I think you got the spelling right the first time. I'd like this to be put in... Done similarly to Planescape, where you get a pic and short bio on all the NPC's/Enemies/Animals/etc you've met so far.
This is a pet peeve of mine.
Hard work? You were playing a game. More than likely, because you enjoyed it. You sat down and clicked on things or pressed buttons on a controller for a while. Playing games are -not- hard work.
Ooh, I've got an idea. Saber-whip-staff-blasters! They're like a saberwhip, only with whips coming out 2 ends, and when you twirl them around, they shoot blaster bolts!
Time to make a poll!
I'd like it if you were the apprentice for some part of the game, then get the opportunity to take on your own apprentice.
And then, later on, kill them both.
No she could not.
You either killed when u first met her or in the Rakatan temple!
Not true. You can make her good again, but she may not join you.
Yep, but if you go for the DS ending you end up killing her and Jolee on the Rakatan temple after joining Bastila. She can't survive a DS ending.
Both are important, but I'll probably end up finishing a game with crappy gameplay and a good story just to complete the story, while a game with only gameplay I'll get bored off before the end.
I think there was 1 or 2 "smuggling" missions in KOTOR 1, but they weren't really smuggling, since no-one examined your cargo or attempted to stop you from transporting it. Its more a "transporting" misison.
no, but the fact that batman has always been depicted as a big guy DOES mean he should be a big guy.
Not really. He had muscles but is not always drawn as a big guy. And muscles can easily be developed in preperation for his role (See Will Smith as Ali).