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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Well, I never read the games or played the books and I enjoyed it. Next time I have some time on my hands I might just toss a coin to my Witcher.
  2. Yeah no, they visit Amsterdam for that. That's the only place that really promotes itself with the red light districts and "coffee shops", and most tourists literally don't know Amsterdam is in or even connected to the Netherlands, or "Holland". Believe me, I worked retail in Amsterdam for 6 months. Their flights and tours and travel packets are marketed as trips to "Amsterdam" full stop. Half don't even know they're in Europe. As for my problem with it, it has nothing to do with my views on tourism. Holland is only the name of two provinces, North and South Holland. These two provinces? Well, lets just say calling Dutch people "Hollanders" is comparable to calling every American "Florida Man".
  3. Always hated people referring to us by the name of our worst two provinces.
  4. Nah, societal collapse is the great filter and can't be prevented.
  5. Normally, we don't respond to public callouts but in this case I'd like to clear up a few common misconceptions: Moderators are unpaid volunteers and we don't have any real contact with Obsidian developers. The notion that we know anything about tech issues or get directed to remove things by developers is simply wrong. My personal interaction with Obsidian devs has a single digit word count. Our single directive is to uphold the forum guidelines that everyone who creates an account here agrees to of their own free will. This includes profanity rules. Your post was removed solely because you failed to honor the rules that you yourself agreed to. Other members reported it, it was found in violation, and received the proper response. People often think that it's a strange choice to include profanity rules given some of Obsidian's games, but Obsidian has made multiple products (Star Wars IP, Dungeons & Dragons IP) and will continue to release products (Grounded) that are fit for children and as such the forum guidelines reflect that. We moderators don't know or care about your monitor issue, and even if we did there is literally no way for us to relay that to actual developers. The only thing we care about is that people act respectful and follow the forum rules. For your tech issue, you are probably better off contacting support than talking to us because we have about as much direct contact with the devs as you do. It is unlikely devs will catch it here. The fact you got a green to respond means it's been noticed, but that's the exception and not the rule. The description of this forum literally says: "Having a problem with The Outer Worlds? This forum is for players to assist each other with technical questions." I trust this is clear enough for everybody and to not further derail this thread. If anyone wishes to discuss it further, they can contact our squad leader Fionavar. If you've forgotten or are confused about the tiny handful of forum guidelines we enforce, there's a link to it in the corner of the forum and I'll leave one here: https://forums.obsidian.net/announcement/35-forum-guidelines/
  6. The first domino has fallen. My brother just came to meet my baby, and proceeded to announce he and his wife are having a baby. It's like a disease.
  7. Or, you know, the US will finally become a normal civilization instead the most boring dystopia.
  8. Dolemite Is My Name was indeed quite entertaining, thanks for the recommendation Hurlshot.
  9. To get really old school, I don't own but have pretty much unrestricted access to a pre-release Oculus Rift Dev Kit. One of the perks of being a former game dev. It's huge and a massive pain and I'd love to get something newer.
  10. BeatSaber is one hell of a workout. I like a custom Mortal Kombat one I got, it gets me pumped.
  11. It'll be fought by... Captain Picard?
  12. Thanks. Baby related observation: I seem to have Pavlov'd myself. Every time the baby cries I find myself singing Yellow Submarine, whether I'm holding him or not.
  13. Also very noticeable in those graphs are the Dubya points.
  14. Yeah, even as someone who eats a lot of Domino's, it's pretty awful. It's just on the corner of my street, so I get discount for picking it up and the most I need to do for it is put on some pants.
  15. Try getting it off a baby's bottom. It's veeery sticky. Although surprisingly pretty much odorless. Go figure.
  16. Thanks everyone. The only thing I have to share is that baby diapers can be filled with many colors!
  17. Yoda was on the council with a female of his species called Yaddle. It stands to reason this is their child, Yodel.
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