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Posts posted by Maedhros

  1. Agree 100% that schools need to focus more on personal finance and "life hacks". Something that helped me a lot economically was not  buying a car. There is simply no need for me when the collective transport is good and inexpensive. Yet it's so imprinted in everyone that they NEED to have a car, even when they have no money or important use for it. It's a luxury for sure, but not worth taking an expensive loan for just to get to the shop 5 minutes faster than you would when walking (or cycling).

    Luckily many of the things that can kill you economically are quite inexpensive here. Student loans are very fair here to the point that you should probably get it and invest it in something even if you don't need the loan. Healthcare is incredibly cheap. Except dentists. Bloody dentists. I feel so sorry for people who are unlucky with their teeth.

  2. 2 hours ago, Guard Dog said:

    Hamas fires rockets and kills Israelis; no big deal. IDF responds and they are murderers. Same ole same ole. 

    Hamas firing rockets is like the tiny kid trying to fight back at the big kid who bullies him. You can understand why he snaps and tries to fight back, but it'll only end worse for him in the end.

    Netanyahu welcomes these attacks for sure.

  3. Currently watching a show called Dorohedoro on Netflix. The premise is that the main character has a reptile head and amnesia, and is trying to figure out how that happened. His world ("The Hole") is bleak and downtrodden, and sorcerers are teleporting in daily to abduct, and experiment on its inhabitants. It's got a weird lighthearted tone, despite being very dark and creepy. I'm halfway through it, and so far I can recommend it.

    Before that I watched Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer. For a shounen (is that the term?) show it was really good. Very likeable main character, unlike other series in the same genre.

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  4. On 3/25/2021 at 12:31 AM, ComradeYellow said:

    Heineken.  Best beer ever bar none.

    This should also be the tobacco and hookers thread.

    I mean **** who doesn't want to die with a collapsed lung, a sweet prostitute, and a blood alcohol level that's 4 times the legal driving limit??


  5. 8 hours ago, Darkpriest said:

    Yes, however, I wonder how resilient that fund is, especially, when there is a political pressure to its investment strategy. 

    It's quite resilient, but also reliant on the world economy of course. It has 1,4% of all stocks and shares in the world. It's so diversified it's hard to see if political pressure against investing in a sector/certain companies should matter much. Throughout the years they've exluded companies they deem to be unethical, hasn't seemed to have done much harm.

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  6. 49 minutes ago, Darkpriest said:

    Well, we have had ample examples that socializm does not work, yet there we are each time there is a bit more of stable and prosperous time, people wanting to implement it saying "this time it is different, because xyz is taking care of that"

    No one wants to implement socialism though. No one except loonies on the fringes. Wanting a government that cares for its people (affordable education & healthcare, proper labour rights, etc) is what most left-leaning people want. That's not socialism, that's just common sense.

    • Like 1
  7. I watched Fate / Zero, which I liked well enough. Currently watching the sequel, Fate/Stay Night: Unlimited Bladeworks, and I'm a bit dissapointed at the lack of connection between the two shows. Many of the characters are the same, but they never really talk about what happened before, as if it never happened.

  8. I love using Jerusalem artichokes instead of potatoes sometimes. Last weekend I made a puree of some, as well as chips from what remained. Worked like a charm alongside duck breast and a red wine sauce. Doesn't look very delicate, and I should've reduced the sauce some more, but it tasted good!




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  9. 1 hour ago, Azdeus said:

    Fremskrittspartiet in Norway is also making headway for what its worth.

    They're actually less popular than they used to be. They've seen up to 15% of the votes in earlier elections, now they're polled at around 8%.

    As far as "far right" parties go, they're kind of mild and hard to categorize. They attract the nationalist loonies though, that's for sure, and I wonder how they'll fare with if Sylvi Listhaug ( https://www.bbc.com/news/blogs-news-from-elsewhere-36102329 )becomes their new leader, which looks like it'll happen.

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  10. We all pay taxes (I'm guessing). It's completely reasonable to expect something back. Hold your government accountable if it doesn't provide good services for the money you pay them.

    One thing I like that's started happening here in recent years is that food stores in cooperation with the government made a pledge/commitment to massively reduce food waste. So now all food stores have big discounts on stuff close to its expirey date. Would have loved that stuff back when I was a student.

  11. It's not really a double taxation, the same person doesn't pay it twice - being dead and all. From a reciever's point of view - everything you earn should be taxed. Including the money you earn from your dead family members. (Edit: I guess recieve is a better word than earn here. You don't really earn your inheritance money. All the more reason to tax it, imo).

    • Like 3
  12. 5 hours ago, Katphood said:

    Taken from Wikipedia:


    'On 24 August 2012, Breivik was adjudged sane and sentenced to containment—a special form of a prison sentence that can be extended indefinitely; with an approximate period of 21 years and a minimum time of 10 years, the maximum penalty in Norway. Breivik did not appeal and on 8 September media announced that the verdict was final.'


    But wait, it gets better...



    'In letters to foreign media outlets he told about his demands (in 2013) to prison authorities "including easier communication with the outside world and a PlayStation 3 to replace the current PlayStation 2, because it offers more suitable games"; media reported in 2014 about demands that he would starve himself to death if refused "access to a sofa and a bigger gym"; furthermore he said that "Other inmates have access to adult games while I only have the right to play less interesting kids' games. One example is "Rayman Revolution", a game aimed at three year-olds," Breivik complained to prison officials."




    Key point underlined. Breivik will spend the rest of his life in jail.

    • Thanks 1
  13. 29 minutes ago, BruceVC said:

    Sorry to hear, do you blame government or citizen behavior ?

    But once you implement the normal system it will be fine, yes the masks definitely need to be part of the approach

    What was Tegnell reason for not using mask....what science was he trying to follow ?

    The people will do what they're told. Trust in government and in experts is very high in Scandinavia. So the problem starts when the "expert" is wrong, like what happened in Sweden. When he tells people masks aren't necessary, people will listen to that. And when no one wears masks, no one wants to stand out in a crowd as one of the few who does so. As soon as masks became mandatory here in Norway (also too late, but way way quicker than in Sweden), everyone started wearing them immediately.

    Edit: I believe his reasoning was that there wasn't any science that indicates masks helps (there is), and that masks would give people a false sense of security. That they then wouldn't care about social distancing.

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  14. 13 minutes ago, Pidesco said:

    No one really knows if it is a failure. It didn't "went". It's still ongoing and it's way too early to draw any encompassing conclusions. Europe is hitting a new spike right now due to the holidays and things will get worse before they get better.

    I guess there's one thing that can be said was a failure. Namely protecting the elderly in care homes at the start of the pandemic. It was terrible, and the Swedish authorities have admitted as much. 

    Sweden right now is in process of setting up more restrictions, after passing a temporary law giving some emergency powers to the government. To begin they are limiting the number of people in businesses to 1 per every 10 square metres. Also children from the 7th grade up are being sent home, where schools have the resources in place to teach remotely. This is in addition to a requirement to use masks in public transport during rush hours. 




    It has been an ongoing failure though. Look at Sweden's numbers compared to Norway and Denmark. Tegnell was a fool to doubt the effectiveness of masks, and the new requirements came way too late.


  15. 2 hours ago, Gfted1 said:

    The UK will be stronger than every other EU member except Germany? Delicious. I guess they were right. 👍

    Will be? They already are and have been for a long time. They'd be an economical powerhouse in Europe with or without Brexit.

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