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Everything posted by trashmyego

  1. Some kind of communication would be nice. It doesn't have to be a date, maybe a breakdown of the bugs they're working to have addressed in the first patch? It'd be useful for those of us sitting with a 20-30 hours into a game, wondering if our broken encounter abilities will be fixed or if we should just give up/start over.
  2. This also happened to Sagani's fox at some point during the 7th level. Haven't found a fix for it, removing her from party and bringing her back doesn't do anything
  3. A bug that I'm dealing with on Sagani is her wolf companion's Takedown ability is permanently 'Already activated' and unusable. Resting, dismissing and bringing her back into the party all have no effect on this. Just got the 8th level with her and it's still bugged
  4. I'm dealing with this as well. I think it's just an interface bug, their accuracy seems to not be negatively affected since it would be -25 right? One is 'Blinded' another is 'Blinded (Grazed)'.
  5. I haven't been able to replicate the double-click bug, so there must be something else going on besides that specific trigger. It might just come down to a save file corruption? I've double-clicked to equip things on each of my companions and they still have their passives, I even saved the game and restarted, etc... so it's a combined trigger of some sort.
  6. I'm unable to get this bug to trigger. So it seems that there might be something else at play along with double clicking items to equip them.
  7. Anybody have any idea when this referred patch is coming out? Days, weeks, months? Next week at the earliest from what I've read. Which is kinda ridiculous. Maybe fix things that are breaking the game for people before getting minor balancing all together. But then they haven't said a word in this thread or acted like it has existed outside of a reddit AMA.
  8. Not helpful. Also, this isn't an issue with ironman, all three of my saves do this.
  9. Same things happening to me. Initially entered through the roof down into the Sanctuary, cleared the Sanctuary but didn't have the mechanic skill to get into the two locked rooms. So I went down into the dungeon and cleared that, just talked to the crazy lady and was headed back up to the Sanctuary level, but when I got out into the main level and went to click on the stairs in the kitchen to go back up, the game loaded to a black screen and a movement cursor. I'm stuck right now, all my saves seem to be doing the same thing and I don't have any more recent saves than down in the dungeon. Everything was going smoothly, not a single bug and now I'm really sad because I'm stuck because of this. edit - To add to this. Entering the Sanctuary level from any of it's points leads to the black screen with movement cursor and followed by the game crashing. This is really disappointing
  10. The cage cursor setting in options seem to fail after any dialogue. This is a pretty annoying quality of life thing while running two monitors. It'll keep it caged within the game window but always fails after a time. I'm noticing it most after the dialogue window closes. Alt-tabbing out of the game and back into it seems to reset it, but again it doesn't take long for it to fail.
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