As title says, which to add to the party. My main is chanter/priest named Charlotte Seraphina (how stupid of me), so I'm biased towards Teheku (or Tekehu sp.?).
why/why not for theurge:
Teheku has two unique subclasses and they are both present in multiclass combo (wow, you really don't loose these special subclasses with multiclass), but I'm not sure do I want to deal with cipher mother-in-law, especially since I played with him as companion in my last run before restartitis kicked off.
why/why not witch
Serafen is called similarly to my main character, and I'm simply not into "I would be glad you wash yourself" romance, besides is he even as good as Tekehu, considering he's orlan barbarian/cipher. On the other hand, I think barbarian/cipher makes sense for a pirate.
Classes choices
Tekehu might be just watershaper, haven't yet recruited him
Serafen - I can't picture Serafen as anything besides barbarian/cipher. I find barbarian class natural pirate, RP-wise, since barbarians are wild fighters who drinks, fight and spend their time on the sea, but since he's an orlan, I simply can't see him as pure barbarian. Before you recruit him, he enters your mind, so cipher is natural for him story-wise.
Which and why?