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Everything posted by Namirsolo

  1. The first time I played through the game I got a cutscene where Atton asked Bao-Dur about me and asked him whether he thought I would go for him or not. Bao-Dur just kind of laughs at him, but I thought it was really sweet. I would love a romance with Bao-Dur, though. Any guy that calls me "general" all the time...
  2. Atris. Give me my damn lightsaber, bitch! It's not yours.
  3. I use Atton as a sort of ranged Jedi character. I make him a Jedi, put all his points into healing and healing abilities and give him buffs along with some blaster skills. He's handy this way because he basically never dies. I always have a buffer/healer on hand. Then I also use Bao-Dur unarmed in melee with my character, also on Jedi support. I never have any problems.
  4. Kavar on Onderon has two. I didn't notice the first time I played the game either, but the second time through I did. I was also like "Aren't you a little too young to be a Jedi master?" heh Oh, and I know you have played the game more than once, Battlewookiee. I didn't mean to imply you're a noob. lol I was just saying I overlooked it before.
  5. I love the romance options. I've never played a game before where you could develop relationships with other characters.
  6. Can someone tell me which one was on what planet? I can't keep their names straight. lol I think I like the guy with two lightsabers cause he's cutest. I can't even remember what planet he's on. No, I'm not just judging them by their looks, it's just that I think they're all equally annoying.
  7. I meant care as in she overlooks him. She goes through the trouble of wondering why she can only read pazaak from Atton's thoughts. If you ask her about not hearing anything from Bao-Dur I'm pretty sure she makes some reference to him being an alien and just passes it off.
  8. I think that's more to do with the fact that he's dead according to the cut content. She says he is "cloudy". I guess the part that she can't read his mind is supposed to be foreshadowing of the fact that he's really the one who kills her plans and makes sure she loses. She could have lived with the Exile killing her, Kreia's own life was never that important to her. She had loftier goals than rulling the world. She wanted to RUIN it. She didn't forsee Bao-Dur deciding to destroy his mass shadow generator and therefore destroying the planet and all her plans. I see it as she just doesn't care about a lowly technician and that is what kills her. I also wish Atton had some way to redeem himself like getting her back for the way she treated him, but oh well.
  9. You spoke too soon. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> lol, one person probably did it just to spite him. I never played Dark side so I coudn't get up enough influence to get Go-To to admit he's really a droid, but I do think the idea of a droid just actually being a droid when you're lead to believe he's some big crime boss. That being sad, Go-To's voice annoyed me and he's pretty arrogant for a floating droid. I would have said "we don't have room for another floating round droid on this ship" but I like my light side points perfect. heh
  10. I think the funniest dialogue option in the original game came from talking to him. "I hate you, old man". The best part is he doesn't even get mad at you for saying it. He just laughs. But then, that's just Jolee.
  11. I ended up running from them and I was lucky, only two followed me. Two of them are much easier to beat at once than three. lol
  12. I'm a weapons master in this game. I have force wave, energy resistance, destroy droid (which I know doesn't help in this case). I'll have to go look at the game to see what else I have. I didn't know you could use midn trick during combat.
  13. The first time I played my lightside female got the Carth Holo message and no Admiral Carth. Weird.
  14. So I'm stuck on my second game at the end. I've beaten Kreia in lightsaber combat easily, but now is the omg incredibly hard part... the three floating lightsabers. I know this subject has probably been talked about before but I couldn't find anything on a search, so... anyone got any tips for how to beat them? I am lightside so I tried forcewave like the guide says but they save it every time even though my wisdom is crazy high. I even tried putting the game difficulty on easy and they still beat me in three rounds even when I had an enery shield on and used force enlightenment. Someone please help, I just want to complete this game so that the third time through I can hear the new dialogue options.
  15. I'll give a serious answer. Bao-Dur. I love the voice.
  16. Yeah, I'm using the X-Box version so I haven't been able to mod my game at all. And I'm pretty sure that I made Revan female and lightside in both my games. Next time I'll make sure I choose more carefully. The way I got Atton to be a Jedi in my last game more easily was by making sure that every chance I get I suck up to him (I think there's a few chances on Peragus) and in Atris's academy I made sure I got the dialogue option to ask the Handmaiden about Atton's echani stance he used during combat. Later, ask Atton about it but don't press him so much that he gets angry, just suck up and tell him it'll be a help to you. That's what set me over the edge with him. I think I got all the Bao-Dur influence I needed just by having him in my party all the time and choosing lightside option. And, of course, sucking up to him every chance I could get. lol The Disciple is easy, you should be able to turn him in the first conversation with him.
  17. I wish he had more depth to him. I love his voice and I think he had a lot of potential. What the heck is up with the prima guide saying that he might "sacrifice his life for me"? That was never played out. It pissed me off how Kreia wouldn't talk to me about him at the end. She said he was "cloudy" again but I guess that's because he was dead according to cut content. And what is the point of going through the trouble to point out that Kreia can't read Bao-Dur's mind?
  18. I would add a nice solid romance story like Kotor1 had. I actually enjoyed romancing Carth and did not enjoy my relationship choice in this game at all. I want a romance with Atton or Bao-Dur! /cry
  19. Those darn lightsabers drove me insane. The prima guide (which I only rely on when I'm really frustrated) said to use force wave on them. They resist it every time even when my wisdom is through the freaking roof. They can kill me in two rounds no matter what buffs or shields I'm wearing. I don't even remember how I got through it the first time, honestly and I'm too fed up to try on this game again. I've had it- it's insanely difficult when compared to the rest of the game. Also, running Mira out of the pit is pretty hard with all those ubese. The only other part I remember having trouble with is all the bounty hunters on the surface of Telos.
  20. What I don't get is this. I've played through the game twice as lightside female both times. I never saw anything having to do with Carth. Both times I told Atton that Revan was a lightside female. In fact, the second time I played through, right after I destroyed the Ravager I was transported to Malachor V. That's right, no cut scenes of the Telos people telling me thank you, no clue to even tell me to go to Malachor. It's just boom, I'm there. I thought there was supposed to be a scene where I can talk to Carth about Revan if I made the right choices. I at least thought I got a little thank you or a hint to go to that dumb planet. What gives?
  21. I always just use the tactic of running him through the mines and kiting him (staying out of his melee range and using ranged attacks on him). It works pretty well.
  22. I do. I like to dominate. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Wait. I thought you were a girl! <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, girls can dominate. lol
  23. My favorites are Bao-Dur and Atton. I always use them as my party members when I get to choose. I actually use Bao-Dur unarmed and as a Jedi backup (he's got tons of skills in treat injury and things to help his force powers the way I level him up). I tried using Atton in melee the last time I played and didn't have much trouble that way. Basically, I like having Bao-Dur to rely on for computers, repair, and demolitions. Atton is there for security and stealth, and my main handles awareness, persuasion and being an uber tank. Running around with my two favorite guys all the time (Atton is really sweet and Bao-Dur's voice makes me melt) reminds me of playing Kotor I as a lightside female. In that game I would always run around with Carth and Jolee and when I got to Korriban the person at the entrance of the Sith Academy asked me about my companions. I told him they were my slaves, which got an interesting response from Jolee. Taht's how I think of Bao-Dur and Atton. lol, yeah I know I'm crazy.
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