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Posts posted by Akhan225

  1. Damn America. Everything is released here last! One more day...One more day. From waht I have seen in gameplay videos and trailers, the game is kickass. It takes the first game adds space battles, new ground missions, new single player focusing on the 501st squad of clone troppers (anakins squad) and adds new planets (Couruscant, Mustafar,Felucia) Also, select jedi are available on each mission to play as well as other characters like Boba Fett.

  2. Just wanted to thank Darth333 for all the mods you have made. I use several of them and couldnt be happier. I have even learned to make a few of my own(mainly new player character mods)


    Darth333 does have a nice resource of mods. Please keep in mind that she is not the only one who creates mods. This latest one, which I posted was created by myself and three others.

    Darth 333 was the first name that came to mind because of the Choke Anyone mod. Others installed, but difficult to remember the modder. Thanks to everyone, it has made the game that much more fun.

  3. The only think I would be really interested in is the Lonna Vash mod! :(

    Not a single person has explained what happens with that!  <_< (At least not fully.)

    Instead of Vash in the cage/jail in the detention center, it is a twilek jedi, her apprentice. After killing the Revan vision and exiting the tomb, it gives you a chance to talk to Master Vash. Same stuff as the other masters(how to ends force bonds, where is everybody...) Sion walks in to the room, Vash force pushes you out the door and shuts it, Vash and Sion duel(not shown). If DS, I assume you can kill her, i havent tried it yet.


    Edit: Just installed it yesterday,works great. Cant beven tell its a mod. Seamless voiceovers, perfect lypsynch, correct animations.


    Oh Yeah, outside the vision tomb a Sith Assasin is using her lightsaber and drops a datapad explaining what happened and why she is in the tomb.

  4. Limited to ten choices, so I chose ten of the more recent systems.

    Allow me to repost something I said earlier. I would have included more systems, but the polls are limited to ten choices.

  5. Bush bashing is getting old.  8 years is enough.  It's time to move on.

    As long as Bush keeps making a fool of himself, people will not stop bashing him. Seriously, the man went to an Ivy league school and most people can at least talk proper english better than he can.


    Can speak better english.



    more eloquently

    Can't say I didn't see that coming. But lets see...he went to college, I haven't yet...he has people writing speeches for him, I type essays myself, and i still don't make up words!

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