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Posts posted by Maedhros

  1. 1 minute ago, Lexx said:

    What the ****ing ****, piece of **** Netflix canned The Dark Crystal. What the **** is wrong with these dumbnuts doing all these retarded decisions. God, I'm seriously pissed now.

    Wow that's lame. Season 1 was a show I really enjoyed - there was clearly a lot of passion behind the project. Hope someone else picks it up if that's possible?

  2. Political ads are banned here, both on tv/radio, and on posters outside etc (to avoid the biggest/richest parties dominating airtime), not sure how common that is around the globe? As far as I'm concerned, good riddance. I'm sure there's a lot of shady stuff on social media, but I prefer my exposure to politics be reasonable debates, and politicians actually talking about issues.

  3. CK2 is such a great game, that I've played far, far too much. More developers should make Grand Strategy games with RPG flavour.

    However, I couldn't really get into CK3 right away, so I'm gonna wait for a few patches before I start playing. Right now it doesn't really feel any better than CK2, despite some welcome changes.

  4. 16 minutes ago, ShadySands said:

    I thought the Dune trailer was okay but I'm not a huge fan of Dune. I always thought it should have ended after the first book.

    I thought book 4 was very good, and would make for a very fascinating film in the right hands. A guy turns himself into a Giant Sandworm and becomes the Emperor of the Universe for thousands of years to teach humanity a lesson, what's not to like?

    Book 2 & 3 less so, though they somehow managed to adapt those decently in that Children of Dune miniseries (that sadly doesn't hold up well CGIwise).


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  5. It's pretty common for trailers to misrepresent, so there might not even be any internal dialogue in the film.

    I don't think the trailer was good at all, very generic. I think (and hope) the director had very little to do with it, and that the tone of the film will be quite different.

    2 hours ago, LadyCrimson said:

    Although, maybe it's my age, but the actor playing Paul isn't working for me.  It's nice they picked someone who doesn't look 30 (when Paul is supposed to be a teenager), but he has too much of a posh runway fashion-model look to him, or something.

    Disregarding how he looks, he seems to be a phenomenal young actor. I've only seen him in The King, and Call Me by Your Name, but he nailed both of those very different roles.

  6. I don't really affiliate with any political party or politician in Norway either. I tend to vote for the little ones that are good watch dogs, to help ensure they get a seat or two in parliament. The uttermost left party here is actually pretty good in terms of unveiling corruption. I wouldn't want them to govern the country, but I'd prefer they have a public voice.

  7. 5 hours ago, Volourn said:

    The deal shouldn't be surprising. Whatever side of the Isreal-Palestine debate you are on, the ME/Muslim coutnries there don't care about Palestine. They don't even treat Palestinians who live in their own countries all that humanely. The only reason why those countries care about the conflict at all is because of how much the populace and governments hate Jews..

    Also, it is so intellectually dishonest to see Palestinians or anyone whining about how Isreal 'stole' Palestinian land.  That was Isreal land first and was stolen from them. Plus, modern 'Palestine' is a relatively  modern creation. It reminds me of Natives whining about the evil white man stealing 'their' land while a) proclaiming the land belongs to 'everybody' and b) native tribes had a long history of 'stealing' land from other tribes.


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    @Guard Dog

    I don't know if I agree with point 3. State enterprises CAN be very profitable - but it's hard if politicians do their best to make them fail so they can score political points. "We need to dismantle State Enterprise X! It doesn't generate profit!" "...well yeah, you underfunded it, appointed your incompetent friend as its leader and sacked half of their workers, duh." 

    Besides, a state enterprise has the advantage of not necessarily needing to be profit-based, giving huge potential for quality if not hindered by politics. As a wine nerd I'm thankful for our state-owned wine monopoly stores that are in another league than 99% of all wine shops in the world.

    There's also our national oil fund...another example of how privatization isn't always the smart move. There is no set rule here. It can work.

    (But possibly not in a country where everyone largely distrusts the government, I'll concede that!)

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  9. Went on a 15 minute hike with my son, up to the nearby Stave Church. My (soon-to-be) 2 year old son loves to yell "KIRKE!" (church) whenever he sees one, and can stare at them for minutes.




    Fun fact: The stave church is a reconstruction, after previously being burnt to the grown by the infamous Varg Vikernes.

    For the curious:







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