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Everything posted by foxdez

  1. how legitimate is gamespot ?
  2. whats a canon? :">
  3. i personally didn't mind the options given but really characters mine running or when you tell them a command and they dont do it Grrrrrrrr
  4. i dont know if i missed it or something but vandar (the yoda species council member) if thats his name i cant remember did he die or is his fate up in the air
  5. i really like mira but the fact that she gives u the cold shoulder kinda blew <_< i would of liked to have her as a romance option even if it was 'hard to get' kinda thing actually on a whole the character development looked like it was all just to jedify them because half way through the game they all had nothing more to say except for the same old options you had from the beginning
  6. honestly the wookie NP doesn't bother me just as long as he doesn't become the vocal point of the story plot Now come on how many ppl didn't like the whole wookie fury {Hulk Smash} theme when you activated it... i admit it got old but it was fun slice and dicing through ubese
  7. u know i seen the mass effect trailer for xbox 360 and it looks sick of course that is made by bioware but i was wondering if obsidian will be releasing any games for the 360 and if they do would they have to make their own new engine " oh for i dont know ... maybe another kotor game?
  8. My fav. character by far was the handmaiden shes so hot!!!!!!
  9. honestly i hated all the jedi masters but i chose lonna Vash because she died before the other thus not one of the masters that pisses all over you when all the jedi unite
  10. Hello everyone just joined up and im the biggest fan of these kotor games i was just wondering what was the fav. aspect of the kotor games Mine was... well probably you could tell by reading the options was: You Saw Bastilla on the front cover of the first one and fell in love? Anyways look fwd too ur replies
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