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Posts posted by Akhan225

  1. I don't know why, but I always end up as a lightside character. I have only once played through a DS male storyline, just to see what the difference was. I play as a consular, and with the KotOR II system of high charisma=less force point cost, I never saw any reason to go DS. A good LS character can dish out as much damage as a DS character, if their stats are right.

    Edit: Grey was never appealing either because no attribute bonuses could be received

  2. I hate the concept of famous people!


    I mean, in all truth they are no different to us but people still seem to flock all over them and worship there everymove.


    An exection to the rule I guess would be really talented people who excell in there choosen field like a superb athlete or a truly gifted artist.


    But some rich, stuck up drop kick like Paris I cannot understand what all the fuss is about.

    I was about to say that. :blink:

  3. Since Bastila  is not in K2 for the bikini contest guess my Exile will get it for the win.  :blink:

    Took some last minute editing, but now the bikini contest can begin:



    Edit: Retracted the image. I reread the Forum guidlines and decided that may not have been the most appropriate thing to post. Maybe I'll put it back up later.

  4. Well consoles are made for little kids which is why they are popular, sell a lot of games, doesn't require too much know how on sticking the game disk in to start the game, blah blah.




    BS PCfan propoganda :rolleyes:

    I kinda agree with Gabrielle, even though I favor consoles, because I grew up with them and the feel of a controller instead of a keyboard. But now that I have a few games on pc, it's not as bad as I thought, and the games are cheaper!

  5. It was Misled Youth, a vid that famed skateboarding company Zero released sometime in the late 90s, I think. The soundtrack was great. I remember Jamie Thomas used The Who's "Baba O'Reilly" for his piece, which was fantastic.

    I listen to that as well, because, well i'm a skater and I lke skater music.


    The Killers - Change Your Mind


    Edit: Darth Drabek, I don't have an Ipod either, and the new Franz Ferdinand is pretty good.

  6. Did you just create the same thread in two different locations?

    Try reloading a prevois saved game, if you have one. If not, then um, I actually don't know much about the xbox version, but this happened to me once or twice on the pc version. Each time it was after I had just saved the game and was returning to the game window, so I didn't loose anything when I reloaded. Maybe some of the xbox gamers here can help. Welcome to the forums.:)

  7. Could anyone recomend a really good RPG, I seem to have only new action and adventure games lately. I'm looking for something with a great storyline above all else. Preferably not a series either, seeing as I probalby have not played the first game and I will be very lost.

  8. The Obi-Wan Annakin fight in SW3.

    Uh..yeah. One of the best parts. Also loved the Death of The Jedi sequences with Ki-Adi-Mundi, Aayala Secura, Plo-Koon...you get the idea. The sequence had a great musical score interwined with Yoda's greif. Awesome cinematic experience.

    The end was especially great when Yoda beheaded both clone troopers in one swift motion.

  9. Why does everyone who is new decide to post "Hi, I'm a new member" threads? It doesnt do anthing constructive.


    Edit: I've been forgetting to add some stuff to my replies of late, sorry. Welcome :o

  10. currently i do have some influence on each one.... but you notice it only when you shift to light/dark side.... since it just moves everyone to opposite.... tho if you add party member he/she sometimes actualy stays in proper align up untill you transit to new area...

    Transit as in the holorecords on Telos? Or as in using the Ebon Hawk?

  11. I think they will be working together in KotOR III. The premise of Kreias last words were about Jedi and Sith being titles and that Revan will need any who are willing to go into the unknown regions. This means alignment is un-important. I never read the EU books about the Yuzhan Vong, but I remember reading a summary or something about how at one point, the Sith and Jedi worked together to remove the invaders from known space. Maybe that is where I got my idea from :( ...

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