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Everything posted by AnarchyJesus

  1. Oh you can't import from Divinity 1? no i mean u cant import/export ur char to ur friend's game and vice versa
  2. dont think its gon happen at this point but i do agree, if bg iwd and nwn can do it all those years ago why cant these game claiming to be the spiritual successor of bg do it now. even Divinity's lack of multiplayer import export bugs me to no end.
  3. lol cool now i just need a steam sell
  4. i played the main campaign when it first came out. the ending was ....a little open ended for me. i been waiting to replay it when all the dlc to comes out. so is forgotten sanctum the last of the dlc aka the end of the main story line for poe2?
  5. i know they said early june, so is it like next week?
  6. planing to do a fighter play through. can someone tell me for sure what did they change/nerf for fighter?
  7. half assed ie co-op is all im asking for. anecdotally speaking i can make 4 ppl buy the game that are not even thinking about getting it now if it had somekind half ass co-op. i didt play divinty 2 but it sure solid well
  8. 1 "Game has budget" having coop = more players = more money hence more of single player experience. 2 dont like coop? dont play coop. 3 was iwd 1&2 nwn 1&2, bg 1&2 all too mainstream for you? because you know they all had coop right? and poe was inspired by those horrible lamestream games.
  9. just look at how many ppl are buying and playing that ugly neverwinter nights enhanced edition. should be easy money
  10. yeah im also kinda disappointed they didt get to work on fallout 76
  11. thats kinda my point. that having multiplayer in those old games did not kept single players like u from playing it, but will bring a lot more ppl in. and the game not be revolve around multiplayer to be multiplayer.
  12. import/export and coop are staples of infinity engine games. it help game reach bigger audience and stay alive way pass its prime. just look at divinity original sin 2 and bg1&2 ee, even obsidian's own nwn2 still have tons of ppl playing it on private severs. i have a few friends i always bring with me to play top down rpg with, but they all went hard pass on deadfire because there is no coop. they are more excited about icewind dale ee 2.5 update than the release of this beautiful brand new game. for a game that is aiming to catch old school infinity fans i think thats a huge missed opportunity.
  13. so if i dont get Yes, but as Kaylon said- it's not needed. Mercy works best with healing chants, especially with party. But it also is boosting rapid recovery so much that it will heal you like crazy. do if i dont get unbending do i just do Mercy and Kindness + old siec or mercy + ancient?
  14. does unbending + Mercy and Kindness = 100% dmg healed aka never die unless they kill u in one hit or have healing reduction?
  15. is that how it works? does that mean when unbending + Mercy and Kindness is on u can never die? (unless they kill u in one hit or have healing reduction i mean)
  16. ic...i wish they have a endless arena type of place to just kill stuff
  17. im planing some builds that dont really kick in till lvl 19. will there be stuff let to do at that point tho?
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