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Everything posted by Blarghagh

  1. Witnessed my wife push a living creature out of her nether regions. I have a son! His name is Brendan.
  2. Thank you! Yes, it's a boy. Which is fantastic, because I don't recall having any positive male role models and I have no idea how to be one. Of course, it's a moot point for now because he's imitating the dutch train service - he's late, I don't know why he's late and I have no idea when he will get here...
  3. Ah yes, the "children in Africa are starting" argument. Easily countered by the whole "two wrongs don't make a right" thing. Although I suppose these days a more apt response is "ok boomer".
  4. Is The Mandalorian entirely side quests?
  5. Baby was due today. Doesn't seem to be happening though. Feeling impatient as hell.
  6. I don't know what that is but I love it so much.
  7. I didn't finish it. I'm not that big a fan of Scorcese's work anyway, but this lacked something more. I think it's that Scorcese's made films like this before but they either about good people getting tragically embroiled and falling from grace such as The Godfather or if they're about fundamentally irredeemable people like Goodfellas or The Wolf of Wallstreet they make up for it with infectious kinetic energy. This, however, was the slow pace of Godfather without any appealing characters. I just found myself not caring about any of these people . Also, the de-aging effects are really awkward because especially DeNiro still carries himself like an old man in these sequences. The effect is hilariously uncanny valley.
  8. I love that this joke comes back every election. Personally, I always root for the meteor.
  9. It seems my wife is unintentionally trying to prepare me for the sleepless nights we are going to face by snoring louder than I thought humanly possible. That baby better pop out soon. Due on the 6th so any minute now. Constant vigilance!
  10. Child's Play remake. As someone who hated all Chucky movies because they're self-referential farces, I found myself actually enjoying this one. It was darkly comedic without the wink wink nudge nudge and this take on Chucky was much more interesting than "he's evil, deal with it".
  11. The Mandalorian. It's like Firefly, if Firefly didn't have the clever writing or likeable characters. So far it's keeping me interested solely because of the cutest gremlin of all time.
  12. Joker. Disappointing. Joaquin Phoenix was fantastic but the script was a cliched pastiche of better movies and this Joker isn't really even similar to any incarnation of THE Joker, he never exhibits any real intelligence and this manchild certainly wouldn't be able to be the nemesis of Batman. Would have been a better movie if it wasn't related to the DC Joker.
  13. My wife and I love playing Survival Games together (Don't Starve, Minecraft, The Isle, childbearing) and Grounded looks perfectly our jam.
  14. You cannot. Animals can kill each other, not people.
  15. Planet Zoo. Beautiful and allows for endless creativity, but the UI is atrocious!
  16. Contact support to inquire about refunds. Since this has gone completely off topic (amongst other reasons), closed.
  17. It certainly kills my favourite playstyle, permadeath. Lagspikes killing your hardcore characters gets old reaaally fast.
  18. Now I know this isn't your first Blizzard title, so how come you don't know about Blizzard time?
  19. Well, at least it'll be quicker leveling to go into Ravenloft- oops I mean Shadowlands.
  20. Overwatch 2 looks like an expansion pack sold as a sequel. WoW Shadowlands looks like a patch sold as an expansion pack. How is this BlizzCon so dull despite so much new stuff?
  21. Shadowlands is by far the least hyped I've ever been for a WoW expansion.
  22. Hahaha, Maximum Grimderp! Accurate, but cautiously optimistic. That Hong Kong apology was nothing though.
  23. Terminator: Dark Fate The movie itself was just generic, but I spent this entire film being in a ****ing rage at the Newt & Hicks bull**** they pull in the opening credits. Bring on the next reboot because this ain't the one, chief.
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