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Posts posted by Akhan225

  1. The Malachor 5 acadamy was hard the first time though. I wasnt expecting to see five sith soilders and three sith marauders along with a sith lord around every corner. The constant groups of sith assasins in the hallways also took my health down a considerable amount.

  2. PC FOR LIFE...


    Maybe this poll has already been made before, maybe not. Either way, choose your method of play.


    (this was created mostlly in response to the discussion in the HALO Movie thread, which I suspect will likely be derailled soon by a mod)

    I thought the mods are there to stop derailment


    The ignorance... :)

    Fixed, Cmon now, everyone knew what I meant.


    Pcs seem to be winning, not a surprise. I thougth people would swing more towards consoles because of the ease of use of controllers.

  3. I love my ps2. I can agree that some games grapics on the x-box are slightly better, but seriously now, the x-box is just a pc thats hooks up to your tv. The graphics thing is all up to the game developers on how far they want to push the games engine.

  4. You need to gain/lose enough influence with either the exchange or the seracco (However you spell it) in order to get the meeting with Visquis. You can ask the wierd little chirping guy near the entertainment area to put in a good word for you or tell them that you don't like them. Also you can either work for the Exchnage and crush the Serraco to gain influence with them or help the serraco and tell them to attack the Exchange. Either way this section isn't bugged people just don't seem to get what to do on Nar Shaddaa.

    If this were the case then he would still be able to enter the Ebon Hawk. I dont think it is possible to gain influence with the serocco. The only options are to kill them or convince them to that they have better things to do than bother the refugees.

  5. Kinda silly to include the PC, as it can grow over time, unlike the other systems.  Is this our favorite of all time?  Because there is no NES, Genesis, Atari etc.

    Limited to ten choices, so i chose ten of the more recent systems. This is to poll your favorite system as the "corrected" name implies.

  6. Maybe this poll has already been made before, maybe not. Either way, choose your method of play.


    (this was created mostlly in response to the discussion in the HALO Movie thread, which I suspect will likely be locked soon by a mod)


    Edit: Sorry about the Misleading Title. I noticed it after the poll was created,. Should read "Favorite Gaming Systems" because I included handhelds and pcs.


    Edit: Already PM to the Guildmaster for relocation. Please Do Not Post about moving this Poll.

  7. I will not even begin to explain how badly the Ps2 is. Wait, yes I will.


    >Bad graphics. The only good looking game out for the Ps2 is Resident Evil 4, and the GameCube version looks better.

    >No 'groundbreaking' games. Sony doesn't have any games that are exclusive to the Ps2 and are amazing. The X-Box has the Halo franchise, GameCube has Mario. Besides Shadow Of Collosus, which isn't even that great, the Ps2 has nothing.

    >Load times are horrible. This one speaks for itself. If you have ever played a game like Resident Evil 4 on the Gamecube, it's load times are very short. Then you switch over to the Ps2 and you feel like your waiting an hour to play.

    >Controllers are uncomfortable. This one might just be me, as I have big hands. But either way, 4 shoulder buttons is two too many.


    I own both an X-Box and a Ps2, so I have played both, but Ps2 was a complete waste of money.

    I own a PS2 and a Gamecube. I have played my gamecube 2hours in the past year just for Super Smash Bros. Melee. I have seen the same game on different consoles and I have to say the difference is noticeable. Why do you think Gamecube failed so badly as a console. It didnt sell half of what PS 2 did. No console did.




    PlayStation 2 - 69.46 million

    Xbox - 13.7 million

    GameCube - 13.94 million

    Game Boy Advance - 49.42 million

    PSone - 99.22 million


    Gamecube and x-box were even beat out by gameboy, and nintendo owns that too!

    PS2 doesnt have any more exclusive games because x-box and gamecube stole them. Those that did start out on ps2 were trying to reach a larger audience to bring in some more money, so they changed consoles.

    Load times vary from game to game and playstation is the nextgen console that started the whole shoulder button thing again after snes. How does the ps2 controller have too many buttons? Have you even seen an x-box controller. They are bigger that the three pronged n64 controllers.


    Playstation in general kicks the crap out of Nintendo and x-Box.

  8. How many of you who are commenting on America actually live here?

    Describing us as Mutts or Mongrels, as you meant it,is disrespectful to say the least. The only reason there are so many cultures present is because this landmass that is the americas was dicovered recently compared to the rest of the world.

  9. Of course we are all the same species, like dogs and horses. But as the two, we have different races within our species. And as far as I know, this isn't solely a Danish way of looking at things.  :-

    You misunderstood. A golden retreiver is a different species than a labrador. Yes they are dogs, but they are different species altogether.

  10. Actually, Xbox is the best system for playing games.


    PS2> Bad graphics, average controllers, crappy games.


    PC> Excellent graphics, awful controls, good games.


    Xbox> Good graphics, excellent controllers, good games.



    PS2 = at least good graphics, calling them bad is a serious understatement. Bad graphics are ps one and n64

    X-Box = steals games from other systems because they cant come up with any good ones

  11. In my language, the species is the dog, and the subcategories are the races.


    And since we are all animals anyway, it applies to us as well. This is my opinion anyway.

    Language isnt an issue. The Current scientific raking goes:



    Phylum (plural phyla)




    Genus (plural genera)



    These are accepted by the whole scientific community. No ranking follows species, because after that every biological thing on the planet is unique due to small differences. So we are all of the same species, Homosapiens, humans.

    Because everyone likes to see sources,Classifications. These can be found in any biology textbook also.

  12. Greetings,


    I've encountered yet another bug where  I cannot seem to progress in the game past the point where I retook my ship from the Red Eclipse.  I can't go back in my ship and I don't get any message from to see Visquas like I did on the X-Box version.

    Is this bug like the one on Telos where you have to do things in a certain order to not initiate it?  I'm not technical enough to understand the solution that the other poster gave regarding this bug.  I was hoping that there might be a way to bypass it somehow.



    Shame on you obsidian for releasing a game with so many bugs in it.

    Dont hate the player, hate the game. It was LucasArts choice to release the game early, causing cutbacks to material and the games performance. Obsidian had no choice in the matter. Why would you post a comment like that on Obsidians Forums?

    Anyway, try going into the Jek Jek Tar even if Mira/Hannhar doesnt show up. Put on an item which prevents poison and try to go to the back of the bar, where you should meet visquis. If it doesnt let you then you might have to either think about saving in two slots on your next game or using a cheat program (KSE) to force the game to progress.

    - We are all dissapointed at the games nearly unfinished state.

    Did you buy the x-box and pc version of the game? Didnt quite understand that part

  13. I will never understand racism.  I mean there is only one race of sentient life on this planet and that is the human race.  A human is a human, regardless of pigmentation.

    :thumbsup: What he said :)


    Edit: They are only thirteen and are preaching white supremacy and that Hitler was good? I dont think they fully grasp the concept of what he did.

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