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Posts posted by Akhan225

  1. Droids see so much in the SW universe, but are rarely noticed. Choose the most likeable, funny, or just down right coolest droid in Star Wars based on what appeals to you. If you want to suggest a droid that I missed, I will be glad to add it. (that is, I will ask a mod to add it)

    Personally, I thought HK was the greatest doid to have been in Star Wars. He adds much needed comedy to the KOTOR series, like threepio and R2-D2 do to the movies. But HK just has that dark humour about him which makes him a funny assasin droid.

  2. If GL were to remake the originals,4,5 and 6, then it would stop the tinkering, but then people would tend to watch the new versions over the originals because of all the CGI and special effects. Not to mention it would remove the real actors from the picture. Some people will like both versions but, in the end, those new to the series would not have a chance to see the true masterpieces. No one would ever dream about remaking Casablanca just to add color would they?

  3. They should remake the originals.


    I agree. Make new ones that fit with the prequels rather that changing the originals to fit the prequels. Then we could have a decent Obi-wan/Darth Vader fight in episode 4.

    Remaking the originals would destroy the whole thing. If Lucas keeps up with this editing stuff evrytime new technology comes out, then he will be re-releasing Star Wars 100 times over before he dies. A few minor stuff like adding in some creatures in the background is fine, but erasing what is left of the originals would be a huge mistake.

  4. Nihilus, and Revan were both close choices for me. Sion is just a crappy apprentice and Traya sucks altogether. Malak would be a good Sith Lord, but he is as dumb as rocks. Basically, because Revan is "me" I went with him. Nihilus was cool, but only held a breif apperance in which he died in about four strokes of a lightsaber.

    -Also, shouldn't the Exile be an option? If you go DS, he takes command of Trayus Acadamy and becomes the new Sith Lord.

  5. I have McAfee security center w/ personal firewall. That thing stops everything, uhh except for spyware and adware. For that stuff I use Microsoft AntiSpyware along with Spybot-Search and destroy. One program catches stuff that the other misses, but they are free and get rid of the stuff.

  6. In that case :


    You are:


    slightly expressed extrovert


    distinctively expressed intuitive personality


    moderately expressed thinking personality


    slightly expressed judging personality


    Your Type is


    Extroverted Intuitive Thinking Judging

    Strength of the preferences %

    1 75 38 11


    My risk test came out to be the same as tarna


    76% - Moderately high risk taker

  7. Back to the topic of Battlefront II, shall we?


    Its nothing special.  Notice, even in the comercials they harald it as "the sequel to the best selling Star Wars game ever" and not on its own merits?  That should've set off a red flag, but it didn't and I picked up a copy.


    I was robbed!

    Are you sure you were robbed? I thought the storymode was excellent. I just figured something really cool out too. It is possible to use any Hero or Vilian in instant action mode w/o a time limit. Go to Mos Eisley. You can choose between Heros or Villians and the battle is insane! I also loved the revamped Conquest mode. I admit, it still isn't in my top five list, but it is a wonderfully addicting game.

  8. I got Battlefront II. It wasn't bad. Im not usually into those kinds of games, but it had a solid storyline which spanned Ep III and parts of the Galactic Civil War. I have played most of the Medal of Honor games, and they were good, but Battlefront plances you in a warzone. Other FPS werent hectic enough to be considered in a war.

  9. :huh: There's actually more skaters than i thought on here!


    I thought none..


    Atmosphere--One of a Kind :huh:


    I'm not actually a skater - I just like watching people skate, especially really good people. Some skate videos are really well done - "The End" by Birdhouse comes to mind. Great music on that one too, especially the use of Propellerheads' Bond riff, "On Her Majesty's Secret Service."


    I did interview a pro BMX'er from Haro Bikes once for the paper though. And I've played all the Tony Hawk games through except THUG2 and the new one.


    Tom Waits - Clap Hands

    Youre not one of those "Birdouse rules because Tony Hawk is on it and he has a cool video game and lots of publicity" kind of guys, are you? A better movie was "Blackout" or "Yeah Right"

    Edit: Even better, my teams video "NDH: Strictly Buisness" That has some crazy stuff on it.

  10. I think the Exile would go search for Revan, and then find she has taken the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith once again.

    Firstly it would mean all that effort in K1 was just wasted - I mean the whole point of the game was that you are a new person.

    Besides, it'd just be copying Jedi Knight: Mysteries of the Sith.

    This is what I have been trying to explain. There is a reason Revan was made LS canon. The whole first game focused on on his redemption and return to the order (breifly). Logically, the Exile could be DS and meet Revan in a duel to the death. I am still hoping for a dual PC (Male Revan and Male Exile), where both are LS. In my mind, female Exile falling for Revan will remove Bastilla from the series completely, and she was a main storyline character. The Exiles love interest could be a new character for KOTOR III.

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