. So no recommendations for the other adventure game? I shouldn't get it?
  19. Ooh, I just saw the trailer! Can we get back to the trailer? I thought it was awesome, the hand in the earth looked good. My hopes seem confirmed that we're actually going to have some properly rebuilt civilisation this time, and some faction stuff, as well as a bit of wasteland. NCR flag is good.
  20. The reasons why I am saying your arguments are arrogant and baseless should be pretty clear, even though you would obviously disagree. Being a mod is irrelevant to my opinions and I am free to argue that your repetitive criticisms appear to come from a biased and inflexible perspective. If you want to give a reasoned argument why all this Dante anger is much ado about nothing, go on ahead. About the game itself, I think we're saying the same thing. Solid fun game. What I mean is that it was the Dante marketing that propelled it from 'another good shooter' to something with real notoriety and name recognition - which is why they're still pushing it.
  21. Arcanum ate two separate saves in two days, I'm sad as chuff. I keep forgetting to backup.
  22. True. I still wonder if I'd have enjoyed the game more if I didn't see the plot twist coming after the first scene of the game (after your master says, about, three lines). And ironically, although I thought JE was thoroughly mediocre, I would have liked to see another take at the universe - get that great art direction and sound, then put in some in-depth lore that really seems different and Asian-inspired, not a dragon coating on high fantasy.
  23. Sorry, but your continued anti-crusade trying to tell everyone they're all hypocrits is more arrogant and baseless than any 'nerd rage whiner'. If you're jumping in everywhere telling people they're all liars, idiots and hypocrits without considering their arguments, you're about as far from 'balanced debate' as possible. The irony is that for me, the game never looked that good. A solid fun game, but something that would have gone under the radar without the whole Dante business, neither a critically acclaimed title nor an AAA top-seller. You can't be sure, of course, but it was obviously a way to make a game live 'larger than life' - wonder if it will translate to sales?
  24. You mean, "your teacher betrays you and becomes big baddie"?
  25. Groarrr. Got quite a way with my smooth-talking gunslinging thief (and robbed a few people), but Thorvald has disappeared with a big portion of my quest equipment - guess I really should have gone to the Wheel Clan.
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