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Everything posted by Surreptishus

  1. I'm not condoning Boll's work or denying the right to criticise. I just wonder why people get so up in arms over something that is below the radar. Uwe Boll makes crap film out of a game, so what? It does not prevent anybody making a good game to film adaptation and it in no way harms the original product.
  2. there isn't an emotion that mirrors the expression on my face right now, so i'll do this :ph34r:
  3. Your desperation does you no good CoF.
  4. "their"? what personal stake do these "people" have in the films?
  5. Hmm, curious that this appears less than a day after I slew the mighty Kotor 3 thread. *strokes chin*
  6. I don't condone unfettered exposure to violence and sex, for example via the evil internet. I was merely reminiscing about the controlled delivery of action in 80's films.
  7. Wrong forum, its IGN's prediction
  8. but why all the hatred?
  9. As long as he sticks to game adaptations I aint bothered.
  10. how would you manage that?
  11. Read it a half hour ago, it is funny. I wonder how well those types of game sell?
  12. If people say they they eat a lot and don't exercise or gain weight, its most probably because they are overestimating the amount they eat. Then again there are other factors involved - age, sleeping, health stress etc. While at college i used to train with weights, a lot. I used to think being big was cool but i could never find any decent fitting clothes and the extra muscular weight played havoc with my knees (although i didnt realise it at the time). Weights are still an important part of my routine but i do a lot more cardio nowadays and i don't go heavy on the weights. Light to medium resistance training is very good when you are young as it strengthens your bones which will help when you are old. It is also very good at lessening the effect of osteoporis in women.
  13. He man was a cartoon and the film was fantasy crap.
  14. The 80's action flick was the greatest movie genre of all time, it taught men how to be men, it taught women how to be rightfully subservient to men and it had plenty of explosions KA-BOOM! Alas i fear for today's youth for without such films they will grow up to be spineless emasculated pansies RIP 80's action flick.
  15. Why the hell are you a mod if you flamebait regarding the US at every chance you get?
  16. why are you so afraid to try something new?
  17. Meesa love you! Yoosa love me! Weesa moy moy happy family
  18. Dude, it'll be a total sausagefest.
  19. WHy not replace the kissing scenes with martial arts scenes?
  20. I am fluent in almost six million forms of roundhouse kicks
  21. What if they were hairless and smooth? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hmmm......lemme think.... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Come on, if you think about it who knows how to pleasure a man better than a man?
  22. What if they were hairless and smooth?
  23. ^ Tru dat.
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