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Posts posted by Akhan225

  1. people will either love or hate Bao -Dur depending on what they see in him. I personally liked him because I wanted other species jedi in my party and he was a tech wiz. I think Kreia overlooks him because she cannot read his mind as she does the others...which I now see D Murda mentioned. anyway this may play a role in KOTOR 3. He amy not be a NPC, but maybe a key plot character. His anger could lead him down the the path of the dark side...just a thought.

  2. Falleen...if it is in any of the EU books I doubt it was important to the story otherwise there probably would be a page-long description and/or history on it. I did find some info on it thogh.



    Falleen is home to species of the same name, and birthplace of Prince Xizor. It fell in a bloody battle with the Yuuzhan Vong shortly after the Battle of Kalarba"


    This is from Wikipedia .com, a free encyclopedia and great resource on everthing imaginable. I have found lots of answers to most of my Satr Wars Related question. There is a whole section based on Star Wars, minor characters, planets, species, jedi, sith, battles and all Star Wars history. Some info may be innacurate because almost anyone can contribute stuff to the website. :)

  3. The other queestions are answered so heres my answer to the reccomendation. I would reccomend getting it because it is an excellent rpg with an in depth storyline. Some places have holes and continuity issues, but the main points get across to the player. Like i wrote in one of my other reviews, there is always the option of adding in mods and unlocking the originaly cut material.

  4. Franz Ferdinand and the Killers rock. This just made it a whole lot better, even though I have no idea who the characters were in the Killers video. Can anybody tell me where they are from?

    - Thanks to mreku

  5. Kreia was Darth Traya, so that doesnt leave much room to argue. She did however leave the Sith in search of the last of the jedi in order to put an end to the force and all things connected to it. She claims to use the force as a tool to better understand how to destroy it. This goes along with the Sith during the time of Revan who used the force as a tool while the jedi were more guided by it. This makes me say she is blatantly evil. Doesnt matter that she condemns you for killing indiscriminately. She is soley interested in manipulating events and people through betrayl, i.e. Darth Traya

  6. Tulak Hord falls after Ludo Kressh but before Freedon Nadd. Your guess was correct. And She does say he was the greatest duelist, but then goes on to talk about how the present day jedi who use lightsabers are merely children with toys compared to the Old Sith Lords. Not sure what she was trying to get across, whether or not he weilded a lightsaber. I was under the impression that it was only Ludo Kressh who chose to use a double edged sword.

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